godre 0 Report post Posted September 8, 2016 WORKS IN 2.4 with AHK IN ACTIVE WINDOW ... PLEASE HELP TO EDIT IT TO WORK IN BACKGROUND PLEASE SOMEONE !! script #If Path of Exile Macro1: Loop { Loop { WinActivate, Path of Exile ahk_class Direct3DWindowClass Sleep, 333 Sleep, 2652 Send, {Enter} Sleep, 1170 Send, {Backspace} Sleep, 593 Send, {/} Sleep, 390 Send, {t} Sleep, 234 Send, {r} Sleep, 172 Send, {a} Sleep, 171 Send, {d} Sleep, 188 Send, {e} Sleep, 1232 Send, {Space} Sleep, 203 Send, {1} Sleep, 234 Send, {Enter} Sleep, 733 Send, {Enter} Sleep, 1544 Send, {Up} Sleep, 406 Send, {Up} Sleep, 749 Send, {Enter} Sleep, 749 Send, {Enter} Sleep, 546 Send, {Up} Sleep, 327 Send, {Up} Sleep, 640 Send, {Backspace} Sleep, 312 Send, {2} Sleep, 312 Send, {Enter} Sleep, 764 Send, {Enter} Sleep, 515 Send, {Up} Sleep, 343 Send, {Up} Sleep, 359 Send, {Enter} Sleep, 733 Send, {Enter} Sleep, 718 Send, {Up} Sleep, 452 Send, {Up} Sleep, 671 Send, {Backspace} Sleep, 312 Send, {3} Sleep, 296 Send, {Enter} Sleep, 968 Send, {Enter} Sleep, 592 Send, {Up} Sleep, 406 Send, {Up} Sleep, 577 Send, {Enter} Sleep, 1108 Send, {Enter} Sleep, 624 Send, {Up} Sleep, 265 Send, {Up} Sleep, 733 Send, {Backspace} Sleep, 375 Send, {4} Sleep, 390 Send, {Enter} Sleep, 982 Send, {Enter} Sleep, 609 Send, {Up} Sleep, 296 Send, {Up} Sleep, 702 Send, {Enter} Sleep, 905 Send, {Enter} Sleep, 3479 Send, {Up} Sleep, 452 Send, {Up} Sleep, 624 Send, {Backspace} Sleep, 687 Send, {5} Sleep, 312 Send, {Enter} Sleep, 1326 Send, {Enter} Sleep, 515 Send, {Up} Sleep, 327 Send, {Up} Sleep, 499 Send, {Enter} Sleep, 936 Send, {Enter} Sleep, 1404 Send, {Up} Sleep, 344 Send, {Up} Sleep, 655 Send, {Backspace} Sleep, 468 Send, {6} Sleep, 281 Send, {Enter} Sleep, 1388 Send, {Enter} Sleep, 1123 Send, {Up} Sleep, 453 Send, {Up} Sleep, 592 Send, {Enter} Sleep, 952 Send, {Enter} Sleep, 858 Send, {Up} Sleep, 328 Send, {Up} Sleep, 717 Send, {Backspace} Sleep, 515 Send, {7} Sleep, 1076 Send, {Enter} Sleep, 827 Send, {Enter} Sleep, 562 Send, {Up} Sleep, 343 Send, {Up} Sleep, 562 Send, {Enter} } } Return #If F8::ExitApp Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
godre 0 Report post Posted September 9, 2016 Something like this should work: (not tested though!) Spoiler #NoEnv #Persistent #SingleInstance, force SendMode Input SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% SetBatchLines, -1 DetectHiddenWindows, On ; Global variables: cliname := "Path of Exile" MaxChannels := 7 ; Some more preparations WinGet, WinID, List, %cliname% Loop, %WinID% { WinGet, ProcModuleName, ProcessName, % "ahk_id" WinID%A_Index% If (ProcModuleName = "PathOfExileSteam.exe") { cliexe := "PathOfExileSteam.exe" break } Else If (ProcModuleName = "PathOfExile.exe") { cliexe := "PathOfExile.exe" break } } POEHWND := GetHwnd(cliname, cliexe) ; TradeSpam Macro Macro1: Loop { Loop, %MaxChannels% { SetKeyDelay, random(50, 70), random(10, 30) ControlSend,,{NumpadEnter}, % "ahk_id" POEHWND RandomSleep(35, 75) ControlSendRaw,,% "/trade " . A_Index, % "ahk_id" POEHWND RandomSleep(35, 75) ControlSend,,{NumpadEnter}, % "ahk_id" POEHWND RandomSleep(95, 125) } } Return ; additional functions: GetHwnd(process, exename) { If WinExist(process) { WinGet, WinID, List, %process% Loop, %WinID% { WinGet, ProcModuleName, ProcessName, % "ahk_id" WinID%A_Index% If(ProcModuleName=exename) { If (WinID%A_Index%=WinActive("A")) ThisID:=WinActive("A") return WinID%A_Index% } } } else return false } randomSleep(msMin, msMax) { Global SendDelay Random, out, % msMin + SendDelay, % msMax + SendDelay sleep, %out% } random(min, max) { Random, out, %min%, %max% return out } F8::ExitApp immo you are genius. But it didnt work ... i love you trade spam macro but it is now working in 2.4 that is why i decied to figure out somehting by myself... thank you for you effort but i tried ur marco and it didnt work ... What is need to do is to manualu link items to trade chat and marco would run on back ground or inactive window. please try to test the marco that you wrote for me .. or just ur trade spam mate to 2.4) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
