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Posts posted by Gurud

  1. Updated offsets.




    Gurud I was using your script in a VM my vm have 2500 memory  and the bot + window 7 = 1500-1600 . But after a while your script was taking more and more ram and made the bot crashed. the script was using 6k at first and went up to 600k do you know why?



    It usually means there was a wrong offset so the script was trying to read non existent memory, the update should fix it. If it is not fixed post what region/server you are on.

  2. Hello Gurud,

    I playing on Taiwan Server and using PoE MultiScript,but it can't auto remove debuff(ex. shocked).

    Please help, thank you.


    Chinese mods name:


    of Heat=熱火之


    of Grounding=接地之


    of Dousing=澆熄之


    of Warding=守護之


    of Staunching=止血之


    Thanks, i'll add as soon as Taiwan updates to poe v. 1.2.4

  3. OMG your reply makes today looks like christmas morning to me.


    Haven't recived a great news like this for a long time,truly thank u sir !


    and also,here's the mod names u needed:


    Catalysed = 催化的


    Bubbling = 起泡的


    Saturated = 飽和的


    Seething = 沸騰的


    Panicked = 恐慌的


    Thanks, Updated.


    Now it should be fully working :)

  4. UPDATE ON 10/14/2014


    Change Logs:


    1. Fixed bugs of last version.


    2. Added support for Garena - Singapore/Malasya and Taiwan.


    I still need the mods name from Taiwan, please help me get them if you are playing on the Taiwan server.

    You just need to open the debug window and copy the mods.


    What i need:


    Catalysed = 催化的
    Bubbling = ??
    Saturated = ??
    Seething = ??
    Panicked = ??


  5. UPDATE ON 09/19/2014


    Change Logs:


    1. Fixed bugs on health % per hit  feature (sorry for the delay)


    2. Added option to use removal flask of curses and corrupted blood


    3. Changed the Hotkeys Configuration, now it should support all keys, mouse etc.


    4. Added Hotkey to use the hideout command.


    5. Changed the autoquit methot "kill process" to (ALT + F4) because of this: chris_wilson be talkin' 'bout RIP. Screen Froze / I Crashed ? #1 Beyond


    Full changes:



    PS: I don't know if the ctrl bug is fixed, could be, if not report it again, ty.

    • Upvote 1

  6. UPDATE ON 09/12/2014


    Change Logs:


    1. Fixed bugs introduced on the last script (auto shift and health % per hit  feature)


    2. Updated offsets to 1.2.2


    3. Added new option to use status ailments flasks (frozen, shocked, burning)


    4. QuickSilver flask will now only be used if there are no other quicksilver flask already running (so the if you use the quicksilver the script detects that and won't use another one over that)


    Full changes:

    • Upvote 2

  7. UPDATE ON 07/27/2014


    Change Logs:


    1. Now the script reads from the game the Hotkeys you are using for the flasks, you can now change to wherever hotkey you like inside the game and the script should still use it correctly.


    2. Added a MD5 Hash check on the poe exe file, so now whenever there's an update or change on the client the Base Address should auto update.


    3. Changed the Trade spam, no more random channels, and now Trade Spam works even if PoE is not the Active Window. (So you can spam trade chat while surfing the web~)


    4. Fixed several bugs that were slowing the script. Now it should be faster.


    5. Now auto detects if you are using Steam.


    Full changes:

    • Upvote 2

  8. Ok guys, i already did the hard part, this script already properly reads from the memory the Private Messages (PM's) you receive.


    I'll post the source because i want the community to actually develop this since i don't have the time.


    What it does Right now is to log all the PM's you receive/send to "PMLog.ini" file that will be created in the same folder as the script.


    If you are using this basic script on your own PM Logger, keep the source open(if you are sharing).


    If you want to add a action when you received a PM is pretty easy to do.



    What it reads:


    PlayerStats.ChatMsg contains "@PlayerName: MSG"
    PlayeStats.ChatName contains "PlayerName"
    PlayerStats.ChatDate contains "YEAR/MONTH/DAY"
    PlayerStats.ChatTime contains "HOUR:MIN:SEC"
    PlayerStats.Name contains "YourPlayerName"
    Linked Items will appear as "_"
    Using This Library:
    Compiled if you just want to log the PM's and not do any action:
    • Upvote 2

  9. This Script will show with a tooltip in game, the distance between your hero and your mouse, by In Game Coordinates.


    This was created with the objective to help to set up the Distance of Skills on the Bot.




    Since it's reading the coords from the game memory, it will ready the coords of the terrain you mouse are over at.

    The inclination of the game screen and terrain also will influence in the coord read. 

    For ex, at the top screen you will get more distance then at the bottom because the inclination favors the top.


    That said, my guess it's the same way the bot calculates the distance for the skills. (waiting on confirmation)







    Using AutoHotkeyMemoryLib.ahk







    • Upvote 2

  10. Currently I am reworking the Quicksilver script from scratch. The past has taught me that different systems exhibit different pixelcolor locations.Thats why i am looking for someone who would like to help me testing the new script a bit. That is why I am looking for someone to help me a little while to test the script. I hope therefore to be able to eliminate these problems in advance.


    If anyone is interested drop me a PM!


    Sorry to intrude in your topic Immo, but i've added quicksilver support to my script and i think it's pretty good right now.


    You can set up to use When 20+ Charges or 40+ Charges.


    It reads from memory if you have a quicksilver equipped, and to what slot.


    It uses first the flask who has more Charges.


    And you can set up to only use when Moving(Only Moving and not Attacking using skills etc) and for how many seconds to wait on movement to use.


    For Example Only Use QuickSilver when Available(20 Charges) and Moving for more than 1.5 seconds! 

    (so if you moved for 1 second and then attacked a mob, the timer would reset)


    Again, sorry to Intrude.



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