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Bot keep crashing v0.61e

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I am using:
Bot Version: 0.61e
Poe Version: Vanilla
Hideout on: No
Zana in HO: No
Map Enabled: No
Selected Zone: The southern forest, Normal
Smart Pickit: Yes


Last 50 lines:

2016-07-11 04:02:14 [info] -> Moving to position(4307.739746, 14769.248047). State Priority: 24
2016-07-11 04:02:14 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 8.062258
2016-07-11 04:02:14 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 6.082763
2016-07-11 04:02:14 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 5.830952
2016-07-11 04:02:14 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 2.828427
2016-07-11 04:02:15 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 3.605551
2016-07-11 04:02:15 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 3.605551
2016-07-11 04:02:15 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 3.605551
2016-07-11 04:02:15 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 3.605551
2016-07-11 04:02:16 [info] -> Moving to position(4201.619629, 14650.208008). State Priority: 24
2016-07-11 04:02:16 [info] -> Moving to position(4179.347656, 14679.347656). State Priority: 24
2016-07-11 04:02:16 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 9.848858
2016-07-11 04:02:16 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 2.236068
2016-07-11 04:02:16 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 2.000000
2016-07-11 04:02:16 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 2.000000
2016-07-11 04:02:17 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 3.000000
2016-07-11 04:02:17 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 3.000000
2016-07-11 04:02:17 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 5.656854
2016-07-11 04:02:17 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 5.656854
2016-07-11 04:02:17 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 5.000000
2016-07-11 04:02:17 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 5.000000
2016-07-11 04:02:18 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 5.000000
2016-07-11 04:02:18 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 5.000000
2016-07-11 04:02:18 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 5.000000
2016-07-11 04:02:18 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 5.830952
2016-07-11 04:02:18 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 5.830952
2016-07-11 04:02:18 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 5.830952
2016-07-11 04:02:19 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 5.830952
2016-07-11 04:02:19 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 5.830952
2016-07-11 04:02:19 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 5.000000
2016-07-11 04:02:19 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 5.000000
2016-07-11 04:02:19 [info] -> Moving to position(4734.776367, 14730.344727). State Priority: 24
2016-07-11 04:02:19 [info] -> Moving to position(4670.720215, 14730.907227). State Priority: 24
2016-07-11 04:02:19 [info] -> Moving to position(4638.867188, 14731.186523). State Priority: 24
2016-07-11 04:02:20 [info] -> Moving to position(4576.731934, 14731.732422). State Priority: 24
2016-07-11 04:02:20 [info] -> Moving to position(4518.785645, 14732.241211). State Priority: 24
2016-07-11 04:02:20 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 7.615773
2016-07-11 04:02:20 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 3.605551
2016-07-11 04:02:21 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 4f08f760, id 800004f8
2016-07-11 04:02:21 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 4f08fcb8, id 800004f9
2016-07-11 04:02:21 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 5.830952
2016-07-11 04:02:21 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 8.602325
2016-07-11 04:02:21 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 6.403124
2016-07-11 04:02:21 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 5.000000
2016-07-11 04:02:21 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 5.000000
2016-07-11 04:02:21 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 5.000000
2016-07-11 04:02:22 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 5.000000
2016-07-11 04:02:22 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 5.000000
2016-07-11 04:02:22 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 5.000000
2016-07-11 04:02:22 [info] -> Moving to position(4499.562988, 14510.872070). State Priority: 24
2016-07-11 04:02:22 [info] -> Moving to position(4522.013672, 14462.781250). State Priority: 24
2016-07-11 04:02:22 [info] -> Moving to position(4513.512695, 14534.814453). State Priority: 24
2016-07-11 04:02:23 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 9.219544
2016-07-11 04:02:23 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 5.385165
2016-07-11 04:02:23 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 5.385165
2016-07-11 04:02:23 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 5.385165
2016-07-11 04:02:23 [info] -> Moving to position(4212.840820, 14616.458008). State Priority: 24
2016-07-11 04:02:23 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 5.000000
2016-07-11 04:02:24 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 4.472136
2016-07-11 04:02:24 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 4.472136
2016-07-11 04:02:24 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 4.472136
2016-07-11 04:02:24 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 4.472136
2016-07-11 04:02:24 [info] -> Moving to position(4125.000000, 14809.782227). State Priority: 24
2016-07-11 04:02:24 [info] -> Moving to position(4125.000000, 14809.782227). State Priority: 24
2016-07-11 04:02:24 [info] -> Moving to position(4125.000000, 14809.782227). State Priority: 24
2016-07-11 04:02:24 [info] -> Moving to position(4125.000000, 14809.782227). State Priority: 24
2016-07-11 04:02:25 [info] -> Attacking monster Bramble Cobra using mouse_right key at distance : 8.485281
2016-07-11 04:02:25 [info] -> Attacking monster Bramble Cobra using mouse_right key at distance : 5.656854
2016-07-11 04:02:25 [info] -> Attacking monster Bramble Cobra using mouse_right key at distance : 5.656854
2016-07-11 04:02:25 [info] -> Attacking monster Bramble Cobra using mouse_right key at distance : 5.656854
2016-07-11 04:02:25 [info] -> Attacking monster Bramble Cobra using mouse_right key at distance : 5.656854
2016-07-11 04:02:25 [info] -> Attacking monster Bramble Cobra using mouse_right key at distance : 5.656854
