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[0.69e] Bot works on 1st pc and bugged on 2nd PC / with logs

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Hello fellow exiles


If you want to ask why i write so many topics in bug section is because i want to help reperair bot to work in every time on every pc.


Bot working on patch 2.6.0f on my 1st pc (Dried lake runs on Normal difficulty)


All PC's are upo to date with C++ Redistributable, running 800x600 directx9 poe steam version


On my 2nd PC bot clicking in city and do nothing


Here is the logs :



2017-03-16 10:03:00 [info] -> Bot started
2017-03-16 10:03:01 [info] -> config.ini file loaded from C:\Users\wsciekly\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.69e\Configuration\default\config.ini
2017-03-16 10:03:01 [info] -> coordinates.ini file loaded from C:\Users\wsciekly\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.69e\Configuration\default\coordinates.ini
2017-03-16 10:03:01 [info] -> flasks.ini file loaded from C:\Users\wsciekly\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.69e\Configuration\default\flasks.ini
2017-03-16 10:03:01 [info] -> pickit.ini file loaded from C:\Users\wsciekly\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.69e\Configuration\default\pickit.ini
2017-03-16 10:03:01 [info] -> progress.ini file loaded from C:\Users\wsciekly\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.69e\Configuration\default\progress.ini
2017-03-16 10:03:01 [info] -> skills.ini file loaded from C:\Users\wsciekly\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.69e\Configuration\default\skills.ini
2017-03-16 10:03:01 [info] -> system.ini file loaded from C:\Users\wsciekly\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.69e\Configuration\default\system.ini
2017-03-16 10:03:01 [info] -> game.ini file loaded from C:\Users\wsciekly\Documents\My Games\Path of Exile\production_Config.ini
2017-03-16 10:03:02 [info] -> Running state priority: 30
2017-03-16 10:03:04 [info] -> Selecting character..
2017-03-16 10:03:10 [info] -> Running state priority: 30
2017-03-16 10:03:12 [info] -> Selecting character..
2017-03-16 10:03:19 [info] -> Running state priority: 30
2017-03-16 10:03:21 [info] -> Selecting character..
2017-03-16 10:03:27 [info] -> Running state priority: 30
2017-03-16 10:03:29 [info] -> Selecting character..
2017-03-16 10:03:35 [info] -> Running state priority: 30
2017-03-16 10:03:37 [info] -> Selecting character..
2017-03-16 10:03:42 [info] -> Running state priority: 30
2017-03-16 10:03:44 [info] -> Selecting character..
2017-03-16 10:03:50 [info] -> Running state priority: 30
2017-03-16 10:03:52 [info] -> Selecting character..
2017-03-16 10:03:57 [info] -> Exiting bot




