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How do you guys deal with new config every version?

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The bot tells me to do new configs every version, and I do it. It's pretty tedious to redo every setting, and edit pickit. How do you guys deal with it?


Btw how to stop the bot from doing master missions on dried lake?

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The bot tells me to do new configs every version, and I do it. It's pretty tedious to redo every setting, and edit pickit. How do you guys deal with it?


Btw how to stop the bot from doing master missions on dried lake?


If it is the same general version (ex v0.69) I just copy the ipd and ini files over.  If it gets wonky, I'll go back and redo it from scratch.


Is accidentally activating master missions really an issue?

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I don't think it's accidentally activating master mission, it's doing it intentionally, but mostly they fail and it just slow down farming.

Edited by freebeer2go

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I don't think it's accidentally activating master mission, it's doing it intentionally, but mostly they fail and it just slow down farming.


There's no feature or programming that intentionally does this.  I wouldn't mind it doing this for Elreon, Vegan, or Tora on purpose though, that would be pretty cool.

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There's no feature or programming that intentionally does this.  I wouldn't mind it doing this for Elreon, Vegan, or Tora on purpose though, that would be pretty cool.


That's weird, I'm pretty sure the bot intentionally does this, it activated an elreon mission by talking to him, stayed there and killed monsters, then after the mission is over, the bot talked to Elreon to get credit for the mission. Unless I accidentally downloaded skynet, the bot definitely seem to be intentionally doing master missions. It also activates haku missions, then just enter the haku cave, and then logout instantly, then log back in, and restart from town. These are the only two masters I've observed so far.

Edited by freebeer2go

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