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Some question from newbie

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Hello. I would like to start botting with exiled-bot, if it will do good job I am 100% sure I will donate something to developers of this bot. But before installing I have some questions:


1. If I will run 2 PoE's at one time - on the first I will be playing my main account and on the second one I will be botting. If I will get banned for botting GGG will ban my both accounts or only botting one?

2. Do you have any tips about using bot more safely? Is using PoE on Virtual Machine safer?


3. How to use VPN?


4. Do you recommend any specific build for botting?


If I will have more questions I will ask them in this topic. Also it would be very nice if someone experienced will answer questions above.

Regards, gibana.

Edited by Gibanaa

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1. Probably both if they share ip, and possibly if they have similar machine id


2. Use VM with VPN/Proxy


3. Google - "VPN"


4. There are some recommended builds in the forums, you can also ask on our Discord server.  Most ppl use the same types of builds, such as flicker strike/earthquake/tornado shot... etc.

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1. Probably both if they share ip, and possibly if they have similar machine id


2. Use VM with VPN/Proxy


3. Google - "VPN"


4. There are some recommended builds in the forums, you can also ask on our Discord server.  Most ppl use the same types of builds, such as flicker strike/earthquake/tornado shot... etc.

So it is recommended to use botting PoE instantion on virtual machine which uses VPN, right?

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