2017-03-15 23:45:43 [pathfinding] -> Total runtime: 5 minutes
2017-03-15 23:45:43 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 57
2017-03-15 23:45:43 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:27, next corner index in path:39, path size: 57
2017-03-15 23:45:43 [pathfinding] -> World X: 3118.063477 World Y: 13372.333008 World Z: -95.449615
2017-03-15 23:45:43 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:45:43 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 57
2017-03-15 23:45:43 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:30, next corner index in path:42, path size: 57
2017-03-15 23:45:43 [pathfinding] -> World X: 3117.302490 World Y: 13376.507813 World Z: -95.449615
2017-03-15 23:45:43 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(153, 1219)->Pos(143, 1230)
2017-03-15 23:45:43 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(153, 1219)->Pos(143, 1230) took: 0 ms, cost: 16.279999
2017-03-15 23:45:43 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 27, pathsize: 14
2017-03-15 23:45:43 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:12, path size: 14
2017-03-15 23:45:43 [pathfinding] -> World X: 3117.302490 World Y: 13376.507813 World Z: -95.449615
2017-03-15 23:45:43 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 27, pathsize: 14
2017-03-15 23:45:43 [pathfinding] -> Reached destination: Position: 2, 14, Path size: 14.
2017-03-15 23:45:43 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:45:43 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(148, 1222)->Pos(143, 1230)
2017-03-15 23:45:43 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(148, 1222)->Pos(143, 1230) took: 0 ms, cost: 10.050000
2017-03-15 23:45:43 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 27, pathsize: 9
2017-03-15 23:45:43 [pathfinding] -> Reached destination: Position: 0, 12, Path size: 9.
2017-03-15 23:45:43 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(146, 1224)->Pos(143, 1230)
2017-03-15 23:45:43 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(146, 1224)->Pos(143, 1230) took: 0 ms, cost: 7.230000
2017-03-15 23:45:43 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 27, pathsize: 7
2017-03-15 23:45:43 [pathfinding] -> Reached destination: Position: 0, 12, Path size: 7.
2017-03-15 23:45:43 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:45:43 [pathfinding] -> Wavesearch algorithm (Exploring) succeded and took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:45:43 [pathfinding] -> Player(146, 1226) is unwalkable, finding closest walkable position...
2017-03-15 23:45:43 [pathfinding] -> Found new player position: (145, 1227)
2017-03-15 23:45:43 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(145, 1227)->Node(165, 1281)
2017-03-15 23:45:43 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(145, 1227)->Node(165, 1281) took: 0 ms, cost: 62.200001
2017-03-15 23:45:43 [pathfinding] -> Mapexplorer #2 call pathsize: 55
2017-03-15 23:45:43 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:12, path size: 55
2017-03-15 23:45:43 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:45:43 [pathfinding] -> World X: 3537.289307 World Y: 13620.105469 World Z: -95.449615
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 55
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:5, next corner index in path:17, path size: 55
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> World X: 3597.281494 World Y: 13667.629883 World Z: -95.449615
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 55
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:9, next corner index in path:28, path size: 55
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> World X: 3599.575195 World Y: 13713.458984 World Z: -95.449615
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 55
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:11, next corner index in path:28, path size: 55
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> World X: 3609.135254 World Y: 13653.529297 World Z: -95.449615
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 55
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:13, next corner index in path:28, path size: 55
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> World X: 3605.292480 World Y: 13648.519531 World Z: -95.449615
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(152, 1244)->Pos(160, 1418)
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(152, 1244)->Pos(160, 1418) took: 0 ms, cost: 177.279999
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> SwitchArea call, pathsize: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:25, path size: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> World X: 3487.526855 World Y: 13789.095703 World Z: -95.449615
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> IsPositionReachable Computing A* path from P(152, 1244)->Pos(160, 1418)
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> IsPositionReachable A* from P(152, 1244)->Pos(160, 1418) took: 0 ms, cost: 177.279999
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:25, path size: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> World X: 3487.526855 World Y: 13789.095703 World Z: -95.449615
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> SwitchArea call, pathsize: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:1, next corner index in path:26, path size: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> World X: 3491.643311 World Y: 13808.860352 World Z: -95.449615
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> SwitchArea call, pathsize: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:3, next corner index in path:28, path size: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> World X: 3490.041992 World Y: 13825.547852 World Z: -95.449615
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> SwitchArea call, pathsize: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:6, next corner index in path:31, path size: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> World X: 3478.836914 World Y: 13851.284180 World Z: -95.449615
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> SwitchArea call, pathsize: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:12, next corner index in path:62, path size: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> World X: 3479.599609 World Y: 14186.453125 World Z: -95.449615
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 16 ms
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> SwitchArea call, pathsize: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:15, next corner index in path:65, path size: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 15 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:45:44 [pathfinding] -> World X: 3486.277832 World Y: 14224.416016 World Z: -95.449615
2017-03-15 23:45:45 [pathfinding] -> SwitchArea call, pathsize: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:45 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:20, next corner index in path:70, path size: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:45 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:45:45 [pathfinding] -> World X: 3488.815674 World Y: 14270.376953 World Z: -95.449615
2017-03-15 23:45:45 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:45:45 [pathfinding] -> SwitchArea call, pathsize: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:45 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:22, next corner index in path:72, path size: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:45 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:45:45 [pathfinding] -> World X: 3494.409668 World Y: 14315.695313 World Z: -95.449615
2017-03-15 23:45:45 [pathfinding] -> SwitchArea call, pathsize: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:45 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:28, next corner index in path:78, path size: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:45 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:45:45 [pathfinding] -> World X: 3490.167236 World Y: 14366.552734 World Z: -95.449615
2017-03-15 23:45:45 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:45:45 [pathfinding] -> SwitchArea call, pathsize: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:45 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:32, next corner index in path:82, path size: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:45 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:45:45 [pathfinding] -> World X: 3494.992432 World Y: 14410.988281 World Z: -95.449615
2017-03-15 23:45:45 [pathfinding] -> SwitchArea call, pathsize: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:45 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:37, next corner index in path:87, path size: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:45 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:45:45 [pathfinding] -> World X: 3488.192383 World Y: 14462.383789 World Z: -95.449615
2017-03-15 23:45:45 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:45:45 [pathfinding] -> SwitchArea call, pathsize: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:45 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:41, next corner index in path:91, path size: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:45 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:45:45 [pathfinding] -> World X: 3491.437500 World Y: 14511.057617 World Z: -95.449615
2017-03-15 23:45:45 [pathfinding] -> SwitchArea call, pathsize: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:45 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:45, next corner index in path:95, path size: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:45 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:45:45 [pathfinding] -> World X: 3493.141846 World Y: 14545.803711 World Z: -95.449615
2017-03-15 23:45:45 [pathfinding] -> SwitchArea call, pathsize: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:45 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:48, next corner index in path:98, path size: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:45 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:45:45 [pathfinding] -> World X: 3493.005859 World Y: 14585.938477 World Z: -95.449615
2017-03-15 23:45:45 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:45:45 [pathfinding] -> SwitchArea call, pathsize: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:45 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:52, next corner index in path:102, path size: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:45 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:45:45 [pathfinding] -> World X: 3492.082031 World Y: 14631.238281 World Z: -95.449615
2017-03-15 23:45:45 [pathfinding] -> SwitchArea call, pathsize: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:45 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:57, next corner index in path:107, path size: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:45 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:45:45 [pathfinding] -> World X: 3491.026611 World Y: 14676.929688 World Z: -95.449615
2017-03-15 23:45:45 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:45:46 [pathfinding] -> SwitchArea call, pathsize: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:46 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:61, next corner index in path:111, path size: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:46 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:45:46 [pathfinding] -> World X: 3488.824219 World Y: 14724.220703 World Z: -95.449615
2017-03-15 23:45:46 [pathfinding] -> SwitchArea call, pathsize: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:46 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:65, next corner index in path:115, path size: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:46 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:45:46 [pathfinding] -> World X: 3485.660156 World Y: 14768.021484 World Z: -95.449615
2017-03-15 23:45:46 [pathfinding] -> SwitchArea call, pathsize: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:46 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:69, next corner index in path:119, path size: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:46 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:45:46 [pathfinding] -> World X: 3480.616455 World Y: 14819.966797 World Z: -95.135193
2017-03-15 23:45:46 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:45:46 [pathfinding] -> SwitchArea call, pathsize: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:46 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:75, next corner index in path:125, path size: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:46 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:45:46 [pathfinding] -> World X: 3485.095215 World Y: 14868.015625 World Z: -129.394165
2017-03-15 23:45:46 [pathfinding] -> SwitchArea call, pathsize: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:46 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:78, next corner index in path:128, path size: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:46 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:45:46 [pathfinding] -> World X: 3479.219238 World Y: 14908.184570 World Z: -143.110901
2017-03-15 23:45:46 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:45:46 [pathfinding] -> SwitchArea call, pathsize: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:46 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:82, next corner index in path:132, path size: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:46 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:45:46 [pathfinding] -> World X: 3482.080566 World Y: 14957.656250 World Z: -160.376038
2017-03-15 23:45:46 [pathfinding] -> SwitchArea call, pathsize: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:46 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:88, next corner index in path:138, path size: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:46 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:45:46 [pathfinding] -> World X: 3485.007080 World Y: 15007.023438 World Z: -192.646179
2017-03-15 23:45:46 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:45:46 [pathfinding] -> SwitchArea call, pathsize: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:46 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:92, next corner index in path:142, path size: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:46 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:45:46 [pathfinding] -> World X: 3489.975342 World Y: 15056.373047 World Z: -214.189453
2017-03-15 23:45:46 [pathfinding] -> SwitchArea call, pathsize: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:46 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:96, next corner index in path:146, path size: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:46 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:45:46 [pathfinding] -> World X: 3484.035400 World Y: 15110.772461 World Z: -245.525665
2017-03-15 23:45:46 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:45:46 [pathfinding] -> SwitchArea call, pathsize: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:46 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:101, next corner index in path:151, path size: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:46 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:45:46 [pathfinding] -> World X: 3481.585693 World Y: 15151.689453 World Z: -264.113708
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> SwitchArea call, pathsize: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:105, next corner index in path:155, path size: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> World X: 3480.267578 World Y: 15199.321289 World Z: -284.874634
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> SwitchArea call, pathsize: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:109, next corner index in path:159, path size: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> World X: 3479.052246 World Y: 15245.783203 World Z: -305.443207
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> SwitchArea call, pathsize: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:113, next corner index in path:163, path size: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> World X: 3477.659180 World Y: 15019.493164 World Z: -329.740753
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> SwitchArea call, pathsize: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:118, next corner index in path:168, path size: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> World X: 3475.884033 World Y: 15064.438477 World Z: -351.993378
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> SwitchArea call, pathsize: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:122, next corner index in path:172, path size: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> World X: 3479.452637 World Y: 15118.555664 World Z: -380.802277
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> SwitchArea call, pathsize: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:126, next corner index in path:174, path size: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> World X: 3486.420898 World Y: 15162.610352 World Z: -406.211487
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> SwitchArea call, pathsize: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:130, next corner index in path:174, path size: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> World X: 3482.286377 World Y: 15418.932617 World Z: -423.101776
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> SwitchArea call, pathsize: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:135, next corner index in path:174, path size: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> World X: 3478.223145 World Y: 15408.582031 World Z: -449.385132
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> SwitchArea call, pathsize: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:139, next corner index in path:174, path size: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> World X: 3482.052734 World Y: 15409.025391 World Z: -466.804901
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> SwitchArea call, pathsize: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:143, next corner index in path:174, path size: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> World X: 3482.295166 World Y: 15404.150391 World Z: -497.499359
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> SwitchArea call, pathsize: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:146, next corner index in path:174, path size: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:45:47 [pathfinding] -> World X: 3482.571045 World Y: 15415.781250 World Z: -515.215088
2017-03-15 23:45:48 [pathfinding] -> SwitchArea call, pathsize: 175
2017-03-15 23:45:48 [pathfinding] -> Reached destination: Position: 150, 175, Path size: 175.
2017-03-15 23:45:48 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:45:48 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(158, 1407)->Pos(160, 1418)
2017-03-15 23:45:48 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(158, 1407)->Pos(160, 1418) took: 0 ms, cost: 11.820000
2017-03-15 23:45:48 [pathfinding] -> SwitchArea call, pathsize: 12
2017-03-15 23:45:48 [pathfinding] -> Reached destination: Position: 0, 25, Path size: 12.
2017-03-15 23:45:48 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:45:49 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(158, 1407)->Pos(160, 1418)
2017-03-15 23:45:49 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(158, 1407)->Pos(160, 1418) took: 0 ms, cost: 11.820000
2017-03-15 23:45:49 [pathfinding] -> SwitchArea call, pathsize: 12
2017-03-15 23:45:49 [pathfinding] -> Reached destination: Position: 0, 25, Path size: 12.
2017-03-15 23:45:49 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:01 [pathfinding] -> IsPositionReachable Computing A* path from P(523, 378)->Pos(539, 379)
2017-03-15 23:46:01 [pathfinding] -> IsPositionReachable A* from P(523, 378)->Pos(539, 379) took: 0 ms, cost: 16.410000
2017-03-15 23:46:01 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:02 [pathfinding] -> Wavesearch algorithm (Exploring) succeded and took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:02 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(523, 378)->Node(535, 435)
2017-03-15 23:46:02 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(523, 378)->Node(535, 435) took: 0 ms, cost: 68.839996
2017-03-15 23:46:02 [pathfinding] -> Mapexplorer #2 call pathsize: 60
2017-03-15 23:46:02 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:25, path size: 60
2017-03-15 23:46:02 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:02 [pathfinding] -> World X: 11418.494141 World Y: 4364.460938 World Z: -79.824623
2017-03-15 23:46:10 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:10 [pathfinding] -> Wavesearch algorithm (Exploring) succeded and took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:10 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(523, 378)->Node(535, 435)
2017-03-15 23:46:10 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(523, 378)->Node(535, 435) took: 0 ms, cost: 68.839996
2017-03-15 23:46:10 [pathfinding] -> Mapexplorer #2 call pathsize: 60
2017-03-15 23:46:10 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:25, path size: 60
2017-03-15 23:46:10 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 16 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:10 [pathfinding] -> World X: 11418.494141 World Y: 4364.460938 World Z: -79.824623
2017-03-15 23:46:11 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:11 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 60
2017-03-15 23:46:11 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:25, path size: 60
2017-03-15 23:46:11 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:11 [pathfinding] -> World X: 11418.494141 World Y: 4364.460938 World Z: -79.824623
2017-03-15 23:46:11 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 60
2017-03-15 23:46:11 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:25, path size: 60
2017-03-15 23:46:11 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:11 [pathfinding] -> World X: 11419.807617 World Y: 4362.302734 World Z: -79.824623
2017-03-15 23:46:11 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 60
2017-03-15 23:46:11 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:2, next corner index in path:27, path size: 60
2017-03-15 23:46:11 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:11 [pathfinding] -> World X: 11423.623047 World Y: 4376.722656 World Z: -79.824623
2017-03-15 23:46:11 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:11 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 60
2017-03-15 23:46:11 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:4, next corner index in path:29, path size: 60
2017-03-15 23:46:11 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:11 [pathfinding] -> World X: 11420.408203 World Y: 4407.198242 World Z: -79.824623
2017-03-15 23:46:11 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 60
2017-03-15 23:46:11 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:20, next corner index in path:45, path size: 60
2017-03-15 23:46:11 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:11 [pathfinding] -> World X: 11548.519531 World Y: 4572.790527 World Z: -79.824623
2017-03-15 23:46:11 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:11 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 60
2017-03-15 23:46:11 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:20, next corner index in path:45, path size: 60
