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64B: "Max eplore percent" in areas is not working

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In areas (Dried Lake...), "Max explore percent" is not working, the bot detects that the area is explored but keeps exploring instead of using TP.  In maps "map clear percent" is working fine.




2016-10-18 08:06:26 [info] -> Mission finished, considering current area as cleared.
2016-10-18 08:06:26 [info] -> Current complex map explored !!
2016-10-18 08:06:26 [info] -> Exploring to position(9501.218750, 16422.496094, -98.658447). State Priority: 2
2016-10-18 08:06:26 [info] -> Mission finished, considering current area as cleared.
2016-10-18 08:06:26 [info] -> Current complex map explored !!
2016-10-18 08:06:26 [info] -> Exploring to position(9564.886719, 16419.552734, -98.658447). State Priority: 2
2016-10-18 08:06:27 [info] -> Mission finished, considering current area as cleared.
2016-10-18 08:06:27 [info] -> Current complex map explored !!
2016-10-18 08:06:27 [info] -> Exploring to position(9654.636719, 16414.193359, -98.658447). State Priority: 2
2016-10-18 08:06:27 [info] -> Mission finished, considering current area as cleared.
2016-10-18 08:06:27 [info] -> Current complex map explored !!
2016-10-18 08:06:27 [info] -> Exploring to position(9718.980469, 16417.880859, -98.658447). State Priority: 2
2016-10-18 08:06:27 [info] -> Mission finished, considering current area as cleared.
2016-10-18 08:06:27 [info] -> Current complex map explored !!
2016-10-18 08:06:27 [info] -> Exploring to position(9781.958008, 16420.138672, -98.658447). State Priority: 2
2016-10-18 08:06:27 [info] -> Mission finished, considering current area as cleared.
2016-10-18 08:06:27 [info] -> Current complex map explored !!
2016-10-18 08:06:27 [info] -> Exploring to position(9850.888672, 16423.048828, -98.658447). State Priority: 2
Edit: It seems that this bug actually started with v64. I was using v63 until today, and it was working fine.
Edited by Meleos

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the same problem i have. and after killing Voll bot continues farming Dried Lake although in map--->selected zone i choseed Voll. 

this problem began with v0.64, v0,63 worked fine

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The bot is so inefficient now. Instead of creating a new instance ,it will spend several minutes running around in already explored area without killing anything.

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I don't know what happened with the bot but mine is "losing" track of explored map. I'm farming dried lake and after a while the bot decides to take a portal scroll but after it comes back to dried lake he start exploring the already explored area (like going to the entrance of the map and start following the walls).

Edited by snnpt

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Yea mine does that too, after taking a portal it likes to go all the way back to entrance in dried lake even if it's already explored.

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This is mainly just the last snippet from the "last run" log after the bot nearly clears a Dried Lake run:


