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Hello, Bot Questions

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Hello, I purchased the bot a day or two at most before the patch released and now it isn't working 100% since the new patch. Will I get days reimbursed on my subscription or are these days counted towards my status?

If the latter could I at least know about how long it takes to get an update because currently the bot is running the same as before the patch running 0.72j but it seems to bug out on attacking bosses and stops and starts to loot things around and will eventually leave the area.. the other concern I see is that it will start alting.. trying to find an item maybe but the cursor will just go up the screen slowly and reset and go down slowly. It seems to get stuck here and stop working completely when this happens making it impossible to AFK.

Previously, I did not have any of these issues before the patch.

Any insight would be very helpful and greatly appreciated. 


Edited by Ashanex
counter -> counted

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> purchased the bot a day or two at most before the patch released and now it isn't working 100% since the new patch. Will I get days reimbursed on my subscription or are these days counted towards my status?

What do you mean it isn't working? Bot was updated quite fast after poe's patch.

> it seems to bug out on attacking bosses and stops and starts to loot things around and will eventually leave the area
Bot has timer for killing single mob. If it can't kill the mob in 45 seconds, then bot ignores it. You can change this in config file, but the best decision would be to improve your build.

>the other concern I see is that it will start alting.. trying to find an item maybe but the cursor will just go up the screen slowly and reset and go down slowly

This means bot is trying to pick up something that is hidden by your loot filter. So just adjust you loot filter with your pickit settings.



Edited by SupZerg

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