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Beta Tester
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About demivion

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  1. demivion

    0.18b Map bug - Torture Chamber

    Entered the boss room of Torture Chamber, bot kept trying to click on the boss room entrance even though it was already in the boss room. I think it's because the boss room is very close to the main map.
  2. There are a lot of other issues that are more likely to get users banned than the name of the window I'd rather Alk spend his time making the bot's in-game actions a more humanlike rather than worry about something that GGG doesn't concern itself with. If GGG did look at window titles then we'd all already be instantly banned
  3. Was thinking today, based on what i've seen in the bans from GGG they must be using several different techniques to detect botting players. We know that one of those methods the amount of new instances you create within a certain time frame, another is likely based on in-human play/session time length. However, since high level bots are getting banned in maps (non spam instances) there must be another method of detection that we don't know about yet. What if GGG was detecting APM (actions per minute) and looking for certain patterns? As the bot is now, APM will be very high and steady all the time, even in town, or when just exploring the map... easily detectable. If there is always .1 seconds between every action a player takes how could they not be a bot? I'm assuming that the bot has at least 2 different modes, exploration, and combat. What if there were 2 different AI_clicks_per_second settings, one for combat and one for in-town selling or exploring? There could even be a setting for a random variation in the clicks per second to make it more human-like. I think this would help lessen the bans Example: AI_clicks_per_second_combat=8 AI_clicks_per_second_explore=3 AI_clicks_per_second_variation=1 (meaning that both combat and explore would be +/- 1 click per second randomly)
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