2017-03-15 23:46:11 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:11 [pathfinding] -> World X: 11542.462891 World Y: 4584.820801 World Z: -81.743843
2017-03-15 23:46:11 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 60
2017-03-15 23:46:11 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:24, next corner index in path:49, path size: 60
2017-03-15 23:46:11 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:11 [pathfinding] -> World X: 11572.611328 World Y: 4618.480469 World Z: -87.940453
2017-03-15 23:46:11 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:11 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 60
2017-03-15 23:46:11 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:30, next corner index in path:55, path size: 60
2017-03-15 23:46:11 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:11 [pathfinding] -> World X: 11615.951172 World Y: 4681.589844 World Z: -94.802025
2017-03-15 23:46:11 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 60
2017-03-15 23:46:11 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:32, next corner index in path:57, path size: 60
2017-03-15 23:46:11 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:11 [pathfinding] -> World X: 11639.138672 World Y: 4713.751465 World Z: -95.383698
2017-03-15 23:46:11 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:11 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 60
2017-03-15 23:46:11 [pathfinding] -> Reached destination: Position: 37, 62, Path size: 60.
2017-03-15 23:46:12 [pathfinding] -> Wavesearch algorithm (Exploring) succeded and took: 16 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:12 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(529, 416)->Node(467, 449)
2017-03-15 23:46:12 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(529, 416)->Node(467, 449) took: 0 ms, cost: 85.729996
2017-03-15 23:46:12 [pathfinding] -> Mapexplorer #2 call pathsize: 65
2017-03-15 23:46:12 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:29, path size: 65
2017-03-15 23:46:12 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:12 [pathfinding] -> World X: 10864.309570 World Y: 4836.926758 World Z: -95.447952
2017-03-15 23:46:12 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 65
2017-03-15 23:46:12 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:1, next corner index in path:29, path size: 65
2017-03-15 23:46:12 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:12 [pathfinding] -> World X: 10871.091797 World Y: 4832.391113 World Z: -95.449402
2017-03-15 23:46:12 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:12 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 65
2017-03-15 23:46:12 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:3, next corner index in path:29, path size: 65
2017-03-15 23:46:12 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:12 [pathfinding] -> World X: 10891.478516 World Y: 4832.258789 World Z: -95.449593
2017-03-15 23:46:12 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 65
2017-03-15 23:46:12 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:5, next corner index in path:30, path size: 65
2017-03-15 23:46:12 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:12 [pathfinding] -> World X: 10854.640625 World Y: 4836.104004 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:12 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:12 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 65
2017-03-15 23:46:12 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:7, next corner index in path:32, path size: 65
2017-03-15 23:46:12 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:12 [pathfinding] -> World X: 10811.468750 World Y: 4858.792969 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:12 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 65
2017-03-15 23:46:12 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:10, next corner index in path:35, path size: 65
2017-03-15 23:46:12 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:12 [pathfinding] -> World X: 10752.771484 World Y: 4860.451172 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:12 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:12 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 65
2017-03-15 23:46:12 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:12, next corner index in path:37, path size: 65
2017-03-15 23:46:12 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:12 [pathfinding] -> World X: 10726.594727 World Y: 4838.731445 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:12 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 65
2017-03-15 23:46:12 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:13, next corner index in path:38, path size: 65
2017-03-15 23:46:12 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:12 [pathfinding] -> World X: 10706.672852 World Y: 4833.189941 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:12 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:12 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 65
2017-03-15 23:46:12 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:15, next corner index in path:40, path size: 65
2017-03-15 23:46:12 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:12 [pathfinding] -> World X: 10663.070313 World Y: 4825.495117 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:12 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 65
2017-03-15 23:46:12 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:17, next corner index in path:42, path size: 65
2017-03-15 23:46:12 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:12 [pathfinding] -> World X: 10625.129883 World Y: 4808.317383 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:13 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:13 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 65
2017-03-15 23:46:13 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:18, next corner index in path:43, path size: 65
2017-03-15 23:46:13 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:13 [pathfinding] -> World X: 10597.207031 World Y: 4798.685547 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:13 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 65
2017-03-15 23:46:13 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:19, next corner index in path:44, path size: 65
2017-03-15 23:46:13 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:13 [pathfinding] -> World X: 10575.172852 World Y: 4794.206543 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:13 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:13 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 65
2017-03-15 23:46:13 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:21, next corner index in path:46, path size: 65
2017-03-15 23:46:13 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:13 [pathfinding] -> World X: 10567.125000 World Y: 4777.022461 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:13 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 65
2017-03-15 23:46:13 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:22, next corner index in path:47, path size: 65
2017-03-15 23:46:13 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:13 [pathfinding] -> World X: 10537.252930 World Y: 4780.547852 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:13 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:13 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 65
2017-03-15 23:46:13 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:23, next corner index in path:48, path size: 65
2017-03-15 23:46:13 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:13 [pathfinding] -> World X: 10515.190430 World Y: 4772.598145 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:13 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 65
2017-03-15 23:46:13 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:24, next corner index in path:49, path size: 65
2017-03-15 23:46:13 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:13 [pathfinding] -> World X: 10492.994141 World Y: 4763.748047 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:13 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 65
2017-03-15 23:46:13 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:25, next corner index in path:50, path size: 65
2017-03-15 23:46:13 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:13 [pathfinding] -> World X: 10460.153320 World Y: 4763.224609 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:13 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:13 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 65
2017-03-15 23:46:13 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:26, next corner index in path:51, path size: 65
2017-03-15 23:46:13 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:13 [pathfinding] -> World X: 10452.428711 World Y: 4762.192871 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:13 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 65
2017-03-15 23:46:13 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:39, next corner index in path:64, path size: 65
2017-03-15 23:46:13 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:13 [pathfinding] -> World X: 10158.844727 World Y: 4891.915527 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 65
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> Reached destination: Position: 45, 70, Path size: 65.
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> Wavesearch algorithm (Exploring) succeded and took: 16 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(490, 437)->Node(434, 482)
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(490, 437)->Node(434, 482) took: 0 ms, cost: 76.909996
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> Mapexplorer #2 call pathsize: 57
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:25, path size: 57
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> World X: 10125.400391 World Y: 4912.121094 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 57
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:1, next corner index in path:26, path size: 57
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> World X: 10100.870117 World Y: 4922.242188 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 57
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:5, next corner index in path:30, path size: 57
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> World X: 10004.910156 World Y: 4964.916504 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 57
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:7, next corner index in path:32, path size: 57
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> World X: 9972.797852 World Y: 4985.797852 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 57
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:9, next corner index in path:34, path size: 57
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> World X: 9920.814453 World Y: 5006.684570 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(481, 437)->Pos(458, 487)
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(481, 437)->Pos(458, 487) took: 0 ms, cost: 60.610001
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 53
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:25, path size: 53
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> World X: 9964.327148 World Y: 5006.684570 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(479, 437)->Pos(459, 485)
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(479, 437)->Pos(459, 485) took: 0 ms, cost: 56.200001
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 49
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:25, path size: 49
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> World X: 9987.039063 World Y: 5034.294434 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(477, 439)->Pos(459, 484)
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(477, 439)->Pos(459, 484) took: 0 ms, cost: 52.380001
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 46
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:25, path size: 46
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> World X: 9979.362305 World Y: 5056.066895 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(475, 442)->Pos(460, 483)
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(475, 442)->Pos(460, 483) took: 0 ms, cost: 47.149998
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 42
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:25, path size: 42
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> World X: 10011.788086 World Y: 5080.691406 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(474, 445)->Pos(460, 481)
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(474, 445)->Pos(460, 481) took: 0 ms, cost: 41.739998
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 37
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:25, path size: 37
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:14 [pathfinding] -> World X: 10011.699219 World Y: 5110.974121 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(472, 448)->Pos(461, 479)
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(472, 448)->Pos(461, 479) took: 0 ms, cost: 35.509998
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 32
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:25, path size: 32
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> World X: 10032.177734 World Y: 5144.502441 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(472, 449)->Pos(461, 476)
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(472, 449)->Pos(461, 476) took: 0 ms, cost: 31.510000
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 28
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:25, path size: 28
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> World X: 10027.814453 World Y: 5159.869629 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(472, 449)->Pos(461, 475)
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(472, 449)->Pos(461, 475) took: 0 ms, cost: 30.510000
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 27
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:25, path size: 27
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> World X: 10027.814453 World Y: 5159.869629 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(472, 449)->Pos(461, 472)
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(472, 449)->Pos(461, 472) took: 0 ms, cost: 27.510000
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 24
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> Reached destination: Position: 0, 25, Path size: 24.
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(472, 449)->Pos(462, 470)
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(472, 449)->Pos(462, 470) took: 0 ms, cost: 25.100000
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 22
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> Reached destination: Position: 0, 25, Path size: 22.
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(472, 449)->Pos(462, 468)
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(472, 449)->Pos(462, 468) took: 0 ms, cost: 23.100000
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 20
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> Reached destination: Position: 0, 25, Path size: 20.
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(472, 449)->Pos(462, 466)
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(472, 449)->Pos(462, 466) took: 0 ms, cost: 21.100000
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 18
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> Reached destination: Position: 0, 25, Path size: 18.
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(472, 449)->Pos(462, 465)
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(472, 449)->Pos(462, 465) took: 0 ms, cost: 20.100000
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 17
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> Reached destination: Position: 0, 25, Path size: 17.
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(472, 449)->Pos(454, 487)
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(472, 449)->Pos(454, 487) took: 0 ms, cost: 45.380001
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 39
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:25, path size: 39
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> World X: 9875.548828 World Y: 5159.869629 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 15 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 39
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:25, path size: 39
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:15 [pathfinding] -> World X: 9875.548828 World Y: 5159.869629 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:16 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:16 [pathfinding] -> Wavesearch algorithm (Exploring) succeded and took: 16 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:16 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(470, 453)->Node(463, 510)
2017-03-15 23:46:16 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(470, 453)->Node(463, 510) took: 0 ms, cost: 63.149998
2017-03-15 23:46:16 [pathfinding] -> Mapexplorer #2 call pathsize: 58
2017-03-15 23:46:16 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:25, path size: 58
2017-03-15 23:46:16 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:16 [pathfinding] -> World X: 10027.063477 World Y: 5201.386719 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:16 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 58
2017-03-15 23:46:16 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:25, path size: 58
2017-03-15 23:46:16 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:16 [pathfinding] -> World X: 10027.063477 World Y: 5201.386719 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:16 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:16 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 58
2017-03-15 23:46:16 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:2, next corner index in path:27, path size: 58
2017-03-15 23:46:16 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:16 [pathfinding] -> World X: 10059.340820 World Y: 5210.232422 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:16 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 58
2017-03-15 23:46:16 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:4, next corner index in path:29, path size: 58
2017-03-15 23:46:16 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:16 [pathfinding] -> World X: 10056.192383 World Y: 5232.699219 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:16 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:16 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 58
2017-03-15 23:46:16 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:9, next corner index in path:34, path size: 58
2017-03-15 23:46:16 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 16 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:16 [pathfinding] -> World X: 10047.637695 World Y: 5293.053711 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:16 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 58
2017-03-15 23:46:16 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:11, next corner index in path:36, path size: 58
2017-03-15 23:46:16 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:16 [pathfinding] -> World X: 10049.686523 World Y: 5321.790039 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:16 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 58
2017-03-15 23:46:16 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:14, next corner index in path:39, path size: 58
2017-03-15 23:46:16 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:16 [pathfinding] -> World X: 10030.862305 World Y: 5357.132813 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:16 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:16 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 58
2017-03-15 23:46:16 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:18, next corner index in path:43, path size: 58
2017-03-15 23:46:16 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:16 [pathfinding] -> World X: 10030.278320 World Y: 5396.988281 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:16 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 58
2017-03-15 23:46:16 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:23, next corner index in path:48, path size: 58
2017-03-15 23:46:16 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:16 [pathfinding] -> World X: 10026.478516 World Y: 5435.221680 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:17 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:17 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 58
2017-03-15 23:46:17 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:27, next corner index in path:52, path size: 58
2017-03-15 23:46:17 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:17 [pathfinding] -> World X: 10046.256836 World Y: 5480.325684 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:17 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 58
2017-03-15 23:46:17 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:30, next corner index in path:55, path size: 58
2017-03-15 23:46:17 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:17 [pathfinding] -> World X: 10044.374023 World Y: 5512.503906 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:17 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 58
2017-03-15 23:46:17 [pathfinding] -> Reached destination: Position: 34, 59, Path size: 58.
2017-03-15 23:46:17 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:17 [pathfinding] -> Wavesearch algorithm (Exploring) succeded and took: 15 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:17 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(461, 493)->Node(403, 497)
2017-03-15 23:46:17 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(461, 493)->Node(403, 497) took: 0 ms, cost: 64.919998
2017-03-15 23:46:17 [pathfinding] -> Mapexplorer #2 call pathsize: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:17 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:25, path size: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:17 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:17 [pathfinding] -> World X: 9485.675781 World Y: 5384.887695 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:17 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:17 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:2, next corner index in path:27, path size: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:17 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:17 [pathfinding] -> World X: 9440.682617 World Y: 5389.296387 World Z: -93.281532
2017-03-15 23:46:17 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:17 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:17 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:3, next corner index in path:28, path size: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:17 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:17 [pathfinding] -> World X: 9432.108398 World Y: 5418.021973 World Z: -92.076591
2017-03-15 23:46:17 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:17 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:4, next corner index in path:46, path size: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:17 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:17 [pathfinding] -> World X: 9037.654297 World Y: 5411.385254 World Z: -95.016487
2017-03-15 23:46:17 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:17 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:17 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:6, next corner index in path:46, path size: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:17 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:17 [pathfinding] -> World X: 9038.872070 World Y: 5407.368652 World Z: -95.408913
