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Stuck when retrieving wisdom scrolls.

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Is the "Currencies" under the pickit configuration setting the Currency Stash Tab  in poe? or just like any other normal tab to store currencies? Because if it's the Currency Stash Tab, the bot is clicking the wrong place when retrieving wisdom scrolls or portal scrolls. Then it stuck there idling and keeps on relog, in a loop.

Edited by bulma33

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Is the "Currencies" under the pickit configuration setting the Currency Stash Tab  in poe? or just like any other normal tab to store currencies? Because if it's the Currency Stash Tab, the bot is clicking the wrong place when retrieving wisdom scrolls or portal scrolls. Then it stuck there idling and keeps on relog, in a loop.

The Currencies in the Pickit section of the gui is just like any normal stash tab, but is specified to store currencies. Currently, the bot cannot remove/retrieve currency from the Currency Stash Tab, only stash to them (with the exception of I think scrolls which it can neither stash nor retrieve from that tab).

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Aw! no wonder... for some weird reason it ran out of scrolls and it cant retrieve it. Because i'd set enable stashing of scrolls and keeping 40 40 of each in inventory. 

Yea and i don't know why it still stashed 40 wisdom scroll in my 1st stash tab when i'd already set my 4th stash tab as currencies (using poe's currency stash tab). And followed by that it ran out of wisdom scrolls and then tried to take it from the 4th currency stash tab which it failed. lol


I think that the bot really have to at least be able to take chance orbs / scrolls from Currency Stash Tab, otherwise cant chance items / id rares / portal ...etc because sometimes the bot got stuck and spammed all my portal scrolls then after 0 portal scrolls, it will relog.

Edited by bulma33

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