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Everything posted by lawlessmafia

  1. lawlessmafia

    DPS - Gear Problems

    Hello, I am playing PoE for more than 2 years now. I have been spending a lot of problems, and before the bot a lot of RMT with chinese / Player Auction, to try all of thoose super amazing build from different website, ColbyCheeze / Ziggy etc.. But any road i can follow, any path i can try, i always have the same problems , somewhere i can't do anythings anymore.. For exemple : Actually i am Maraudeur LeapSlam / DomBlow, and my skill only have 6K DPS, I have 56% Reduce Pdmg and i am over 75% in all resist ( except chaos ), I have 2k7 HP at lvl 79. But i can't let the bot at Lunaris Temple cause of Brutus, or i can't MYSELF run Piety without Loosing XP by stupid dying,( not on piety ) but on thoose stupid women mobs with big nipples and tentacle who throw spike.. I mean there is always something who just make my caracter limited, no matter how much investissement i put on it. Do you guys have some tips for me? Do you have any successfull path u are following? Did i missed something? Thanks.
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