godre 0 Report post Posted December 16, 2016 (edited) Yeah, "just" ^^ First of all, I do not play poe any longer since at least 1.5years. I do not even have an up-to-date client installed. Anyway, to be honest, I just had some hours of spare time and was bored, so I gave updating TradeSpam a try... This is what I came up with: tradespam.v6.2.zip As far as I can see, it is working for me. !BUT! This does not automatically mean that it is working for every user! If there are bigger issues with this version, it might be possible that I am not going to fix em... or it could again take 1.5years! I did not heavily test this release, so expect issues! Nevertheless, hopefully, it is working for you guys. If so, enjoy it as long as it lasts. I am expecting feedback! IMMO Please make a trade spam for 2.5 AOB scan is not working neither trade chat spam or SOMETHING THAT would work in background window . Cant study for my finals because of this problem )) Edited December 16, 2016 by godre Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
godre 0 Report post Posted December 16, 2016 #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. #Persistent ; Only the user can kill the application SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. StringCaseSense, On ; Match strings with case. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% CoordMode, ToolTip, Relative CoordMode, Mouse, Screen #MaxThreadsPerHotkey 2 ; User config _tcaStart = F5 ; Hotkey to start advertising _tcaPause = F6 ; Hotkey to pause advertising _tcaExit = F8 ; Hotkey to exit script _chans = 8 ; Number of tradechannels you want to advertise at ; Internal config _scriptName = Magic.Tradechannel.Spam _scriptVer = v1.2 endchan := (_chans + 1) ; linking Hotkeys Hotkey, %_tcaStart%, tcaStart Hotkey, %_tcaPause%, tcaPause Hotkey, %_tcaExit%, tcaExit ; poor method of "stopping" the script ^!F9:: ; main Tradescript for advertising in an array of Tradechannels. tcaStart: ; checking if PoE is the active window WinActivate, Path of Exile #IfWinActive Path of Exile TrayTip, Executing the Tradechannel advertisement! , This may take some seconds!`n`n%_scriptName%.%_scriptVer%, 2 ; poor try to remove an active chatmessage... WinGetPos, XStart, YStart, Width, Height, Path of Exile XPos := XStart+(Width/2) YPos := YStart+(Height/2) Mousemove %XPos%, %YPos% Sleep, % Random(225,275) click Sleep, % Random(225,275) SendInput, {SPACE} Sleep, % Random(25,75) ; main loop Loop { if a_index > %_chans% break Sleep, % Random(700,575) ControlSend,, {Enter} Sleep, % Random(700,975) ControlSend,, {/}trade %a_index% Sleep, % Random(700,975) ControlSend,, {Enter} Sleep, % Random(700,975) ControlSend,, {Enter} Sleep, % Random(700,975) ControlSend,, {UP}{UP} Sleep, % Random(700,975) ControlSend,, {Enter} } return ; randomization Random(min,max) { Random, out, %min%, %max% return out } ; Simple Pause/Unpause Function tcaPause: if A_IsPaused { Pause off TrayTip, resuming %_scriptName%.%_scriptVer%!, `nPress %_tcaPause% to pause Script again... , 1, 2 } else { TrayTip, %_scriptName%.%_scriptVer% paused!, `nPress %_tcaPause% to resume script... , 1, 2 Pause On } return ; simple exit routine tcaExit: Sleep, % Random(75,125) TrayTip, , >> Terminating %_scriptName%.%_scriptVer%! <<, 2 Sleep, % Random(775,1225) exitapp return This seems to do the trick with trade chat but it stops after chan 9 ... how can i make it run from chan 1 to 8 in infinite loop ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites