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Having a few issues with pickit system and Breach pillars

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Ok so first off... Used to bot with D2jsp and kuk bot for d2lod. usually really good at setting this stuff up... But for some reason no matter how i change the scripts for pickit the bot still sells stuff that i have chosen in the pickit to STASH.


This line


[Category] == "Map" #[stashItem] == "true"      SHOULD pick up all maps ?



Also. Even though I have some rare items set to stash certain mods on items the bot REFUSES to identify any items at all...


And have


[Category] == "Card" # [stashItem] == "true" // Collect all divination cards and yet bot still neglects to pick them up or stash them if already in inventory.



Second part of my concerns.... Can one of the devs add a greater walkaround radius for breach pillars... it runs right through them like they dont exist. and i have my bot set to DO NOT ACTIVATE BREACHES


; activate breaches
activate_breaches=false Should have a Higher avoidance radius so that the character goes NOWHERE near them. I cant seem to find the bot coding anywhere to actually edit it myself. D2jsp and KukBot had the bots coding in the main folder so if you notice range issues or stuff you can physically change it to your liking.


Thanks in advance. mostly everything else is pretty good. Just so used to KUK and JSP for so many years that having these few issues is really irritating because I can normally figure stuff out fairly easy.






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Yea I went through and reworked 1300 lines of pickit lol. Just didn't want too lol.. Used yours as a base but wanted to be 100% sure ;)

Would still like to see better avoidance pathfinding.

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Yea I went through and reworked 1300 lines of pickit lol. Just didn't want too lol.. Used yours as a base but wanted to be 100% sure ;)

Would still like to see better avoidance pathfinding.


Very confused why you would have to rework anything.  The pickit is pretty much ready to go as is, that is the way it was supposed to be setup.


I'm hoping that you aren't changing a bunch of lines from forcesellitem to stashitem.

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Very confused why you would have to rework anything.  The pickit is pretty much ready to go as is, that is the way it was supposed to be setup.


I'm hoping that you aren't changing a bunch of lines from forcesellitem to stashitem.

nope of course not :) Just adding mods removing mods shit like that.. :P making sure its not missing anything i wanted ;)

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