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Chaos Breaches Outside Maps - Myth or Fact?

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I've been seeing some people around POE forums and global chat say they've encountered chaos (Chayula) breaches outside maps, which I think is false. People have reported that they've encountered chaos breaches in areas as early as Act 3 Cruel, but I have yet to see any VOD or screenshot as proof that they can appear that early.


I figure I would ask here, since a Chayula splinter would be in your stash if your bot has picked one up at some point.


Personally, my bot has been running in Act 3 and 4 Merciless areas for the past month, and it has not picked up a single Chayula splinter, but has picked up hundreds of Uul-Netol splinters and thousands of the other 3 types of splinters, so unless my bot is dying in chaos breaches 100% of the time (and is never able to pick up a splinter), this means chaos breaches don't appear in A3 or A4 Merciless areas (Dried Lake & before, I have not tested the Mines or later).


Can anyone else can share whether their bot has picked up any Chayula splinters outside of maps?

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lvl68 area or higher.


so in definition, if theres an area on act5 that is at least lvl68+ then it possibly can.

Edited by mcmbowinc

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