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Sharing tips on how I managed to avoid ban (for now)

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I've got a few of my accounts banned recently. I started to test a few things and one of my accounts managed to avoid ban. For now at least - even with a long runtime (basically a whole day non stop + a few nights).

Keep in mind that those are NOT things that won't get you baned 100%. I'm just sharing a few things I observed.


- Don't use chicken. Often logouts might cause red flags. But also try to avoid getting killed too much - so don't farm too hight level areas.

- Don't use a hideout for mapping - as soon as I leved up Zana and use her teleport - I got ban on all of my accounts.

- Always enable DND.

- Don't farm Dried lake or Aqueducts - bot gets stuck running between tp or entering zone and a stash. Other players report suspicious behaviour quite a lot now!

- Often check your bot if you use progression - it gets stuck quite a lot.


Of course the rest commonly known rules still apply. You can find a guide on this forum.


I use a 0.70f version of EB.

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I literally use HO for mapping all the time. Had 5chars on 2accounts on the last 3 leagues.
One got banned after a small update in PoE that changed the memory offsets and thus caused the bot to run in a triangle in Highgate for hours.


All the others have been running maps from my HO for thousands of maps without any ban.

In high times, I left the bot running for 12-16hrs a day.


I never enabled DND.
I always setup chicken.


So whatever you believe you found out about getting banned - it's most likely not the real reason behind your bad luck with the ban-hammer.

I agree with your tip that Dried Lake / Aquaeduct are risky spots for farming due to movement issues and reporters in Highgate.



edit: clarify where bot triangled into banning

Edited by walkingdead

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my first account got ban after only 3hours running


i re-create the same character build and still run H24 map from HO , chicken , DND not enabled


this char count like 350-500 map / day and like 100-300 death / day on mapping T1 - T10


im running on VM without VPN

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I used to farm maps from HO, didn't use DND, use chicken, farmed Aqueducts and Dried Lake like crazy before maps previously and it worked, but recently I think they changed something(?) to catch bots more efficiently.


Like I said - it's just my recent thoughts. I migh as well, of course, be just lucky.

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may I ask why aqueducts is bad? I understand that dried lake is bad because of your movement in town. I do it on aqueducts and ho therefore I'm only in town for a bit.

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The reason for a lot of bans, are HIGH activity time on NEW fresh accounts, which never socialize in the game.

I know it is recommended NOT to bot on your "main" account, but honestly, if you bot safely, say everything between 1-12 hours, you'd be rather safe. Especially if you sometimes play yourself aswell.

You can make a character you play on yourself + a farming character, which will feed the currency for your self played ones. :D

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