2016-07-11 04:02:25 [info] -> Attacking monster Bramble Cobra using mouse_right key at distance : 5.656854
2016-07-11 04:02:26 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 62025eb8, id 039c
2016-07-11 04:02:26 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 62027250, id 039d
2016-07-11 04:02:26 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 62026410, id 039e
2016-07-11 04:02:26 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 62027ec8, id 039f
2016-07-11 04:02:26 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 620267a0, id 8000050f
2016-07-11 04:02:26 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 62025408, id 03a1
2016-07-11 04:02:26 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 62027d00, id 03a2
2016-07-11 04:02:26 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 62027970, id 03ab
2016-07-11 04:02:26 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 62027b38, id 03ac
2016-07-11 04:02:26 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 620277a8, id 03ad
2016-07-11 04:02:26 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 62027418, id 03af
2016-07-11 04:02:26 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 62024ce8, id 03b5
2016-07-11 04:02:26 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 62025960, id 03b6
2016-07-11 04:02:26 [info] -> Attacking monster Bramble Cobra using mouse_right key at distance : 5.656854
2016-07-11 04:02:26 [info] -> Attacking monster Bramble Cobra using mouse_right key at distance : 9.486833
2016-07-11 04:02:26 [info] -> Moving to position(4146.739258, 14853.260742). State Priority: 24
2016-07-11 04:02:26 [info] -> Attacking monster Bramble Cobra using mouse_right key at distance : 6.708204
2016-07-11 04:02:26 [info] -> Attacking monster Bramble Cobra using mouse_right key at distance : 6.708204
2016-07-11 04:02:26 [info] -> Attacking monster Bramble Cobra using mouse_right key at distance : 6.708204
2016-07-11 04:02:26 [info] -> Attacking monster Bramble Cobra using mouse_right key at distance : 6.708204
2016-07-11 04:02:27 [info] -> Moving to position(4145.711426, 14678.052734). State Priority: 24
2016-07-11 04:02:27 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 6.324555
2016-07-11 04:02:27 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 6.324555
2016-07-11 04:02:27 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 6.324555
2016-07-11 04:02:27 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 6.324555
2016-07-11 04:02:27 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 6.324555
2016-07-11 04:02:28 [info] -> Idling...
2016-07-11 04:02:28 [info] -> Exploring to position(3765.741211, 15005.513672, -96.463287). State Priority: 2
2016-07-11 04:02:29 [info] -> Exploring to position(3714.778809, 15033.974609, -96.463287). State Priority: 2
2016-07-11 04:02:29 [info] -> Exploring to position(3669.629883, 15052.467773, -96.463287). State Priority: 2
2016-07-11 04:02:29 [info] -> Exploring to position(3629.994873, 15073.611328, -96.463287). State Priority: 2
2016-07-11 04:02:29 [info] -> Exploring to position(3564.298096, 15075.936523, -96.463287). State Priority: 2
2016-07-11 04:02:29 [info] -> Exploring to position(3521.020264, 15047.546875, -96.463287). State Priority: 2
2016-07-11 04:02:29 [info] -> Exploring to position(3483.952393, 15027.126953, -96.463287). State Priority: 2
2016-07-11 04:02:29 [info] -> Exploring to position(3437.175049, 15001.708984, -96.463287). State Priority: 2
2016-07-11 04:02:29 [info] -> Exploring to position(3394.802002, 15007.705078, -96.463287). State Priority: 2
2016-07-11 04:02:30 [info] -> Moving to position(4248.100586, 14772.315430). State Priority: 16
2016-07-11 04:02:30 [info] -> Moving to position(4172.790527, 14460.497070). State Priority: 16
2016-07-11 04:02:30 [info] -> Moving to position(4133.796875, 14509.204102). State Priority: 16
2016-07-11 04:02:30 [info] -> Moving to position(4100.849609, 14547.846680). State Priority: 16
2016-07-11 04:02:30 [info] -> Moving to position(4082.728760, 14569.099609). State Priority: 24
2016-07-11 04:02:30 [info] -> Moving to position(4036.206055, 14624.000977). State Priority: 24
2016-07-11 04:02:31 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 5.385165
2016-07-11 04:02:31 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 7.211102
2016-07-11 04:02:31 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 4.242640
2016-07-11 04:02:31 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 4.242640
2016-07-11 04:02:31 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 4.242640
2016-07-11 04:02:31 [info] -> Idling...
2016-07-11 04:02:33 [info] -> Exploring to position(3613.546143, 14472.745117, -96.463287). State Priority: 2
2016-07-11 04:02:33 [info] -> Exploring to position(3613.546143, 14472.745117, -96.463287). State Priority: 2
2016-07-11 04:02:33 [info] -> Exploring to position(3542.866943, 14428.149414, -96.463287). State Priority: 2
2016-07-11 04:02:33 [info] -> Exploring to position(3478.694092, 14400.880859, -96.463287). State Priority: 2
2016-07-11 04:02:33 [info] -> Moving to position(4306.715820, 14451.871094). State Priority: 16
2016-07-11 04:02:34 [info] -> Moving to position(4232.845215, 14495.886719). State Priority: 16
2016-07-11 04:02:34 [info] -> Moving to position(4360.702637, 14422.444336). State Priority: 16
2016-07-11 04:02:34 [info] -> Moving to position(4401.037109, 14381.579102). State Priority: 16
2016-07-11 04:02:34 [info] -> Moving to position(4335.098145, 14363.551758). State Priority: 24
2016-07-11 04:02:34 [info] -> Moving to position(4310.685547, 14326.055664). State Priority: 24
2016-07-11 04:02:34 [info] -> Moving to position(4268.892090, 14338.903320). State Priority: 24
2016-07-11 04:02:35 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 8.246211
2016-07-11 04:02:35 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 4.123106
2016-07-11 04:02:35 [info] -> Area explored : 0.000000 nodes / 0.000000 nodes !!
2016-07-11 04:02:35 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 4.123106
2016-07-11 04:02:35 [info] -> Current complex map explored !!
2016-07-11 04:02:35 [info] -> Chicken state because no tp found in player's inventory
2016-07-11 04:02:35 [info] -> Area finished!!
2016-07-11 04:02:35 [info] -> Attacking monster Blood Ape using mouse_right key at distance : 6.082763
2016-07-11 04:02:35 [info] -> Current complex map explored !!
2016-07-11 04:02:35 [info] -> Chicken state because no tp found in player's inventory
2016-07-11 04:02:35 [info] -> Area finished!!
2016-07-11 04:02:36 [info] -> Chickened via method ESC+CLICK!

