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Ratchulas AMAZING trade script!!

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I've made a very nice trade chat script that will enter a *message* of Buying, Selling, or other,

starting in trade chat 1 up to whatever number you put in the loop statement

*The message entered should not contain item links // this script is not made for item links, yet*

Undocumented version:

(Always updated - Use this)

V 1.2

+ Change the script to support trade chat over 9.

V 1.1

+ Change else statement portion to not have to retype "/trade" but instead press up, up backspace, then enter the next room number. (more simplified + better).

; Version 1.2

_ran(min, max)
   random, ran, %min%, %max%
   return ran

_roomnumber = 1
Loop, 20 {     ;Replace the number 20 with the max trade room to go to.
	if (_roomnumber = 1) {
		Send {Enter}/trade %_roomnumber%{Enter}
		Sleep, % _ran(488, 888)
		Send {Enter}$ WTS 500 Scroll of Wisdom :: 2chaos{Enter}     ;replace my message with YOUR message.
		Sleep, % _ran(488, 888)
		_roomnumber ++
	} else if (_roomnumber <= 9)  { {
		Send {Enter}{Up 2}{Backspace}%_roomnumber%{Enter}
		Sleep, % _ran(488, 888)
		Send {Enter}{Up 2}{Enter}
		Sleep, % _ran(488, 888)
		_roomnumber ++
	} else if (_roomnumber = 10) {
		Send {Enter}{Up 2}{Backspace}%_roomnumber%{Enter}
		Sleep, % _ran(488, 888)
		Send {Enter}{Up 2}{Enter}
		Sleep, % _ran(488, 888)
		_roomnumber ++
	} else if (_roomnumber > 10) {
		Send {Enter}{Up 2}{Backspace}{Backspace}%_roomnumber%{Enter}
		Sleep, % _ran(488, 888)
		Send {Enter}{Up 2}{Enter}
		Sleep, % _ran(488, 888)
		_roomnumber ++

Documented version

(not updated, just explaining the code / concept)

t::                                                           ; Pressing the "t" key will start this script.
_roomnumber = 1                                               ; this variable is the trade chat room var.
Loop, 5 {                                                     ; IMPORTANT :: whatever number you replace the 5 with is the max trade chat room number you'll go to.
	if (_roomnumber = 1) {                                     ; After the first loop the bot will press Up Up rather than retyping the message.
		Send {Enter}/trade %_roomnumber%{Enter}                 ; Enters the trade chat room 1.
 		Sleep, % _ran(488, 888)                                ; Randomized sleep, script is more humanized.

		Send {Enter}$ WTS 500 Scroll of Wisdom :: 2chaos{Enter} ; IMPORTANT :: replace message with your message
		Sleep, % _ran(488, 888)                                 ; Randomized sleep, script is more humanized.

		_roomnumber ++                                          ; Adds 1 to the trade chat room number variable, the next room to enter is 2.
	} else {                                                   ; If the trade chat room number is not 1 do the part below instead.
		Send {Enter}/trade %_roomnumber%{Enter}                 ; Enters the next trade chat room (if last room was trade 2, next is trade 3)
		Sleep, % _ran(488, 888)                                 ; Randomized sleep, script is more humanized.

		Send {Enter} {Up 2} {Enter}                             ; Rather than entering the message, the script presses up 2 times to get the message (better than retyping every time)
		Sleep, % _ran(488, 888)                                 ; Randomized sleep, script is more humanized.
		_roomnumber ++                                          ; Prepares for the next trade chat room number (if last room was trade 2, next is trade 3)

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