2017-03-15 23:46:17 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:17 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:8, next corner index in path:46, path size: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:17 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:17 [pathfinding] -> World X: 9033.318359 World Y: 5412.080078 World Z: -95.444824
2017-03-15 23:46:17 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:17 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:17 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:11, next corner index in path:46, path size: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:17 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:17 [pathfinding] -> World X: 9045.826172 World Y: 5416.356445 World Z: -95.449135
2017-03-15 23:46:18 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:18 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:13, next corner index in path:46, path size: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:18 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:18 [pathfinding] -> World X: 9044.715820 World Y: 5419.486328 World Z: -95.449554
2017-03-15 23:46:18 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:18 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:18 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:15, next corner index in path:46, path size: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:18 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:18 [pathfinding] -> World X: 9032.706055 World Y: 5423.022949 World Z: -95.449615
2017-03-15 23:46:18 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:18 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:17, next corner index in path:46, path size: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:18 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:18 [pathfinding] -> World X: 9037.198242 World Y: 5425.572754 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:18 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:18 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:19, next corner index in path:46, path size: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:18 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:18 [pathfinding] -> World X: 9029.979492 World Y: 5426.912598 World Z: -93.849937
2017-03-15 23:46:18 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:18 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:18 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:22, next corner index in path:46, path size: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:18 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:18 [pathfinding] -> World X: 9035.918945 World Y: 5418.035645 World Z: -103.262123
2017-03-15 23:46:18 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 15 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:18 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:19 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:19 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:19 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(445, 489)->Pos(445, 489)
2017-03-15 23:46:19 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(445, 489)->Pos(445, 489) took: 0 ms, cost: 0.000000
2017-03-15 23:46:19 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 1
2017-03-15 23:46:19 [pathfinding] -> Reached destination: Position: 0, 0, Path size: 1.
2017-03-15 23:46:19 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(445, 489)->Pos(445, 489)
2017-03-15 23:46:19 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(445, 489)->Pos(445, 489) took: 0 ms, cost: 0.000000
2017-03-15 23:46:19 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 1
2017-03-15 23:46:19 [pathfinding] -> Reached destination: Position: 0, 0, Path size: 1.
2017-03-15 23:46:19 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:19 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(445, 489)->Pos(445, 489)
2017-03-15 23:46:19 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(445, 489)->Pos(445, 489) took: 0 ms, cost: 0.000000
2017-03-15 23:46:19 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 1
2017-03-15 23:46:19 [pathfinding] -> Reached destination: Position: 0, 0, Path size: 1.
2017-03-15 23:46:19 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(445, 489)->Pos(445, 489)
2017-03-15 23:46:19 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(445, 489)->Pos(445, 489) took: 0 ms, cost: 0.000000
2017-03-15 23:46:19 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 1
2017-03-15 23:46:19 [pathfinding] -> Reached destination: Position: 0, 0, Path size: 1.
2017-03-15 23:46:19 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:19 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(445, 489)->Pos(445, 489)
2017-03-15 23:46:19 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(445, 489)->Pos(445, 489) took: 0 ms, cost: 0.000000
2017-03-15 23:46:19 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 1
2017-03-15 23:46:19 [pathfinding] -> Reached destination: Position: 0, 0, Path size: 1.
2017-03-15 23:46:19 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(445, 489)->Pos(445, 489)
2017-03-15 23:46:19 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(445, 489)->Pos(445, 489) took: 0 ms, cost: 0.000000
2017-03-15 23:46:19 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 1
2017-03-15 23:46:19 [pathfinding] -> Reached destination: Position: 0, 0, Path size: 1.
2017-03-15 23:46:20 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(445, 489)->Pos(445, 489)
2017-03-15 23:46:20 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(445, 489)->Pos(445, 489) took: 0 ms, cost: 0.000000
2017-03-15 23:46:20 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 1
2017-03-15 23:46:20 [pathfinding] -> Reached destination: Position: 0, 0, Path size: 1.
2017-03-15 23:46:20 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:20 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(445, 489)->Pos(445, 489)
2017-03-15 23:46:20 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(445, 489)->Pos(445, 489) took: 0 ms, cost: 0.000000
2017-03-15 23:46:20 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 1
2017-03-15 23:46:20 [pathfinding] -> Reached destination: Position: 0, 0, Path size: 1.
2017-03-15 23:46:20 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(445, 489)->Pos(445, 489)
2017-03-15 23:46:20 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(445, 489)->Pos(445, 489) took: 0 ms, cost: 0.000000
2017-03-15 23:46:20 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 1
2017-03-15 23:46:20 [pathfinding] -> Reached destination: Position: 0, 0, Path size: 1.
2017-03-15 23:46:20 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:20 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(445, 489)->Pos(445, 489)
2017-03-15 23:46:20 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(445, 489)->Pos(445, 489) took: 0 ms, cost: 0.000000
2017-03-15 23:46:20 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 1
2017-03-15 23:46:20 [pathfinding] -> Reached destination: Position: 0, 0, Path size: 1.
2017-03-15 23:46:20 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(445, 489)->Pos(435, 459)
2017-03-15 23:46:20 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(445, 489)->Pos(435, 459) took: 0 ms, cost: 34.099998
2017-03-15 23:46:20 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 31
2017-03-15 23:46:20 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:12, path size: 31
2017-03-15 23:46:20 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:20 [pathfinding] -> World X: 9461.827148 World Y: 5190.083496 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:20 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:20 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 31
2017-03-15 23:46:20 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:12, path size: 31
2017-03-15 23:46:20 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:20 [pathfinding] -> World X: 9461.827148 World Y: 5190.083496 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:20 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 31
2017-03-15 23:46:20 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:12, path size: 31
2017-03-15 23:46:20 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:20 [pathfinding] -> World X: 9461.827148 World Y: 5190.083496 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:20 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 31
2017-03-15 23:46:20 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:1, next corner index in path:13, path size: 31
2017-03-15 23:46:20 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:20 [pathfinding] -> World X: 9466.114258 World Y: 5182.285156 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:20 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:20 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 31
2017-03-15 23:46:20 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:2, next corner index in path:14, path size: 31
2017-03-15 23:46:20 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:20 [pathfinding] -> World X: 9468.237305 World Y: 5164.085938 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:20 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 31
2017-03-15 23:46:20 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:5, next corner index in path:17, path size: 31
2017-03-15 23:46:20 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:20 [pathfinding] -> World X: 9475.291016 World Y: 5141.657227 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:21 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:21 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:21 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:21 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(438, 481)->Pos(431, 457)
2017-03-15 23:46:21 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(438, 481)->Pos(431, 457) took: 0 ms, cost: 26.869999
2017-03-15 23:46:21 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 25
2017-03-15 23:46:21 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:12, path size: 25
2017-03-15 23:46:21 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:21 [pathfinding] -> World X: 9371.425781 World Y: 5104.819336 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:21 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(438, 481)->Pos(431, 457)
2017-03-15 23:46:21 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(438, 481)->Pos(431, 457) took: 0 ms, cost: 26.869999
2017-03-15 23:46:21 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 25
2017-03-15 23:46:21 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:12, path size: 25
2017-03-15 23:46:21 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:21 [pathfinding] -> World X: 9371.425781 World Y: 5104.819336 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:21 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:21 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(438, 481)->Pos(431, 457)
2017-03-15 23:46:21 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(438, 481)->Pos(431, 457) took: 0 ms, cost: 26.869999
2017-03-15 23:46:21 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 25
2017-03-15 23:46:21 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:12, path size: 25
2017-03-15 23:46:21 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:21 [pathfinding] -> World X: 9371.425781 World Y: 5104.819336 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:21 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(438, 480)->Pos(431, 459)
2017-03-15 23:46:21 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(438, 480)->Pos(431, 459) took: 0 ms, cost: 23.869999
2017-03-15 23:46:21 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 22
2017-03-15 23:46:21 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:12, path size: 22
2017-03-15 23:46:21 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 16 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:21 [pathfinding] -> World X: 9382.123047 World Y: 5104.546875 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:22 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(436, 479)->Pos(432, 460)
2017-03-15 23:46:22 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(436, 479)->Pos(432, 460) took: 0 ms, cost: 20.639999
2017-03-15 23:46:22 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 20
2017-03-15 23:46:22 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:12, path size: 20
2017-03-15 23:46:22 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:22 [pathfinding] -> World X: 9395.613281 World Y: 5076.322754 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:22 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:22 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:22 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:22 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:22 [pathfinding] -> Wavesearch algorithm (Exploring) succeded and took: 16 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:22 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(434, 475)->Node(376, 492)
2017-03-15 23:46:22 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(434, 475)->Node(376, 492) took: 0 ms, cost: 65.790001
2017-03-15 23:46:22 [pathfinding] -> Mapexplorer #2 call pathsize: 59
2017-03-15 23:46:22 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:17, path size: 59
2017-03-15 23:46:22 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 16 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:22 [pathfinding] -> World X: 9074.429688 World Y: 5353.130371 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 59
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:17, path size: 59
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> World X: 9074.429688 World Y: 5353.130371 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 59
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:1, next corner index in path:17, path size: 59
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> World X: 9077.309570 World Y: 5347.509277 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 59
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:3, next corner index in path:17, path size: 59
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> World X: 9073.597656 World Y: 5358.774414 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 59
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:5, next corner index in path:17, path size: 59
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> World X: 9076.798828 World Y: 5353.733398 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 59
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:8, next corner index in path:20, path size: 59
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> World X: 9015.100586 World Y: 5349.522461 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 59
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:10, next corner index in path:22, path size: 59
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> World X: 8970.888672 World Y: 5349.099609 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 59
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:12, next corner index in path:24, path size: 59
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> World X: 8640.169922 World Y: 5349.782227 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(423, 489)->Pos(364, 479)
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(423, 489)->Pos(364, 479) took: 16 ms, cost: 63.099998
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 60
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:12, path size: 60
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> World X: 8944.861328 World Y: 5208.426270 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(421, 490)->Pos(364, 479)
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(421, 490)->Pos(364, 479) took: 0 ms, cost: 61.509998
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 58
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:12, path size: 58
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> World X: 8898.292969 World Y: 5216.182617 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(419, 491)->Pos(364, 479)
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(419, 491)->Pos(364, 479) took: 0 ms, cost: 59.919998
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 56
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:12, path size: 56
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:23 [pathfinding] -> World X: 8860.671875 World Y: 5213.593750 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(417, 488)->Pos(365, 481)
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(417, 488)->Pos(365, 481) took: 0 ms, cost: 54.869999
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 53
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:12, path size: 53
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> World X: 8821.526367 World Y: 5245.843262 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(415, 487)->Pos(365, 483)
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(415, 487)->Pos(365, 483) took: 0 ms, cost: 51.639999
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 51
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:12, path size: 51
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> World X: 8779.307617 World Y: 5262.471680 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(413, 486)->Pos(366, 484)
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(413, 486)->Pos(366, 484) took: 0 ms, cost: 47.820000
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 48
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:12, path size: 48
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> World X: 8728.807617 World Y: 5271.936035 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(410, 486)->Pos(367, 486)
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(410, 486)->Pos(367, 486) took: 0 ms, cost: 43.000000
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 44
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:43, path size: 44
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> World X: 8003.342773 World Y: 5293.887207 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(409, 486)->Pos(367, 487)
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(409, 486)->Pos(367, 487) took: 0 ms, cost: 42.410000
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 43
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:12, path size: 43
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 16 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> World X: 8633.990234 World Y: 5310.200195 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(406, 488)->Pos(368, 487)
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(406, 488)->Pos(368, 487) took: 0 ms, cost: 38.410000
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 39
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:12, path size: 39
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> World X: 8583.858398 World Y: 5295.320313 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(404, 489)->Pos(368, 487)
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(404, 489)->Pos(368, 487) took: 0 ms, cost: 36.820000
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 37
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:12, path size: 37
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> World X: 8530.633789 World Y: 5295.731445 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(402, 490)->Pos(368, 487)
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(402, 490)->Pos(368, 487) took: 0 ms, cost: 35.230000
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 35
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:12, path size: 35
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> World X: 8496.359375 World Y: 5293.337402 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(400, 490)->Pos(368, 487)
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(400, 490)->Pos(368, 487) took: 0 ms, cost: 33.230000
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 33
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:12, path size: 33
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> World X: 8452.279297 World Y: 5299.435059 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(398, 490)->Pos(368, 487)
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(398, 490)->Pos(368, 487) took: 0 ms, cost: 31.230000
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 31
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:12, path size: 31
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:24 [pathfinding] -> World X: 8407.277344 World Y: 5303.306152 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:25 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(396, 490)->Pos(368, 487)
2017-03-15 23:46:25 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(396, 490)->Pos(368, 487) took: 0 ms, cost: 29.230000
2017-03-15 23:46:25 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 29
2017-03-15 23:46:25 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:12, path size: 29
2017-03-15 23:46:25 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:25 [pathfinding] -> World X: 8363.272461 World Y: 5306.581055 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:25 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:25 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(393, 491)->Pos(368, 487)
2017-03-15 23:46:25 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(393, 491)->Pos(368, 487) took: 0 ms, cost: 26.639999
2017-03-15 23:46:25 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 26
2017-03-15 23:46:25 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:12, path size: 26
2017-03-15 23:46:25 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:25 [pathfinding] -> World X: 8296.928711 World Y: 5299.916016 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:25 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(391, 491)->Pos(368, 487)
2017-03-15 23:46:25 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(391, 491)->Pos(368, 487) took: 0 ms, cost: 24.639999
2017-03-15 23:46:25 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 24
2017-03-15 23:46:25 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:12, path size: 24
2017-03-15 23:46:25 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:25 [pathfinding] -> World X: 8254.661133 World Y: 5302.356445 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:25 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:25 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(389, 491)->Pos(368, 487)
2017-03-15 23:46:25 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(389, 491)->Pos(368, 487) took: 0 ms, cost: 22.639999
2017-03-15 23:46:25 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 22
2017-03-15 23:46:25 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:12, path size: 22
2017-03-15 23:46:25 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:25 [pathfinding] -> World X: 8204.402344 World Y: 5302.871094 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:25 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(387, 491)->Pos(368, 487)
2017-03-15 23:46:25 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(387, 491)->Pos(368, 487) took: 0 ms, cost: 20.639999
2017-03-15 23:46:25 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 20
2017-03-15 23:46:25 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:12, path size: 20
2017-03-15 23:46:25 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:25 [pathfinding] -> World X: 8159.192383 World Y: 5301.855469 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:25 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:25 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(385, 491)->Pos(368, 487)
