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v0.64 error bot exiting poe client

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Sometimes when bot chickens he also exits poe client. It doesent say that he did it becuase of frozen timeout it only says exiting bot.



2016-10-14 18:41:37 [info] -> Selecting stash tab 4...
2016-10-14 18:41:41 [info] -> Selecting stash tab 3...
2016-10-14 18:41:44 [info] -> Moving to position(2431.521829, 3996.749014). State Priority: 4
2016-10-14 18:41:45 [info] -> Moving to position(2431.521829, 3996.749014). State Priority: 4
2016-10-14 18:41:46 [info] -> Moving to position(2431.521829, 3996.749014). State Priority: 4
2016-10-14 18:41:52 [info] -> Casting buff..
2016-10-14 18:41:53 [info] -> Casting buff..
2016-10-14 18:41:53 [info] -> Casting buff..
2016-10-14 18:41:54 [info] -> Casting buff..
2016-10-14 18:41:55 [info] -> Casting buff..
2016-10-14 18:41:55 [info] -> Casting buff..
2016-10-14 18:41:56 [info] -> Casting buff..
2016-10-14 18:41:57 [info] -> Casting buff..
2016-10-14 18:41:57 [info] -> Casting buff..
2016-10-14 18:41:58 [info] -> Casting buff..
2016-10-14 18:41:58 [info] -> Casting buff..
2016-10-14 18:41:59 [info] -> Casting buff..
2016-10-14 18:42:00 [info] -> Casting buff..
2016-10-14 18:42:00 [info] -> Casting buff..
2016-10-14 18:42:01 [info] -> Casting buff..
2016-10-14 18:42:02 [info] -> Casting buff..
2016-10-14 18:42:02 [info] -> Casting buff..
2016-10-14 18:42:03 [info] -> Casting buff..
2016-10-14 18:42:04 [info] -> Casting buff..
2016-10-14 18:42:04 [info] -> Casting buff..
2016-10-14 18:42:05 [info] -> Casting buff..
2016-10-14 18:42:05 [info] -> Casting buff..
2016-10-14 18:42:06 [info] -> Casting buff..
2016-10-14 18:42:07 [info] -> Casting buff..
2016-10-14 18:42:07 [info] -> Casting buff..
2016-10-14 18:42:08 [info] -> Casting buff..
2016-10-14 18:42:09 [info] -> Casting buff..
2016-10-14 18:42:09 [info] -> Casting buff..
2016-10-14 18:42:10 [info] -> Casting buff..
2016-10-14 18:42:11 [info] -> Casting buff..
2016-10-14 18:42:11 [info] -> Casting buff..
2016-10-14 18:42:12 [info] -> Wrong area detected, restarting another run.
2016-10-14 18:42:28 [info] -> Chickened via method ESC+CLICK!
2016-10-14 18:42:28 [info] -> Exiting bot

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use tcp method as chicken method. superior in every way ;)


if you still want to use esc + click, change the chicken delay in on the *.ini files.

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okays thanks stef for info but if you could just tell me what is the name of .ini file where to change my chicken method to TP.

and yes i prefer esc + click method so what .ini file is that ? il try both methods and check what works

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