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Sleep Simulator

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I had read in a few various posts people looking for a way to simulate sleeping when it came to using the bot. In order to make the reality possible, until they implement it, I wrote a utility that does just that. The program loads the game, loads the bot, then starts the botting process. Now, I need to be clear that there is a little painless configuration on your end that will be needed but for the most part it is completely painless.

How the program works is rather simple. You define how long you wish the bot to run. Define how long you would like it to remain offline. Point it to your "Bot" directory. Point it to your "Game" directory. Once you've done all that it's as simple as pressing buttons. To keep with the security of Exile Bot the only key sending I employ is directly to the bot. The only reason I use this method is to load the bot and make sure it does in fact start.



Since I am sure there will be a few questions I wrote a small guide to help explain how this all works.


In Image One you can see where you would set your times. These times are handled in MS. 1000 MS = 1 Second. You have to do a little math here. Once you have both of those set to desired amounts please press "Save Settings". This ensures those settings are saved to the data files. Next, press Directory to setup your game & bot directories.


In Image Two I think it should be pretty self explanatory. Should you have an issue here I would suggest you examine PEBKAC for resolution. Once you have completed both of those actions simply press start timer and enjoy. Please keep in mind if you do not stop the timer before you close the program it will continue to loop.

For those nervous I have not only enclosed my source code, but also a scan from Virus Total. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

As Always, Thanks & Happy Botting!

~ Reteric

Virus Scan:


Source Code:


Actual Program:


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Thanks for the feedback.

It's something I can change in the future should this actual prove to be useful for people. For the most part it was simply nice to brush some of the dust off some long lost skills.

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To keep with the security of Exile Bot the only key sending I employ is directly to the bot.

Thanks for this.

What does your script do when it is time to sleep?

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It looks for each process of Path of Exile & Exiled Bot and shuts them down. Once they are shut down the program goes to sleep for the defined amount of time you put in. For Example: Dave wants to bot for 3 hours straight and then be offline for 2 hours. This way it would appear he is only actually able to play roughly 4 or so times a day and only in 3 hour blocks. While that could raise a flag too you are also able to do something like: Bot 8 hours, offline 10. Which is a little more realistic. Personally, I have mine set to odd time amounts. So I'll be online like 4.3 hours. Offline for 6.2.

Originally I had simply used scheduled tasks to start and shutdown my bot. Mostly because I get busy and don't pay much mind to actually starting them up. For that I was using a rather simple batch file which I can also attach here. Perhaps something I could do in the future if this gains popularity is setup some predefined times. I don't honestly know really what people would like in that neighborhood. For the most part, I figure this is just a temporary tool until they add it to exile bot themselves.

Again, Thanks for the feedback guys. I appreciate it.

Happy Botting! ~ Reteric.

Batch File Rar: [attachment=0]Kill It.rar[/attachment]

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seems to be a quite nice tool.

but why did u let the user input the times in MS? no need for those exact numbers. its more about hours and maybe minutes.

also do the input values get randomized by something like +-5%? since randomization is quite important against bot check algorithms.

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I didn't really give it much though on the randomization until after I had setup the program. As for MS, it's simply because I was being lazy and didn't want to do:

runTime = Int(txtRunTime.Text) * 60000

However from sitting and thinking about it I could have easily put in two radio buttons and simply switched between Minutes & Hours. I'll be sure to do a little update here in a day or two and swap these around for you guys. The main reason it's currently in MS is because I directly sleep the threads using those inputs.

Thanks for all the input =)

~ Reteric

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@Retric it would be awesome if you give some more time to your "long time ago lost skills".

I am sure you can make a super-duper relogger for PoE that scheldues "idle" task and loads different profiles on EB - botting some Ledge 2 hours, sleep 1 hour, bot docks 3 hours, sleep 1 hour, bot some lunaris for 2 hours.

EB just entroduced profiles. I suppose the thingy will need to change value in the config file.

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