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Beta Tester
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Posts posted by dario23

  1. Good for you. My info's based only on what happened to me and my friends. We've always used VM+VPS, and we could never last more than 1 month after reaching lvl 90+. Best of luck to you.


    You are probably using public vpn and didint change your hardware id


    Yeah, more cpu and pagefile are a good idea as well.

    BTW what happened with your reputation marci ?? You are like the first person with negative reputation I notice :D


     LOL just noticed how is it even possible

  2. The bot does have a ALT pickup mode.


    In game you go to options then to the interface tab.


    and find key pickup and enable it.


    on the loot tab on the bot you will find a use alt to loot option.


    using this your bot won't pickup anything it doesn't need.

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