2017-03-15 23:46:25 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(385, 491)->Pos(368, 487) took: 0 ms, cost: 18.639999
2017-03-15 23:46:25 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 18
2017-03-15 23:46:25 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:12, path size: 18
2017-03-15 23:46:25 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:25 [pathfinding] -> World X: 8118.693359 World Y: 5300.451660 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:25 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:26 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:26 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:26 [pathfinding] -> IsPositionReachable Computing A* path from P(378, 488)->Pos(291, 503)
2017-03-15 23:46:26 [pathfinding] -> IsPositionReachable A* from P(378, 488)->Pos(291, 503) took: 0 ms, cost: 124.139999
2017-03-15 23:46:26 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:26 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(376, 485)->Pos(376, 485)
2017-03-15 23:46:26 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(376, 485)->Pos(376, 485) took: 0 ms, cost: 0.000000
2017-03-15 23:46:26 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 1
2017-03-15 23:46:26 [pathfinding] -> Reached destination: Position: 0, 0, Path size: 1.
2017-03-15 23:46:26 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:26 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:27 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:27 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:27 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:27 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:27 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:28 [pathfinding] -> Wavesearch algorithm (Exploring) succeded and took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:28 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(376, 485)->Node(316, 489)
2017-03-15 23:46:28 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(376, 485)->Node(316, 489) took: 0 ms, cost: 61.639999
2017-03-15 23:46:28 [pathfinding] -> Mapexplorer #2 call pathsize: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:28 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:25, path size: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:28 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:28 [pathfinding] -> World X: 7635.501465 World Y: 5320.696777 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:28 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:28 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:28 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:25, path size: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:28 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:28 [pathfinding] -> World X: 7635.501465 World Y: 5320.696777 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:28 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:28 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:25, path size: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:28 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:28 [pathfinding] -> World X: 7635.501465 World Y: 5320.696777 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:28 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:28 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:28 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:25, path size: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:28 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:28 [pathfinding] -> World X: 7619.848145 World Y: 5326.786133 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:28 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:28 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:2, next corner index in path:27, path size: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:28 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:28 [pathfinding] -> World X: 7587.602051 World Y: 5322.506836 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:28 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:28 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:28 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:3, next corner index in path:28, path size: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:28 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:28 [pathfinding] -> World X: 7567.731445 World Y: 5328.062500 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:28 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:28 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:7, next corner index in path:57, path size: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:28 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:28 [pathfinding] -> World X: 7482.131348 World Y: 5332.138672 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:28 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:28 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:9, next corner index in path:59, path size: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:28 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:28 [pathfinding] -> World X: 7429.760254 World Y: 5326.007324 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:28 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:28 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:28 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:12, next corner index in path:60, path size: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:28 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:28 [pathfinding] -> World X: 7377.017578 World Y: 5329.528320 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:28 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:28 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:14, next corner index in path:60, path size: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:28 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:28 [pathfinding] -> World X: 7330.748047 World Y: 5333.569336 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:29 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:29 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:29 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:17, next corner index in path:60, path size: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:29 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:29 [pathfinding] -> World X: 7278.407715 World Y: 5327.265137 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:29 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:29 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:19, next corner index in path:60, path size: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:29 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:29 [pathfinding] -> World X: 7233.054199 World Y: 5331.424316 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:29 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:29 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:29 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:20, next corner index in path:60, path size: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:29 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:29 [pathfinding] -> World X: 7199.730957 World Y: 5335.861816 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:29 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:29 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:22, next corner index in path:60, path size: 61
2017-03-15 23:46:29 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.
2017-03-15 23:46:29 [pathfinding] -> World X: 7155.284180 World Y: 5340.782715 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:29 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 15 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:29 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:30 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:30 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:30 [pathfinding] -> Wavesearch algorithm (Exploring) succeded and took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:30 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(360, 493)->Node(298, 432)
2017-03-15 23:46:30 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(360, 493)->Node(298, 432) took: 16 ms, cost: 87.009995
2017-03-15 23:46:30 [pathfinding] -> Mapexplorer #2 call pathsize: 63
2017-03-15 23:46:30 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:50, path size: 63
2017-03-15 23:46:30 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:30 [pathfinding] -> World X: 6743.803711 World Y: 4820.100586 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:30 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:30 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 63
2017-03-15 23:46:30 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:50, path size: 63
2017-03-15 23:46:30 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 16 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:30 [pathfinding] -> World X: 6743.803711 World Y: 4820.100586 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:30 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 63
2017-03-15 23:46:30 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:50, path size: 63
2017-03-15 23:46:30 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 15 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:30 [pathfinding] -> World X: 6743.803711 World Y: 4820.100586 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:30 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:30 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 63
2017-03-15 23:46:30 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:50, path size: 63
2017-03-15 23:46:30 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:30 [pathfinding] -> World X: 6743.803711 World Y: 4820.100586 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:30 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 63
2017-03-15 23:46:30 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:1, next corner index in path:51, path size: 63
2017-03-15 23:46:30 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:30 [pathfinding] -> World X: 6728.536133 World Y: 4806.872559 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:30 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:30 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 63
2017-03-15 23:46:30 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:3, next corner index in path:53, path size: 63
2017-03-15 23:46:30 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:30 [pathfinding] -> World X: 6687.045410 World Y: 4790.793457 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 63
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:4, next corner index in path:54, path size: 63
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 15 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> World X: 6653.477539 World Y: 4773.523438 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> MapExplorer #1 call pathsize: 63
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:6, next corner index in path:56, path size: 63
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> World X: 6608.987793 World Y: 4754.689453 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(353, 487)->Pos(301, 460)
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(353, 487)->Pos(301, 460) took: 0 ms, cost: 63.070000
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 53
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:27, path size: 53
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> World X: 7087.269531 World Y: 5004.936035 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 53
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:2, next corner index in path:27, path size: 53
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 16 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> World X: 7102.306152 World Y: 5006.508789 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 53
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:4, next corner index in path:29, path size: 53
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> World X: 7058.024902 World Y: 5010.988281 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 53
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:6, next corner index in path:31, path size: 53
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> World X: 7015.250000 World Y: 5005.111328 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 53
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:8, next corner index in path:33, path size: 53
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> World X: 6976.108398 World Y: 5011.147461 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> Rotten entity found while computing distance.
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 53
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:9, next corner index in path:34, path size: 53
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> World X: 6946.584961 World Y: 5002.835938 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 53
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:12, next corner index in path:37, path size: 53
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> World X: 6891.736816 World Y: 5009.705566 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 53
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:13, next corner index in path:38, path size: 53
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> World X: 6868.026367 World Y: 5005.517578 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 53
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:14, next corner index in path:39, path size: 53
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 16 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:31 [pathfinding] -> World X: 6837.776367 World Y: 5006.612305 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:32 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 53
2017-03-15 23:46:32 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:16, next corner index in path:41, path size: 53
2017-03-15 23:46:32 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:32 [pathfinding] -> World X: 6791.003906 World Y: 5006.696289 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:32 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:32 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 53
2017-03-15 23:46:32 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:18, next corner index in path:43, path size: 53
2017-03-15 23:46:32 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:32 [pathfinding] -> World X: 6767.569824 World Y: 5006.870605 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:32 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 53
2017-03-15 23:46:32 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:18, next corner index in path:43, path size: 53
2017-03-15 23:46:32 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:32 [pathfinding] -> World X: 6752.731934 World Y: 5000.934570 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:32 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:32 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 15 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:32 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:33 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:33 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 15 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:33 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:33 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:33 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:34 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(322, 468)->Pos(322, 439)
2017-03-15 23:46:34 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(322, 468)->Pos(322, 439) took: 0 ms, cost: 29.000000
2017-03-15 23:46:34 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 30
2017-03-15 23:46:34 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:29, path size: 30
2017-03-15 23:46:34 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:34 [pathfinding] -> World X: 7005.425781 World Y: 4776.836914 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:34 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:34 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(322, 468)->Pos(314, 441)
2017-03-15 23:46:34 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(322, 468)->Pos(314, 441) took: 0 ms, cost: 30.279999
2017-03-15 23:46:34 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 28
2017-03-15 23:46:34 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:25, path size: 28
2017-03-15 23:46:34 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 16 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:34 [pathfinding] -> World X: 6831.377930 World Y: 4820.361816 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:34 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(322, 468)->Pos(314, 443)
2017-03-15 23:46:34 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(322, 468)->Pos(314, 443) took: 0 ms, cost: 28.279999
2017-03-15 23:46:34 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 26
2017-03-15 23:46:34 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:25, path size: 26
2017-03-15 23:46:34 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:34 [pathfinding] -> World X: 6831.377930 World Y: 4820.361816 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:34 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:34 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(322, 468)->Pos(315, 444)
2017-03-15 23:46:34 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(322, 468)->Pos(315, 444) took: 0 ms, cost: 26.869999
2017-03-15 23:46:34 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 25
2017-03-15 23:46:34 [pathfinding] -> Reached destination: Position: 0, 25, Path size: 25.
2017-03-15 23:46:34 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(322, 468)->Pos(315, 446)
2017-03-15 23:46:34 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(322, 468)->Pos(315, 446) took: 0 ms, cost: 24.869999
2017-03-15 23:46:34 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 23
2017-03-15 23:46:34 [pathfinding] -> Reached destination: Position: 0, 25, Path size: 23.
2017-03-15 23:46:34 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:34 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(322, 468)->Pos(316, 448)
2017-03-15 23:46:34 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(322, 468)->Pos(316, 448) took: 0 ms, cost: 22.459999
2017-03-15 23:46:34 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 21
2017-03-15 23:46:34 [pathfinding] -> Reached destination: Position: 0, 25, Path size: 21.
2017-03-15 23:46:34 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(322, 468)->Pos(317, 450)
2017-03-15 23:46:34 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(322, 468)->Pos(317, 450) took: 0 ms, cost: 20.049999
2017-03-15 23:46:34 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 19
2017-03-15 23:46:34 [pathfinding] -> Reached destination: Position: 0, 25, Path size: 19.
2017-03-15 23:46:34 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:34 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(322, 468)->Pos(317, 451)
2017-03-15 23:46:34 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(322, 468)->Pos(317, 451) took: 0 ms, cost: 19.049999
2017-03-15 23:46:34 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 18
2017-03-15 23:46:34 [pathfinding] -> Reached destination: Position: 0, 25, Path size: 18.
2017-03-15 23:46:34 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(322, 468)->Pos(318, 453)
2017-03-15 23:46:34 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(322, 468)->Pos(318, 453) took: 0 ms, cost: 16.639999
2017-03-15 23:46:34 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 16
2017-03-15 23:46:34 [pathfinding] -> Reached destination: Position: 0, 25, Path size: 16.
2017-03-15 23:46:35 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:35 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(322, 468)->Pos(297, 439)
2017-03-15 23:46:35 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(322, 468)->Pos(297, 439) took: 0 ms, cost: 39.250000
2017-03-15 23:46:35 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 30
2017-03-15 23:46:35 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:25, path size: 30
2017-03-15 23:46:35 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:35 [pathfinding] -> World X: 6461.526367 World Y: 4820.361816 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:35 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 30
2017-03-15 23:46:35 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:25, path size: 30
2017-03-15 23:46:35 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:35 [pathfinding] -> World X: 6461.526367 World Y: 4820.361816 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:35 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 16 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:35 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 30
2017-03-15 23:46:35 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:0, next corner index in path:25, path size: 30
2017-03-15 23:46:35 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:35 [pathfinding] -> World X: 6461.526367 World Y: 4820.361816 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:35 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 30
2017-03-15 23:46:35 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:1, next corner index in path:26, path size: 30
2017-03-15 23:46:35 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:35 [pathfinding] -> World X: 6466.898926 World Y: 4814.121582 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:35 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:35 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 30
2017-03-15 23:46:35 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:2, next corner index in path:27, path size: 30
2017-03-15 23:46:35 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:35 [pathfinding] -> World X: 6456.761719 World Y: 4794.212891 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:35 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 30
2017-03-15 23:46:35 [pathfinding] -> Current index in path:4, next corner index in path:29, path size: 30
2017-03-15 23:46:35 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, no wall !!
2017-03-15 23:46:35 [pathfinding] -> World X: 6460.840332 World Y: 4768.197754 World Z: -95.449623
2017-03-15 23:46:35 [pathfinding] -> MoveToEntity call, priority: 26, pathsize: 30
2017-03-15 23:46:35 [pathfinding] -> Reached destination: Position: 6, 31, Path size: 30.
2017-03-15 23:46:35 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:36 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:36 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:36 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:36 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:36 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:37 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:37 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:37 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 16 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:38 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 15 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:38 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:38 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:38 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:38 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:39 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:39 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2017-03-15 23:46:39 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms




