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Best BOT-able build?

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So far I was using one build since 3 leagues - awesome damage, good clearspeed, cheap to build. However I'm simply bored, same stuff 4th time.

Question for you guys - which build are you using to bot and why?

Some build are easy to play - just stack some charges and hold the mouse button, some others are a little harder to use - totems, summons, potions etc.

Tell me! Which builds are YOU using to bot! ;)

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Last time I used afk gone cheap (I simply copy a build and bot with it), but I stopped playing like 1 o 2 months before breach league ends.
I must search for a good one for this new league.

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Its my second build from King of the forest, gained some currency and switched to:

Triple curse aura (enfeeble, temp chains, elemental weakness) FLAME golem build.

Yes its quite expensive, need atleast 10 ex to start running (just for jewels), but all bot does is picks items from ground, and debuff enemies, thats all

Golems do all rest, 14k energy shield... cant compare to any other build tried flicker, HOWA spectre throw, bladeflurry. NOTHING COMES EVEN CLOSE. botting t10 - t15 no problem with few exceptions. Also all guardians and shapper. Secreat weapon is molten shell in this build for absorb 3k each sec with bot. Insane clear speed.

You are not restricted by any reflects mods, or curses dont matter. NOTHING ELSE MATTERS ANYMORE, simple reason is other builds can either kill minions or pick items, you can do both  with kitting feature enabled.

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Its my second build from King of the forest, gained some currency and switched to:

Triple curse aura (enfeeble, temp chains, elemental weakness) FLAME golem build.

Yes its quite expensive, need atleast 10 ex to start running (just for jewels), but all bot does is picks items from ground, and debuff enemies, thats all

Golems do all rest, 14k energy shield... cant compare to any other build tried flicker, HOWA spectre throw, bladeflurry. NOTHING COMES EVEN CLOSE. botting t10 - t15 no problem with few exceptions. Also all guardians and shapper. Secreat weapon is molten shell in this build for absorb 3k each sec with bot. Insane clear speed.

You are not restricted by any reflects mods, or curses dont matter. NOTHING ELSE MATTERS ANYMORE, simple reason is other builds can either kill minions or pick items, you can do both  with kitting feature enabled.

and what if u getting banned? 10ex+ is gone dunno if its worth the risk tbh

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Do you know with that bot you earn about 2 - 3 ex daily ? items themself are kinda cheap, except gloves, belt rings and amulet. People already gave good tips how to avoid being banned. General tips:

*leave bot on during work if you are in europe or near, because in New Zealand / Australia is night time 12 hours difference they are asleep then.

* delete all friends that you do not know , they can rat you in because they have no emotional connection to you, so they dont care.

* Dont use VPN they see when you are connecting from different places, that raises suspision.

* Dont leave game to bot 24/7 8 - 10 hours daily.

* Dont run multiple bots, just use main char.

* Dont trade currencies with your alt chars, they see when its same char or low lvl char you are giving currency to. People get caught and gets both accounts locked.

* Do not name  your chars in similar pattern, try to avoid XD and RAWR in names

*** Worse case I got banned several seasons before when was botting 24/7, if you write begging email with senser apology and promiss to be a good boy then they will unban your account. Worked for a friend of mine as well.

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Its my second build from King of the forest, gained some currency and switched to:

Triple curse aura (enfeeble, temp chains, elemental weakness) FLAME golem build.

Yes its quite expensive, need atleast 10 ex to start running (just for jewels), but all bot does is picks items from ground, and debuff enemies, thats all

Golems do all rest, 14k energy shield... cant compare to any other build tried flicker, HOWA spectre throw, bladeflurry. NOTHING COMES EVEN CLOSE. botting t10 - t15 no problem with few exceptions. Also all guardians and shapper. Secreat weapon is molten shell in this build for absorb 3k each sec with bot. Insane clear speed.

You are not restricted by any reflects mods, or curses dont matter. NOTHING ELSE MATTERS ANYMORE, simple reason is other builds can either kill minions or pick items, you can do both  with kitting feature enabled.

can u give a link for this build i wanted to try it is its rly that good

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