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SOLVED - Bot ignoring cooldown?

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when letting my bot run Dried Lake for testing purposes, I noticed that it keeps spamming totems.
It activates the aura/herald correctly and starts to move. As soon as the first mobs appear, it starts summoning totems and never stops (ignores cooldown?).
I played around a bit with different settings for Kiting and skill cooldown. I seem to have a bigger misunderstanding how that should work.
Even on Kiting 2000 cooldown 6000, the bot starts to spam totems when mobs are right on top of him. Apparently, my bot can cast totems so fast that they never have a chanc to deal a single blow. 
Is there any other case, why a bot would summon the totem even before the cooldown is over?


(Don't bother with the long cooldown in the picture. I checked if there might be a change in scale (read 10000=1Sec instead of 1000=1sec) - wasn't the case.)



Edited by walkingdead
Solved - cause for error sit app. 50cm in front of monitor

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I just feel very very embarassed of myself :) as I just realized that I have the ACW on right_mouse, too. So no wonder the bot starts spamming totems like hell with the cooldown 0 on that slot.

Bot works very fine, has been doing what he is supposed to do for 10min now and is happily slaying everything in its path.


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