2017-03-16 10:03:01 [timer] -> Game informations update took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:01 [timer] -> Unstucker took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:02 [timer] -> Menu Handler took: 951 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:02 [timer] -> Quest Handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:02 [timer] -> Mission Handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:02 [timer] -> Corrupted area handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:02 [timer] -> Area Navigator took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:02 [timer] -> Map item launcher took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:02 [timer] -> Inventories Handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:02 [timer] -> Map Explorer took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:02 [timer] -> Flask Drinker took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:02 [timer] -> Item Picker took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:02 [timer] -> Shrine User took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:02 [timer] -> Monolith Handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:02 [timer] -> Breach Handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:02 [timer] -> Gem Leveler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:02 [timer] -> Fight Handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:02 [timer] -> Chest Opener took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:02 [timer] -> Game Leaver took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:02 [timer] -> Buff Caster took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:02 [timer] -> Item Chancer took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:02 [timer] -> Map Crafter took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:10 [timer] -> State Processing took: 7223 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:10 [timer] -> Main AI Loop took: 8190 ms

2017-03-16 10:03:10 [timer] -> Game informations update took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:10 [timer] -> Unstucker took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:10 [timer] -> Menu Handler took: 640 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:10 [timer] -> Quest Handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:10 [timer] -> Mission Handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:10 [timer] -> Corrupted area handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:10 [timer] -> Area Navigator took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:10 [timer] -> Map item launcher took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:10 [timer] -> Inventories Handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:10 [timer] -> Map Explorer took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:10 [timer] -> Flask Drinker took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:10 [timer] -> Item Picker took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:10 [timer] -> Shrine User took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:10 [timer] -> Monolith Handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:10 [timer] -> Breach Handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:10 [timer] -> Gem Leveler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:10 [timer] -> Fight Handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:10 [timer] -> Chest Opener took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:10 [timer] -> Game Leaver took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:10 [timer] -> Buff Caster took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:10 [timer] -> Item Chancer took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:10 [timer] -> Map Crafter took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:18 [timer] -> State Processing took: 7581 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:18 [timer] -> Main AI Loop took: 8221 ms

