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Exiled Bot Beta v0.64 RC 06/10/2016 version

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Bot and game stopped working suddenly last night. 

i am using a vm win7 doing maps and this was my last run log. 




2016-10-12 08:04:38 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 680fd398, id 0306

2016-10-12 08:04:38 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 6b518118, id 0309

2016-10-12 08:04:38 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 1b9f8110, id 030b

2016-10-12 08:04:38 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 680fac68, id 0310

2016-10-12 08:04:38 [info] -> Exploring to position(6653.872559, 14270.517578, -81.182686). State Priority: 2

2016-10-12 08:04:38 [info] -> Exploring to position(6573.183594, 14234.461914, -81.176758). State Priority: 2

2016-10-12 08:04:38 [info] -> Exploring to position(6429.317383, 14165.882813, -81.176514). State Priority: 2

2016-10-12 08:04:39 [info] -> Exploring to position(6409.765137, 14160.113281, -81.176506). State Priority: 2

2016-10-12 08:04:39 [info] -> Exploring to position(6222.957520, 14071.160156, -81.176506). State Priority: 2

2016-10-12 08:04:39 [info] -> Exploring to position(6188.619141, 14042.455078, -81.176506). State Priority: 2

2016-10-12 08:04:39 [info] -> Exploring to position(6078.116699, 14054.691406, -81.176506). State Priority: 2

2016-10-12 08:04:39 [info] -> Exploring to position(6007.178711, 14073.994141, -81.176506). State Priority: 2

2016-10-12 08:04:39 [info] -> Exploring to position(5950.853027, 14058.752930, -81.176506). State Priority: 2

2016-10-12 08:04:40 [info] -> Exploring to position(5899.369629, 14055.531250, -81.176506). State Priority: 2

2016-10-12 08:04:40 [info] -> Exploring to position(5808.759277, 14052.094727, -81.176506). State Priority: 2

2016-10-12 08:04:40 [info] -> Exploring to position(5744.671387, 14071.810547, -81.176506). State Priority: 2

2016-10-12 08:04:40 [info] -> Exploring to position(5673.568359, 14058.357422, -81.176506). State Priority: 2

2016-10-12 08:04:40 [info] -> Exploring to position(5507.801758, 14063.680664, -86.219650). State Priority: 2

2016-10-12 08:04:40 [info] -> Exploring to position(5419.895996, 14051.677734, -88.978180). State Priority: 2

2016-10-12 08:04:41 [info] -> Exploring to position(5359.801758, 14051.115234, -86.489128). State Priority: 2

2016-10-12 08:04:41 [info] -> Exploring to position(5281.799805, 14072.455078, -81.388565). State Priority: 2

2016-10-12 08:04:41 [info] -> Exploring to position(5282.121094, 14104.788086, -81.188828). State Priority: 2

2016-10-12 08:04:41 [info] -> Exploring to position(5287.691406, 14126.321289, -81.177223). State Priority: 2

2016-10-12 08:04:41 [info] -> Exploring to position(5287.328613, 14147.829102, -81.176537). State Priority: 2

2016-10-12 08:04:41 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 710dc598, id 0306

2016-10-12 08:04:41 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 710dc208, id 0309

2016-10-12 08:04:41 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 530f5630, id 030c

2016-10-12 08:04:41 [info] -> Exploring to position(5293.168945, 14180.239258, -81.176506). State Priority: 2

2016-10-12 08:04:41 [info] -> Exploring to position(5296.218750, 14212.587891, -88.050926). State Priority: 2

2016-10-12 08:04:42 [info] -> Exploring to position(5299.154785, 14255.709961, -89.005592). State Priority: 2

2016-10-12 08:04:42 [info] -> Exploring to position(5297.224121, 14308.815430, -91.310219). State Priority: 2

2016-10-12 08:04:42 [info] -> Idling...

2016-10-12 08:04:45 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 710dc040, id 030b

2016-10-12 08:04:45 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 710dc3d0, id 0310

2016-10-12 08:04:45 [info] -> Idling...

2016-10-12 08:04:52 [info] -> Can't explore and no transition found, current map considered as cleared

2016-10-12 08:04:52 [info] -> Current complex map explored !!

2016-10-12 08:04:52 [info] -> Map finished!!

2016-10-12 08:04:52 [info] -> Creating tp...

2016-10-12 08:05:01 [info] -> Can't explore and no transition found, current map considered as cleared

2016-10-12 08:05:01 [info] -> Current complex map explored !!

2016-10-12 08:05:01 [info] -> Distance computed for tp use: 0.000000

2016-10-12 08:05:01 [info] -> Map finished!!

2016-10-12 08:05:01 [info] -> Moving to position(5320.651855, 14298.913086). State Priority: 14

2016-10-12 08:05:09 [info] -> Can't explore and no transition found, current map considered as cleared

2016-10-12 08:05:09 [info] -> Current complex map explored !!

2016-10-12 08:05:09 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 6c9ed7e8, id 02ef

2016-10-12 08:05:09 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 6c4b9378, id 02f0

2016-10-12 08:05:09 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 7c544c28, id 02f6

2016-10-12 08:05:09 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 5eddff28, id 02fb

2016-10-12 08:05:09 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 6d027918, id 02fc

2016-10-12 08:05:09 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 6b522168, id 02fd

2016-10-12 08:05:09 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 6c4cf980, id 02fe

2016-10-12 08:05:09 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 6d029928, id 02ff

2016-10-12 08:05:09 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 6b51df80, id 0300

2016-10-12 08:05:09 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 5ede02b8, id 0301

2016-10-12 08:05:09 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 6d029cb8, id 0304

2016-10-12 08:05:09 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 710d9580, id 0305

2016-10-12 08:05:09 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 6b51e148, id 036d

2016-10-12 08:05:09 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 7c546c38, id 0f74



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I tried the current RC version - does not work very well.

Map exploring seems better compared to current stable.


But the character after short time only stands there and lets itself get killed. 

No movement, even no chicken (although log said "Chickened via method ESC+CLICK!" - actually bot did not)


Kind of annoying. Ingame setup is same as for 0.63e btw, there at least this problem does not occur ... 


I think i will not buy another monthly, it really seems to get worse with this bot to be honest.

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