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I don't understand something about elite and beta

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so, i was trying to use the bot, but it says i need to be Elite, that implies donating 20usd. Is the bot currently only avaible by donation? or is there a free version released after a while? I don't really have 20usd now so i wanted to know if i had to wait until i get paid or i can just start using the free version.


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You just cannot use elite features e.g. use TP Scrolls instead of logout, the rest of the bot should be fully functional, iirc. I used it like half a day before I donated.

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I donated because I am a part of the D2Etal Dev team, and I know that what I donate will be put to good use. Hosting costs alone will bankrupt and demotivate any programmer, and your $20 will simply motivate the programmers to do more for what you've put forward. Appreciation will be returned.

Just know that this game, and botting for it, is still very early in the life cycle, so you may not see too much benefit for donating now. But once it kicks off and they have a breakthrough, you will know your donation was well spent!

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The current version is RC = Release Candidate (only elites have acess), we are testing the new feature " Smart pickit ", Im sure thats the reason the free version is taking a little longer, it is a huge update to the bot and needs a little bit more time to get it working fine.

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LOL you are testing smart pickit.... CONGRATZ man, this will never be available for non-elite members so who cares ? Bot could've been released couple of days ago and noone from no-elite users would even notice anything. The truth is, the longer bot will be only as RC, the more impatient fellas' will buy it.

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WEll, that is true, that people will get impatient and buy it... I don't know if pickit will be an elite option or not. I guess they could release some kind of beta for the non-elite i'm waiting for it to farm enough to donate my 25usd (selling orbs on PA)

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