2017-03-16 10:03:18 [timer] -> Game informations update took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:18 [timer] -> Unstucker took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:19 [timer] -> Menu Handler took: 640 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:19 [timer] -> Quest Handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:19 [timer] -> Mission Handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:19 [timer] -> Corrupted area handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:19 [timer] -> Area Navigator took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:19 [timer] -> Map item launcher took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:19 [timer] -> Inventories Handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:19 [timer] -> Map Explorer took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:19 [timer] -> Flask Drinker took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:19 [timer] -> Item Picker took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:19 [timer] -> Shrine User took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:19 [timer] -> Monolith Handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:19 [timer] -> Breach Handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:19 [timer] -> Gem Leveler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:19 [timer] -> Fight Handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:19 [timer] -> Chest Opener took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:19 [timer] -> Game Leaver took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:19 [timer] -> Buff Caster took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:19 [timer] -> Item Chancer took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:19 [timer] -> Map Crafter took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:26 [timer] -> State Processing took: 7394 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:26 [timer] -> Main AI Loop took: 8034 ms

2017-03-16 10:03:26 [timer] -> Game informations update took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:26 [timer] -> Unstucker took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:27 [timer] -> Menu Handler took: 671 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:27 [timer] -> Quest Handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:27 [timer] -> Mission Handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:27 [timer] -> Corrupted area handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:27 [timer] -> Area Navigator took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:27 [timer] -> Map item launcher took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:27 [timer] -> Inventories Handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:27 [timer] -> Map Explorer took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:27 [timer] -> Flask Drinker took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:27 [timer] -> Item Picker took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:27 [timer] -> Shrine User took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:27 [timer] -> Monolith Handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:27 [timer] -> Breach Handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:27 [timer] -> Gem Leveler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:27 [timer] -> Fight Handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:27 [timer] -> Chest Opener took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:27 [timer] -> Game Leaver took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:27 [timer] -> Buff Caster took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:27 [timer] -> Item Chancer took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:27 [timer] -> Map Crafter took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:34 [timer] -> State Processing took: 7363 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:34 [timer] -> Main AI Loop took: 8034 ms

