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Sarn Loop Detection

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Wanted to share a SIMPLE script I wrote. Seems I still get bugged in Sarn after TPing back to start another run. My character will run in a back and forth loop in the vendor area.

AHK Code:

#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.

; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.

SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.

SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

;Credit to jpbot, I used his enhanced script as a guildline for writing this

;Credit to Ratchulas for helping work on the idea for this script

;Activate game window

IfWinExist, Path of Exile ahk_class Direct3DWindowClass




Goto, maramoa


ImageSearch, posx, posy, 0,0, 800, 600,*100 maramoa.bmp

If Errorlevel = 1

Sleep 200




Sleep 5000


Sleep 5000

ControlClick, Button1, ExiledBot Open Beta v0.11b

Sleep 1000





IfWinExist, Path of Exile


WinClose, , ,2

Sleep 1000





IfWinNotExist, Path of Exile


Run, Client.exe, C:\Program Files (x86)\Grinding Gear Games\Path of Exile

if ErrorLevel = ERROR


MsgBox Cant open C:\Program Files (x86)\Grinding Gear Games\Path of Exile\Client.exe



WinWait, Path of Exile,,3

WinMove, Path of Exile, 1, 1




WinWait, Path of Exile,,3

WinMove, Path of Exile, 1, 1


loop, 15


WinWait, Path of Exile,,3

if ErrorLevel

Sleep 1000





In the dowload below I have the above script as well as the maramoa.bmp.

This script will use image search for the Vendor name Maramoa. If she comes into sight, it will close your game and then reopen and press the start bot button on your exiledbot GUI.

Please babysit this, it seems to be working ok for me. Crashes game then reloads no problem, and my char will start botting.

In the AHK you will need to edit the path that your path of exile is located in. This way the script knows where to go to start your game.

Feedback appreciated.

Credit to jpbot, I used his EEB script as a guideline for writing this.

Credit to Ratchulas for helping me develop this idea.


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I feel the script could be shorter, rather than closing both PoE and Eb, could you change the script to click the log out button, from there the Eb should automatically relog and choose your character and continue runs from there.

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I use this script, but noticed that it uses about 30% of my cpu when running on my mediocre laptop?...

runs fine on my Gamepc though..=)

Is there a reason for this high CPU usage??

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yes.. that is because of the loop.. it is constantly searching for the vendor name in the image file..

just increase the sleep time.. i have it set to 200 on default.

i have seen others complain of similar cpu usages on the gem lvling script.. and that too is because of the looping in the constant image search.

/e it doesnt bog down my laptop.. but i notice if i go into battery mode, i need to find an outlet sometime soon if i am running this script.. i normally have this and the gem lvling script running at the same time

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Doesn't work =( Client closed, restart, but bot doesnt login

ControlClick, Button1,  ExiledBot Open Beta v0.11b
Now bot windows name "ExiledBot Open Beta v0.11с"

May be error here?

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Doesn't work =( Client closed, restart, but bot doesnt login

ControlClick, Button1,  ExiledBot Open Beta v0.11b
Now bot windows name "ExiledBot Open Beta v0.11с"

May be error here?

ControlClick, Button1, ExiledBot (Elite)

^^ that is what mine says now. when i uploaded it, the 11b was the current bot version.

if the game is not restarting check the path to your client vs the one in the script.

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All night bot stay near marmoa =(

Right bot name, right game path..What is wrong?

ControlClick, Button1,  Exiled Bot (Elite)
Run, Client.exe, C:\Path of Exile
		if ErrorLevel = ERROR
			MsgBox Cant open C:\Path of Exile\Client.exe

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