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Chisel upgrade loop

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I caught my bot trying to chisel a stack of scrolls of wisdom... he was doing that for the past 30 min.... --' So now I can count the days before they apply the ban right? 


2016-08-17 00:04:28 [info] -> Using currency on item...
2016-08-17 00:04:29 [info] -> Moving to position(5385.869629, 4331.521484). State Priority: 6
2016-08-17 00:04:29 [info] -> Using currency on item...
2016-08-17 00:04:31 [info] -> Using currency on item...
2016-08-17 00:04:32 [info] -> Moving to position(5385.869629, 4331.521484). State Priority: 6
2016-08-17 00:04:32 [info] -> Using currency on item...
2016-08-17 00:04:35 [info] -> Using currency on item...
2016-08-17 00:04:36 [info] -> Moving to position(5385.869629, 4331.521484). State Priority: 6
2016-08-17 00:04:36 [info] -> Using currency on item...
2016-08-17 00:04:39 [info] -> Using currency on item...
2016-08-17 00:04:40 [info] -> Moving to position(5385.869629, 4331.521484). State Priority: 6
2016-08-17 00:04:40 [info] -> Using currency on item...
2016-08-17 00:04:43 [info] -> Using currency on item...
2016-08-17 00:04:44 [info] -> Moving to position(5385.869629, 4331.521484). State Priority: 6
2016-08-17 00:04:44 [info] -> Using currency on item...
2016-08-17 00:04:46 [info] -> Using currency on item...
2016-08-17 00:04:47 [info] -> Moving to position(5385.869629, 4331.521484). State Priority: 6
2016-08-17 00:04:47 [info] -> Using currency on item...
2016-08-17 00:04:50 [info] -> Using currency on item...
2016-08-17 00:04:51 [info] -> Moving to position(5385.869629, 4331.521484). State Priority: 6
2016-08-17 00:04:51 [info] -> Using currency on item...
2016-08-17 00:04:53 [info] -> Using currency on item...
2016-08-17 00:04:54 [info] -> Moving to position(5385.869629, 4331.521484). State Priority: 6
2016-08-17 00:04:54 [info] -> Using currency on item...
2016-08-17 00:04:57 [info] -> Using currency on item...
2016-08-17 00:04:58 [info] -> Moving to position(5385.869629, 4331.521484). State Priority: 6
2016-08-17 00:04:58 [info] -> Using currency on item...
2016-08-17 00:05:00 [info] -> Using currency on item...
2016-08-17 00:05:01 [info] -> Moving to position(5385.869629, 4331.521484). State Priority: 6
2016-08-17 00:05:01 [info] -> Using currency on item...
2016-08-17 00:05:04 [info] -> Using currency on item...
2016-08-17 00:05:05 [info] -> Moving to position(5385.869629, 4331.521484). State Priority: 6
2016-08-17 00:05:05 [info] -> Using currency on item...
and so on


Edited by etienne84

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I'm still counting (really hoping that I wont be banned) and no I don't think I've been cut doing that (running in town). I always keep a eye on my bot for a few minutes when I start it.

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This is actually a stash tab issue.  Because it does this same behavior when looking for maps sometimes.


Alk has been told about this.

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