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[solved] Doesnt hit the buttons of the WP

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I run 2 bots on 2 diffrent maschines. On my pc, everything is totally fine. On my laptop also everything runs good, EXCEPT: He loggs in, farms Docks (in this case), comes back 5mins, farms it again, and so on until he remakes/hits the 4th instance. Then the curser doesnt hit the NEW instance button anymore and he gets stuck there. That happens also when I manuelly click it and he remakes the 5th, 6th, 7th and so on.

My resolution is 800x600, Autohidding Winbar, v0.11c rc4 Bot.

Any ideas?


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Alright, I figured out what the problem was, at least for my station.

The newest bot didnt work, so I worked with the coordinates. I had to change this part in the coordinates config file:

; offset to jump to the next button on instance selection screen



next_instance_offset is default on 52

To change it on 55 fixxed it for me.

Now it works perfectly fine.

Thanks and cu arround

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I am having this problem trying to get to the mudflats, I use the AhK window spy to get the co-ords, plug them into the next instance spot and it doesnt seem to affect the cursor at all when trying to select new instance.

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