2016-10-25 02:39:41 [info] -> Exploring to position(9894.578125, 6012.940430, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:42 [info] -> Exploring to position(9959.023438, 6004.664063, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:42 [info] -> Exploring to position(10009.461914, 6008.380371, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:42 [info] -> Exploring to position(10050.786133, 6011.414551, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:42 [info] -> Exploring to position(10099.469727, 6014.137207, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:42 [info] -> Exploring to position(10140.153320, 6016.731934, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:42 [info] -> Exploring to position(10190.634766, 6020.149902, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:42 [info] -> Exploring to position(10241.094727, 6023.149902, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:42 [info] -> Exploring to position(10292.046875, 6025.888184, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:42 [info] -> Exploring to position(10339.661133, 6018.037109, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:42 [info] -> Exploring to position(10390.267578, 6021.317383, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:43 [info] -> Exploring to position(10441.261719, 6023.201660, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:43 [info] -> Exploring to position(10488.524414, 6025.596191, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:43 [info] -> Exploring to position(10540.022461, 6017.229004, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:43 [info] -> Exploring to position(10588.423828, 6019.295898, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:43 [info] -> Idling...
2016-10-25 02:39:43 [info] -> Exploring to position(10681.026367, 6053.915527, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:43 [info] -> Exploring to position(10743.755859, 6043.835938, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:43 [info] -> Exploring to position(10787.718750, 6046.958496, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:43 [info] -> Exploring to position(10827.802734, 6039.404785, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:44 [info] -> Exploring to position(10879.559570, 6042.738281, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:44 [info] -> Exploring to position(10903.937500, 6044.256348, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:44 [info] -> Exploring to position(10959.276367, 6046.018066, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:44 [info] -> Exploring to position(11004.853516, 6048.095215, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:44 [info] -> Exploring to position(11048.689453, 6050.198242, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:44 [info] -> Exploring to position(11090.914063, 6052.043457, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:44 [info] -> Exploring to position(11143.028320, 6054.092285, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:44 [info] -> Exploring to position(11194.444336, 6055.871582, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:44 [info] -> Exploring to position(11238.041992, 6057.229004, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:44 [info] -> Exploring to position(11283.137695, 6059.053223, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:45 [info] -> Exploring to position(11325.062500, 6050.199219, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:45 [info] -> Exploring to position(11369.777344, 6052.098145, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:45 [info] -> Exploring to position(11432.001953, 6053.099121, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:45 [info] -> Idling...
2016-10-25 02:39:45 [info] -> Exploring to position(11519.171875, 6087.161621, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:45 [info] -> Exploring to position(11585.494141, 6076.906738, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:45 [info] -> Exploring to position(11623.560547, 6079.308105, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:45 [info] -> Exploring to position(11668.471680, 6073.051758, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:45 [info] -> Exploring to position(11715.918945, 6076.033691, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:46 [info] -> Exploring to position(11769.308594, 6067.297363, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:46 [info] -> Exploring to position(11812.764648, 6069.265625, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:46 [info] -> Exploring to position(11861.053711, 6070.908203, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:46 [info] -> Exploring to position(11912.360352, 6072.019043, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:46 [info] -> Exploring to position(11952.091797, 6072.791504, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:46 [info] -> Exploring to position(12013.885742, 6073.892578, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:46 [info] -> Exploring to position(12122.616211, 6064.718750, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:46 [info] -> Exploring to position(12165.774414, 6065.339844, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:46 [info] -> Idling...
2016-10-25 02:39:47 [info] -> Exploring to position(12266.509766, 6325.748535, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:47 [info] -> Exploring to position(12275.332031, 6335.918457, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:47 [info] -> Exploring to position(12326.801758, 6352.357422, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:47 [info] -> Exploring to position(12371.040039, 6373.442383, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:47 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 1b4eb6a8, id 0317
2016-10-25 02:39:47 [info] -> Exploring to position(12424.838867, 6400.817871, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:47 [info] -> Exploring to position(12458.612305, 6421.971680, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:47 [info] -> Exploring to position(12486.261719, 6433.974609, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:47 [info] -> Exploring to position(12523.772461, 6456.088379, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:47 [info] -> Exploring to position(12579.105469, 6475.474609, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:48 [info] -> Exploring to position(12639.191406, 6504.189453, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:48 [info] -> Exploring to position(12677.430664, 6525.470703, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:48 [info] -> Exploring to position(12714.679688, 6534.792969, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:48 [info] -> Exploring to position(12752.179688, 6561.787598, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:48 [info] -> Exploring to position(12777.608398, 6580.973633, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:48 [info] -> Exploring to position(12777.686523, 6605.026855, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:48 [info] -> Exploring to position(12786.245117, 6629.857422, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:48 [info] -> Exploring to position(12781.665039, 6645.838379, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:48 [info] -> Exploring to position(12783.961914, 6672.523438, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:48 [info] -> Exploring to position(12785.410156, 6690.616211, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:49 [info] -> Idling...
2016-10-25 02:39:49 [info] -> Exploring to position(12791.494141, 6784.485352, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:49 [info] -> Exploring to position(12783.495117, 6812.561523, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:49 [info] -> Exploring to position(12781.160156, 6828.896484, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:49 [info] -> Exploring to position(12785.466797, 6898.867676, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:49 [info] -> Exploring to position(12781.145508, 6935.540527, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:49 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 1b4e9140, id 02fd
2016-10-25 02:39:49 [info] -> Exploring to position(12785.270508, 6982.907227, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:49 [info] -> Exploring to position(12784.890625, 7025.886719, -78.366524). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:49 [info] -> Exploring to position(12789.042969, 7094.593262, -73.430328). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:49 [info] -> Idling...
2016-10-25 02:39:50 [info] -> Exploring to position(12785.247070, 7189.235352, -70.588943). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:50 [info] -> Exploring to position(12786.474609, 7243.554199, -70.559814). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:50 [info] -> Exploring to position(12792.220703, 7283.889160, -70.742981). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:50 [info] -> Exploring to position(12796.064453, 7335.423340, -64.572449). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:50 [info] -> Exploring to position(12797.471680, 7384.122070, -68.908752). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:50 [info] -> Exploring to position(12797.744141, 7429.098633, -68.615196). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:50 [info] -> Exploring to position(12798.022461, 7478.974121, -70.454636). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:50 [info] -> Exploring to position(12798.348633, 7530.461426, -70.543823). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:50 [info] -> Idling...
2016-10-25 02:39:51 [info] -> Exploring to position(12800.494141, 7624.601563, -63.005543). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:51 [info] -> Exploring to position(12800.076172, 7681.931152, -62.791729). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:51 [info] -> Exploring to position(12799.774414, 7726.566895, -68.120399). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:51 [info] -> Exploring to position(12788.351563, 7775.838379, -63.848045). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:51 [info] -> Exploring to position(12789.145508, 7814.853027, -62.942352). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:51 [info] -> Exploring to position(12791.373047, 7871.241699, -63.662842). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:51 [info] -> Idling...
2016-10-25 02:39:51 [info] -> Exploring to position(12789.731445, 8025.945801, -64.327202). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:52 [info] -> Exploring to position(12789.112305, 8085.791504, -68.938217). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:52 [info] -> Exploring to position(12788.309570, 8133.897461, -63.433331). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:52 [info] -> Exploring to position(12790.601563, 8180.337402, -69.172142). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:52 [info] -> Exploring to position(12788.914063, 8226.497070, -70.364525). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:52 [info] -> Exploring to position(12785.544922, 8272.091797, -70.800339). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:52 [info] -> Exploring to position(12782.246094, 8317.035156, -72.026199). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:52 [info] -> Exploring to position(12789.848633, 8361.330078, -69.045998). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:52 [info] -> Idling...
2016-10-25 02:39:52 [info] -> Exploring to position(12814.181641, 8453.381836, -72.450035). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:52 [info] -> Exploring to position(12807.279297, 8525.357422, -64.406273). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:53 [info] -> Exploring to position(12810.625977, 8571.696289, -62.979988). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:53 [info] -> Exploring to position(12814.767578, 8620.862305, -63.249996). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:53 [info] -> Exploring to position(12809.171875, 8664.487305, -70.156425). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:53 [info] -> Exploring to position(12811.902344, 8710.764648, -69.511391). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:53 [info] -> Exploring to position(12813.461914, 8754.424805, -65.423096). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:53 [info] -> Exploring to position(12813.432617, 8798.992188, -63.115551). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:53 [info] -> Idling...
2016-10-25 02:39:53 [info] -> Exploring to position(12812.159180, 8888.492188, -61.573368). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:53 [info] -> Exploring to position(12811.445313, 8949.515625, -68.416367). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:54 [info] -> Exploring to position(12789.249023, 9003.916016, -69.450974). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:54 [info] -> Exploring to position(12809.086914, 9050.516602, -64.450165). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:54 [info] -> Exploring to position(12805.963867, 9096.787109, -62.979919). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:54 [info] -> Exploring to position(12781.060547, 9143.722656, -62.773144). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:54 [info] -> Exploring to position(12789.142578, 9184.667969, -67.967712). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:54 [info] -> Exploring to position(12810.434570, 9245.942383, -67.302856). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:54 [info] -> Idling...
2016-10-25 02:39:54 [info] -> Exploring to position(12766.655273, 9350.100586, -62.526035). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:54 [info] -> Exploring to position(12766.526367, 9411.769531, -69.487320). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:55 [info] -> Exploring to position(12764.416992, 9455.766602, -70.449623). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:55 [info] -> Exploring to position(12769.536133, 9515.323242, -70.598274). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:55 [info] -> Exploring to position(12771.563477, 9564.470703, -70.984192). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:55 [info] -> Exploring to position(12750.703125, 9615.609375, -70.432816). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:55 [info] -> Exploring to position(12744.354492, 9666.714844, -70.692108). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:55 [info] -> Idling...
2016-10-25 02:39:55 [info] -> Exploring to position(12763.791992, 9761.155273, -77.680244). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:55 [info] -> Exploring to position(12766.507813, 9857.965820, -77.882027). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:55 [info] -> Exploring to position(12770.629883, 9896.780273, -78.328438). State Priority: 2
2016-10-25 02:39:56 [info] -> Exploring to position(12772.500000, 9893.140625, -78.472633). State Priority: 2


