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Trying to understand Skill Config

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Hi, I am having issues where the bot sometimes doesnt use a skill with high priority and cooldown. Here is my setup:


Right Mouse Button: Earthquake

Priority: 1

Cooldown: 250 (1/4 a second right?)

Max Distance: 45

Min Distance: 0


Left Mouse Button: Earthquake (same as Right Mouse Button)

Priority: 1

Cooldown: 250 (1/4 a second right?)

Max Distance: 45

Min Distance: 0


Skill Q: Ancestral Warcheift Totem

Priority: 3

Cooldown: 2500 (2 and a half seconds, right?)

Max Distance: 45

Min Distance: 0


Skill W: Enduring Cry

Priority: 5

Cooldown: 2500 (2 and a half seconds, right?)

Max Distance: 45

Min Distance: 0


My problem is that most of the time, the bot doesnt use the skills Ancestral Warchief Totem, or Enduring cry every 2 and a half seconds, as demanded in my Skill Config Setup (Enemies are around me but the skills dont trigger after the cooldown, sometimes they do,sometimes they take 2 or 3 times longer to "recast") Just want to know what Im doing wrong, maybe the bot just doesnt FORCE skill use yet?

Edited by Ratchulas

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Left button should be left as default because it's the movement skill. (change your left mouse to move only).
Earthquake cooldown should be 0, right?

Priorities sould be:

Right mouse (earthquake): 7 (Lower its max range, 20/25?)
Left mouse (move only): 1
Q (ancestral): 8
W? (enduring cry): 9 (I also thing that you should change it's max range. 10/15 maybe?)

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