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[TECH] anyone having linux host for his vm ?

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i have installed ubuntu 16.04 onto my "home server" and vmware player. Server has a Xeon CPU with integrated intel GPU (4600)

i enabled d3d support in vm with some vmplayer preferences , i found others having the same problem:


anything freezes after some seconds, even the kernel.


Did this: no help



would it work with a ati gpu ??


anyone got experiences in headless botting with linux ?  maybe vbox does the trick or whatever ?



Edited by fischersfritze

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i :) and i recommend u to let this shitt and  dont to waste ur time with it...


after u have bring the graphic to run u will recognize a ram prob....ur client will never run with the same performance as in windows.


So my tipp: use win 7 64 pro as vm-server: no trouble, max power :)

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i have try vm on linux and osx...so i can speak bout and know that the best way is to go with win,.. linux/osx have an diff ram usage logic and the vm need more power to run stable (fps) and u have leaks if vm need more data from ssd/hdd. best way is to give full acces to ur hardware...but this works only for one vm :D

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I once had the dream to setup a computer with linux. Completely without vm's or VPN's. 

Just by having many networkinterfaces and a decent iptable setup. 

The problem is like ghbdtls said,... PoE is pretty slow with wine, although it works. AND Exiledbot is not made to work with wine, unfortunatly. On the other hand, If we would have support for wine it would be alot better to use linux. But it would require pretty much knowledge to do so.


The Pros are:


Way less resource-use for desktopmanager

better automation (you could rollout a script which creates a new botclient within 15 seconds)

Edited by sareg

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hey, and thanks for reply, i have it running a really long time with vmiommu passthrough of the gpu, so linux has no own gpu anymore, but my vm has its very private gpu


(only 1 vm at a time active ofc)

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I have tried esxi, hyperv, and xenserver. They all dont work for various reasons. Stick with windows or windows server and vmware workstation.

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