Essentially the bot just explores for a minute or two in a mostly cleared Dried Lake, proceeds to take a town portal and once back in town immediately re-enters the portal back to Dried Lakes in a loop.


I tried turning off "clear corrupted area" but it had no effect on the issue whatsoever. It's mainly been a problem since version 0.64 was implemented. Not sure why the loop occurs but am crossing my fingers for a fix as every few runs the boot will run into this loop for 10+ minutes which definitely hampers the whole farming process when half the time (possibly more) is due to the bot wasting it's time exploring an already cleared area.

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Same problem here, had to check always reset instance for now... Not ideal :(

If I check "always reset instance" and some mob drops valuable item but the bot can't pick it up because there is no more room in my inventory, so it decides to take a portal. I won't come back to pick it up right?

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If "always reset instance" is checked bot will create a new instance every time it's in town. It's not good for dried lake because bot will not come back to pick up rest of the loot from voll when its inventory gets full.

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If "always reset instance" is checked bot will create a new instance every time it's in town. It's not good for dried lake because bot will not come back to pick up rest of the loot from voll when its inventory gets full.

Yes, that's what I thought.

Well, we need a fix asap.

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I'm facing this problem too in v0.64d and it has really severely impacted my farming rate as it spends time exploring explored area, afk-ing, entering another zone (lagging). Had to restart bot again and again. Chicken rate also increases....


If i dont set "always reset instance", bot will enter back to zone through portal and then roam around explored area until it reaches "max idle time",
portal back to town, run straight back into portal back into the zone/area and then roam the explored region. Like a loop.


Only temporary way to counter this is to set a very short "max idle time" + ticking the "always reset instance". Not only it is highly inefficient, but also may leave out important currencies/uniques items in the previous instance.


I'm surprise because this issue haven't been fixed as so many new versions are released and updated along the way.


i'll bump this up and i second this fix asap.

Edited by bulma33

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