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Combat Settings

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Are the combat settings working? "Is Aura", "Always recast buff" and "Is Golem" do work. But "Priority" is not working (also "Max distance" and "Use shift" do not work for me). I'm trying to use a lightning spell every 10s (Orb of Storms) so I can activate "Mastermind of Discord".


I set my primiary spell to "Priority=1" and my lightning spell to "Priority=2; (Cooldown=10000; Min monster required in range=3)". I tried to switch left/right mouse skill activation ingame and on bot settings. I changed not only "Priority" settings but also the order of skills within the bot menue. I flipped "Priority" settings 1 and 2 even if it's not intended that way, bot always uses the primary spell (left mouse). If I switch the ingame settings and use primary spell on right mouse and the lightning spell on left mouse, then I need to use shift activation which does not work.


Any help would be appreciated.



Edit: I added another slot for the lightning spell on "E" with "Priority=9", changed primary spell on "left mouse" to "Priority=3" and lightning spell on "right mouse" to "Priority=1". Bot is still only using the primary spell on "left mouse".

Edited by Allexiel

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Workaround: Set "left mouse" ingame to "move only" and deleated it in bot settings. Set "right mouse" ingame to "nothing" and deleated it in bot settings. Changed primary spell, lightning spell to "E and "R". Now it's working. I have to change settings every time I play myself tho because I'd like to play with mouse. I often watch movies/youtube while bot is playing and I do master quests in case there are any in a map. Is there any way I can fix it with "left mouse" and "right mouse"?



Edit: Deleating "left mouse" in bot settings and not changing it in ingame settings is enough. Still just a workaround and I'm curious if you can fix it with the normal "left mouse" setting. "left mouse" always gets priority over any other button?

Edited by Allexiel

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