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Unexpected disconnection ~ ban

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Hi all! It's about ban hammer again. I have 5 bots, each of them on a separate virtual machine and has its own VPN. I am botting t1-t7 maps 6-9 hours a day and I got 7 accounts banned during last week. It were banned not in the same time but under similar conditions.

  1. An unexpected disconnection occurred.
  2. Bot trying to log in.
  3. Got the message: "You have attempted to log in too often within a short time period. Try again later.
  4. Your account has been banned by an administrator.

Unexpected disconnections are happen quite often, but almost always bot login with no problem. It seems like GGG have some bot trap.I am botting about 4 months and every banned account was lost in this way. Is there any suggestion how to avoid this? Thank you.

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Hmmm, it may be. I have sometimes a messages like "You have been kicked for performing too many actions too fast." . But after that bot successfull logging in. Before ban saw log in lower left corner of login screen (unfortunatelly have no screenshot). Something like this:

An unexpected disconnection occurred.
You have attempted to log in too often within a short time period. Try again later.
An unexpected disconnection occurred.
You have attempted to log in too often within a short time period. Try again later.
An unexpected disconnection occurred.
Your account has been banned by an administrator.

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I was thinking the same thing, it was spamming on login for a while, then i paused the bot for 2 minutes. And logged in to the game. After 5 minutes I got banned.

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Hi all! It's about ban hammer again. I have 5 bots, each of them on a separate virtual machine and has its own VPN. I am botting t1-t7 maps 6-9 hours a day and I got 7 accounts banned during last week. It were banned not in the same time but under similar conditions.

  1. An unexpected disconnection occurred.
  2. Bot trying to log in.
  3. Got the message: "You have attempted to log in too often within a short time period. Try again later.
  4. Your account has been banned by an administrator.

Unexpected disconnections are happen quite often, but almost always bot login with no problem. It seems like GGG have some bot trap.I am botting about 4 months and every banned account was lost in this way. Is there any suggestion how to avoid this? Thank you.

same problem 3 acc banned now and 5 for week

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