I have 2 bots running and the problem persist on both bot. The executable "Has stopped working" after an hours or so (If i am very lucky). It usually happen every 15-30 min if im less lucky.


I am using a vm windows 7 64 bits with enough ram (2gb) on each bot.

I am using a vpn also.


They have a lot of problem reconnecting. Often, the bot is not crashed but it is just sitting in logging screen after 15 min for no reason and does nothing. (Maybe you should check reconnecting a little)


Also, the bot does not keep portal scroll enough. As you can see, the problem is around the "reconnecting" side of the bot. I dont have chicken mode active but it still does to go back in town since he has "no portal" but i told him to loot portals but he just all stash them or just dont loot them sometimes i dont know.


The bot does not seem to have a detection of "Re-enter password again". When such a popup happen, he keeps trying to login without re-entering the password too.


Would love to have this fixed... been using this bot for a while and always had problems like this. Its hard to bot or do something with it since it crashes every 30-45 min...



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i've had same issue with bot crashing. Had to do a factory reset of my computer anyway yesterday because it's been a while since i did one, so running the bot today and seeing if the problem still persists after reset.

(i mean reinstall of windows, virtual machine and bot so complete reset of everything!)


Will post back if the problem has gone away or not, perhaps it'll help you out.

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Same problem here,  bot logs out logs back in and crashes immediately after loading the town. It sometimes happens after 15 minutes, sometimes few hours. Its really annoying when i don't check the bot for 2 hours and when i come back i see it crashed only after 15 minutes.


