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0.69e Bot auto switched weapon set

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My bot switched to the secondary weapon set and kept dying for i don't know how long. I'm pretty sure he missclicked on it, i already saw him do that once before (i disabled the hotkey for weapon switch, it can't be that). Happened in hideout or in maps.


The bot is also unable to sell (for next tier upgrade) maps you're running. Basically if he take 3 maps to sell but already have one (the one he should run and not sell) it'll put all of them into the merchant window then cancel trade and it start an infinite loop when the bot will try to sell and then cancel those maps.


2 huge critical bugs from my point of view. I disabled map upgrading/selling for the moment but bug 1 is still a major problem even if he doesn't happen often, you can keep dying for 6 hours straight (or more) if you're not near your bot.

Edited by ChevalierRose

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The weapon switch bug happens to my bots too (with 69F). This happens rarely and I have no idea why (maybe lag+missclick ?).

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It happened again this night. Spend 3h or so dying. I'm most worried about being banned because that's pretty obvious bot flag when you do 200 deaths in 1 hour.


Note : it never happened before 0.69e, i guess i'll revert to previous version for the moment.


Edit 2 : I can't provide logs for some reasons lastrun is 1ko with 3 lines, i'll try to grabs asap next time.. 

Edited by ChevalierRose

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