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Was running fine then this:

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So bot did like 3-4 runs then got stuck on stash with this in the logs

2017-02-21 04:58:47 [info] -> Index of mod "attack_minimum_added_lightning_damage	" not found!!
2017-02-21 04:58:47 [info] -> Index of mod "Attack_minimum_added_physical_damage" not found!!
2017-02-21 04:58:47 [info] -> Index of mod "Attack_minimum_added_physical_damage" not found!!
2017-02-21 04:58:47 [info] -> Index of mod "Attack_minimum_added_physical_damage" not found!!
2017-02-21 04:58:47 [info] -> Area switched from none to Backstreet Hideout
2017-02-21 04:58:47 [info] -> Idling...
2017-02-21 04:58:47 [info] -> LoadStashTab StateLoadingStashTab Loaded.
2017-02-21 04:58:47 [info] -> Loading stash tab...
2017-02-21 04:58:47 [info] -> Selecting stash tab 1...
2017-02-21 04:58:47 [info] -> LoadStashTab StateLoadingStashTab Loaded.
2017-02-21 04:58:47 [info] -> Loading stash tab...
2017-02-21 04:58:47 [info] -> Selecting stash tab 1...
2017-02-21 04:58:47 [info] -> LoadStashTab StateLoadingStashTab Loaded.
2017-02-21 04:58:47 [info] -> Loading stash tab...
2017-02-21 04:58:47 [info] -> Selecting stash tab 1...
2017-02-21 04:58:48 [info] -> Idling...
2017-02-21 04:58:48 [info] -> Idling...
2017-02-21 04:58:48 [info] -> Idling...
2017-02-21 04:58:48 [info] -> Idling...
2017-02-21 04:58:48 [info] -> Idling...
2017-02-21 04:58:49 [info] -> Idling...

Dont know what to do but i havent changed anything to cause this to happen :S

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Did not change anything... Played for a while this morning then decided to try it again. Workes for now again till it decides to crap out again.. Also need to run in normal mode because attachment program bugs out the resolution. Can a dev plz get ahold of me ;) or someone with answers as to why it works sometimes and tweaks out other times?

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