Here are last lines of mine log file after my last crash:

2016-07-13 18:33:13 [info] -> Moving to position(5266.304199, 5690.217285). State Priority: 24
2016-07-13 18:33:13 [info] -> Moving to position(5266.304199, 5690.217285). State Priority: 24
2016-07-13 18:33:13 [info] -> Moving to position(5266.304199, 5690.217285). State Priority: 24
2016-07-13 18:33:13 [info] -> Moving to position(5266.304199, 5690.217285). State Priority: 24
2016-07-13 18:33:13 [info] -> Moving to position(5266.304199, 5690.217285). State Priority: 24
2016-07-13 18:33:14 [info] -> Moving to position(5266.304199, 5690.217285). State Priority: 24
2016-07-13 18:33:14 [info] -> Attacking monster Devourer using mouse_right key at distance : 10.049875
2016-07-13 18:33:14 [info] -> Moving to position(5266.304199, 5690.217285). State Priority: 24
2016-07-13 18:33:14 [info] -> Attacking monster Devourer using mouse_right key at distance : 12.000000
2016-07-13 18:33:14 [info] -> Attacking monster Devourer using mouse_right key at distance : 12.000000
2016-07-13 18:33:14 [info] -> Attacking monster Devourer using mouse_right key at distance : 12.000000
2016-07-13 18:33:14 [info] -> Attacking monster Devourer using mouse_right key at distance : 12.000000
2016-07-13 18:33:14 [info] -> Attacking monster Devourer using mouse_right key at distance : 12.000000
2016-07-13 18:33:14 [info] -> Attacking monster Devourer using mouse_right key at distance : 12.000000
2016-07-13 18:33:14 [info] -> Attacking monster Devourer using mouse_right key at distance : 12.000000
2016-07-13 18:33:15 [info] -> Attacking monster Devourer using mouse_right key at distance : 12.000000
2016-07-13 18:33:15 [info] -> Attacking monster Devourer using mouse_right key at distance : 12.000000
2016-07-13 18:33:15 [info] -> Attacking monster Devourer using mouse_right key at distance : 12.000000
2016-07-13 18:33:15 [info] -> Attacking monster Devourer using mouse_right key at distance : 12.000000
2016-07-13 18:33:15 [info] -> Attacking monster Devourer using mouse_right key at distance : 12.000000
2016-07-13 18:33:15 [info] -> Attacking monster Devourer using mouse_right key at distance : 12.000000
2016-07-13 18:33:15 [info] -> Attacking monster Devourer using mouse_right key at distance : 12.000000
2016-07-13 18:33:15 [info] -> Attacking monster Devourer using mouse_right key at distance : 12.000000
2016-07-13 18:33:15 [info] -> Attacking monster Devourer using mouse_right key at distance : 12.000000
2016-07-13 18:33:15 [info] -> Attacking monster Devourer using mouse_right key at distance : 12.000000
2016-07-13 18:33:16 [info] -> Attacking monster Devourer using mouse_right key at distance : 12.000000
2016-07-13 18:33:16 [info] -> Attacking monster Devourer using mouse_right key at distance : 12.000000
2016-07-13 18:33:16 [info] -> Attacking monster Devourer using mouse_right key at distance : 12.000000
2016-07-13 18:33:16 [info] -> Attacking monster Devourer using mouse_right key at distance : 12.000000
2016-07-13 18:33:16 [info] -> Attacking monster Devourer using mouse_right key at distance : 12.000000
2016-07-13 18:33:16 [info] -> Chicken state because of Low ES
2016-07-13 18:33:17 [info] -> Chickened via method ESC+CLICK!
2016-07-13 18:33:17 [info] -> Detected Level Change
2016-07-13 18:33:23 [info] -> Clicking on login button..
2016-07-13 18:33:25 [info] -> Selecting character..

Edited by zerir

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ok so after re-downloading windows, vmware and bot it seems to have not crashed in 12+ hours.

If you got the time maybe try doing that, or just reinstall your virtual machine.

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I do not use a vm .I've noticed bot will start crashing if i close it and open it again, I kept the bot open all day today and it has not crashed once.When I stop botting I  just stop the bot and leave it open in background .I have noticed yesterday when i restarted my pc and ran the bot without closing it, it did not crash once.  I'll reply tomorrow again, I hope my theory is right .

Edited by zerir

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I ran the bot for 10 hours without a crash. I was right the bot will start crashing when closed and opened again.

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Sometimes the bot can run 10 hours and still running but i can see that it keeps crashing from time to time.


Both bot use the EXACT SAME virtual machine and one of them crashed after 1 hour and the other one is still running...



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