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Bot dose nothing

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Bot Will not work. spent a week reading your websites guides. Worst money I have spent for something that's free in most games. never before have a paid for such a crap program with little proper guides or support to get it working.


Tried running on steam versions and normal.

settings are as recommend x9 mode 800x600 windowed.

Molten strike is my main skill the


bot won't do anything with any skill from priority 1 to 10 won't even move from going out of town just sits at the waypoint.

have move bound to left click it will not move. Have move bound to right click it will not move?   nor will qwert. nothing works in any order or settings.

When the aura is set to my anger aura it just constantly spams it on and off sitting at the waypoint. no matter if its left click right clicks or mouse wheel or qwert. or from 0 to 10 or aura or not aura. I have to completely remove it from my skills bar so it will stop loop spamming on and off the aura....... 


Not very happy with this bot at all.  Next month I might be trying exile buddy instead as this is way to frustrating to even get going for someone who is doing poe bots for the first time. Botted many games before never with any trouble like this or "fees"...... 



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Calm down man. Bot works  fine. Post your logs and screenshots of all your settings if you want to get help. But most likely you already messes something up, so you should redownload bot and start it with as little changes is settings as possible. Make sure you use the latest bot version and dx9 game client.

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