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How to access information from GGG when banned and maybe get unbanned

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Some of you experienced it...a ban....and some know the replies from GGG like "it's not our policy to give out information about the reason of the ban bla bla"




here is how you will get all the information they have about you and the reason why you get banned (interesting for bot devs maybe)



1. Write them, that under #28 of their ToU you are entitled to receive any information they gathered about you.


if they deny 


2. Write them, that the "Privacy Act 1993" entitles you to to receive any information they gathered about you and that you will write a complaint to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner.


if they still deny


3. go to "https://www.privacy.org.nz/your-rights/complaint-form/"  and file out the complaint (it doesn't matter where you live...)


It will take some days / weeks but you will have success and if you're lucky, GGG will even lift the ban.





PS: be careful to not post anything like timestamps, names or whatever from GGG replies...GGG has accounts here.

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