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how to configure Righteous fire please

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Hi, I'm new to this and I have a character with Righteous  Fire , In auras does not work since when it enters the map does not load it. As I can configure for each time I enter a new zone load this skill .


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"Always recast buff" option is the thing you are looking for.

activate it for your RF-Button and you are fine. Nothing else should be needed for that skill.

Edited by walkingdead

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I struggled with the setup for RF myself trying to figure out the correct combination of priorities to make it work. My bot kept getting stuck on Priority 27 to cast buffs (based on last run log ) and would just idle in the hideout. As they posted above, RF is definitely not an aura so you don't want to turn that on. If "Always recast buff" is getting yours stuck like mine was, change RF to an attack skill with a high cooldown and high range and don't check Always recast. Something like:


Priority 22 (so its the highest priority in combat)

Coodown: 30000 (30 seconds so if it goes to town and comes back it will be up and ready)

Max Range: 50 (so the first mob it sees it will activate rigtheous fire)


Hopefully one of these 2 suggestions helps you with RF. I have definitely enjoyed RF so far after I got it working. 

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On 8/18/2017 at 1:42 PM, twildone888 said:

 If "Always recast buff" is getting yours stuck like mine was, change RF to an attack skill with a high cooldown and high range and don't check Always recast. 


I have the same issue, only "Always recast" is selected and the bot will not start mapping on its own but once I get it going it runs fine. 

Always recast is the only option I have selected. 

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