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Quad and Currency Stash support

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Sorry if this has been asked but i can't find a straight answer anywhere on the forums.

Are the microtransactions like currency tab and quad tab supported at all? 

If not has anyone found a workaround that still allows these tabs to be used at all? It sure would be nice if the bot could at least put currency in the currency tab. If he can't take stuff out of the currency tab that's fine in my opinion because augmenting map ingredients (alterations, transmutations and alchemy's) can easily be stored in a different stash tab as long as the bot knows not to try to pull those items out of the currency tab if it means getting stuck in a loop.

Does anyone have any experience with this? If so how are you stash tabs set up in the bot?

I recall messing around with it for a minute and it seemed like it would have worked until the bot picked up some cards during a run, and when he was stashing items and got to the cards, he just kept trying to stick them in the currency tab.


Edited by Devanzr

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I think Quad stash in only supported in the way that the bot is able to stash items there..but if for what ever reason it tries to get somethign from the stash(map, currency) it is not able to.


So as i get it Currency Stash is the only stash officially supported

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