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Bot requesting elite liscense constantly

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Hey guys, wondering if someone might be able to provide some insight on this problem.


Heres the deal :


Multiple VM's running with different keys and different VPNs (same VPN provider)


connected through bridged OR NAT, there is no difference.


I checked :


Synced internet time

VPN connection type

Home internet connection ( 5ghz )

Tmac address changer



Something is causing this issue and I cant seem to figure out what it is. I'm leaning towards my internet having shitty connection but I cant tell because the internet does not drop entirely. ( maybe its not internet at all? )


PS: Ive also tried to eliminate this problem by not using a VPN ( running my main ) and it still happens.


Help me !!

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I have the same issue. I messaged alkpone regarding it and after some discussion messaged blacksun about it who as I have been informed is the creator of the author system.

Been a week or two since you created this. Have you found a solution?

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