2017-03-16 10:03:34 [timer] -> Game informations update took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:34 [timer] -> Unstucker took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:35 [timer] -> Menu Handler took: 608 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:35 [timer] -> Quest Handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:35 [timer] -> Mission Handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:35 [timer] -> Corrupted area handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:35 [timer] -> Area Navigator took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:35 [timer] -> Map item launcher took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:35 [timer] -> Inventories Handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:35 [timer] -> Map Explorer took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:35 [timer] -> Flask Drinker took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:35 [timer] -> Item Picker took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:35 [timer] -> Shrine User took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:35 [timer] -> Monolith Handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:35 [timer] -> Breach Handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:35 [timer] -> Gem Leveler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:35 [timer] -> Fight Handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:35 [timer] -> Chest Opener took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:35 [timer] -> Game Leaver took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:35 [timer] -> Buff Caster took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:35 [timer] -> Item Chancer took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:35 [timer] -> Map Crafter took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:42 [timer] -> State Processing took: 7223 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:42 [timer] -> Main AI Loop took: 7847 ms

2017-03-16 10:03:42 [timer] -> Game informations update took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:42 [timer] -> Unstucker took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:42 [timer] -> Menu Handler took: 562 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:42 [timer] -> Quest Handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:42 [timer] -> Mission Handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:42 [timer] -> Corrupted area handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:42 [timer] -> Area Navigator took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:42 [timer] -> Map item launcher took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:42 [timer] -> Inventories Handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:42 [timer] -> Map Explorer took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:42 [timer] -> Flask Drinker took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:42 [timer] -> Item Picker took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:42 [timer] -> Shrine User took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:42 [timer] -> Monolith Handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:42 [timer] -> Breach Handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:42 [timer] -> Gem Leveler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:42 [timer] -> Fight Handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:42 [timer] -> Chest Opener took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:42 [timer] -> Game Leaver took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:42 [timer] -> Buff Caster took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:42 [timer] -> Item Chancer took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:42 [timer] -> Map Crafter took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:50 [timer] -> State Processing took: 7207 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:50 [timer] -> Main AI Loop took: 7769 ms

2017-03-16 10:03:50 [timer] -> Game informations update took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:50 [timer] -> Unstucker took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:50 [timer] -> Menu Handler took: 468 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:50 [timer] -> Quest Handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:50 [timer] -> Mission Handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:50 [timer] -> Corrupted area handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:50 [timer] -> Area Navigator took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:50 [timer] -> Map item launcher took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:50 [timer] -> Inventories Handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:50 [timer] -> Map Explorer took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:50 [timer] -> Flask Drinker took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:50 [timer] -> Item Picker took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:50 [timer] -> Shrine User took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:50 [timer] -> Monolith Handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:50 [timer] -> Breach Handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:50 [timer] -> Gem Leveler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:50 [timer] -> Fight Handler took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:50 [timer] -> Chest Opener took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:50 [timer] -> Game Leaver took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:50 [timer] -> Buff Caster took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:50 [timer] -> Item Chancer took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:50 [timer] -> Map Crafter took: 0 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:57 [timer] -> State Processing took: 7301 ms
2017-03-16 10:03:57 [timer] -> Main AI Loop took: 7769 ms

Edited by Wscg

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