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Essences and currency stash tab!

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It doesn't work well with currency stash tab, cause it has only 5 or so slots for custom currency.

Any way to make bot stash them in stash tab 2 instead of 1?

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well, currency stash tab were never really fully implemented/supported yet. in the sense that the bot couldn't take out things out of the tab. putting in, kinda worked by default.

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Yeah im aware of that. The point is that bot treats essences as currency and it can stash only 5 of them in the currency stash tab. After that it stops. So the only way to use bot with currency stash tab now is to ignore essences and not pick them at all which sucks...

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Yeah im aware of that. The point is that bot treats essences as currency and it can stash only 5 of them in the currency stash tab. After that it stops. So the only way to use bot with currency stash tab now is to ignore essences and not pick them at all which sucks...


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