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AHK based Client restarter

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Incase your Poe crashes while you are sleeping, i got this AHK script running

How to use: Place AHK script inside poe folder. Change path if needed.

itc_exe = Path to client file

itc_path = folder that client file is in (and folder you will be working in, place ahk script here)

itc_imagename = poe process name

#SingleInstance, force

SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.

SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

iTC_EXE     = C:\Program Files (x86)\Grinding Gear Games\Path of Exile\client.exe

iTC_Path    = C:\Program Files (x86)\Grinding Gear Games\Path of Exile\

iTC_imgName = PathOfExile.exe

loop {

	sleep 45000

	Process, Exist, %iTC_imgName% ; check to see if PoE is running

	If (ErrorLevel = 0) ; If it is not running


	   Run, %iTC_EXE%, %iTC_Path%, hide


	Else ; If it is running, ErrorLevel equals the process id for the target program (Printkey). Then do nothing.


		sleep 5



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nice work. should add in something for bot crashes too.. where it says exiled bot gui has stopped responding or whatever the msg is.. i havent had it for a week or so..

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I think the issue with that....is the exiled bot gui doesnt actually close when it gets that error? So my script wouldnt be able to detect that it crashed, think

But maybe it could detect that error box, close the gui, and reopen it...

But im not seeing this issue myself so i dont think ill make it :)

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basically crashes are that evil since u cant rly detect them.

if a system would be able to detect crashes and handle them they wouldnt been crashes and ur pc would never make problems.

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jpbot had an awesome script he wrote for stashing.. unsticking.. i used it for a few weeks.. i remember it would restart if exiled bot crashed.. i searched the script and cut and pasted that section of code he wrote.

; --check if eb gui crash !!!




IfWinNotExist , ahk_pid %EB_PID%


IfWinExist, %_name_crashbotgui_win%


writeLog(" Bot crash, restarting...................." )

_crash += 1

IniWrite, %_crash%, %A_WorkingDir%\EEB.ini, internal, crash

SetControlDelay -1

PostMessage, 0x201, , , Button1, %_name_crashbotgui_win%

PostMessage, 0x202, , , Button1, %_name_crashbotgui_win%

Sleep 100



Sleep 2000

IfWinExist, %_name_crashbotgui_win%


WinKill, %_name_crashbotgui_win% , ,2

Sleep 1000




; --simple restart poe and eb !!!




FileAppend, %A_DD%/%A_MM%/%A_YYYY% %A_Hour%:%A_Min%:%A_Sec% Restart Bot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! `n, log_eeb.txt

TrayTip, , Restart Bot !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! , 2

;~ writeLog("Restart Bot !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")


Sleep 15000


Sleep 1000



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Anyone have any idea how to make a backup chicken script to cover bot crashes when playing in a HC league?

I really don't want to leave my bot on overnight in HC due to the risk of it crashing :(

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Anyone have any idea how to make a backup chicken script to cover bot crashes when playing in a HC league?

I really don't want to leave my bot on overnight in HC due to the risk of it crashing :(

You can run worngusername autoflask ahk script, it also chickens out, when bot has crashed

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Super secret technique: Use windows task manager to run a .bat file that kills poe every couple hours.

taskkill /im PathOfExile_x64.exe

Set it and forget it!

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