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How many acts can this bot do?

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As the title says how many acts have been programed to do ? if i start a low level character and want to do all acts for example how far can it get ? :)

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That's a bit misleading, It runs up until bandits in act 2, Pick your bandits then run it again it will complete act 2.  It will do act 3 but get hung up in some spots. 
For the rest of the acts you just set it to clear that zone and it will pickup the quest items if you have that checked and as long as there's no quest obstacle in the way it will run to the map through other maps.


It can clear everything.

Edited by Charawn

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In my experience so far, it can run any zone of an act, occasionally requiring some intervention. I would recommend leveling a toon by yourself to around 50, let it farm an area overnight, do some quests manually, farm again until you outlevel everything, rinse and repeat. To be clear, it's not going to flawlessly run through all acts in a single session. 

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