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Oh damn...

All my accounts (4) has today been banned. All runned with different verified emails and IP-numbers....

Anyone else got this treating today?

Argh!! Perhaps I shall wait for the bot to manage quests... Getting heavy to do it all over again.. hehehe...

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Yeah, they've banned a shit ton of people in the last few days, myself included. Their account investigation team is so backed up with people trying to get their accounts back they can't handle the volume. I suspect they're trying to clean things up before release.

Oh, and yes, if you care anything about your accounts, I'd strongly suggest not doing anymore botting until this bot gets more sophisticated. We need more natural behavior very badly, otherwise its just too easy for them to recognize the patterns.

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I started another account today leveld to mid 30's.

Now the thinking behind this attempt is thus:-

Play the character ie move around myself, Set auto chickens to zero, ie no chickening out and re-logging only use the bot when mobs appear on screen, (Quick Razer Naga macro to turn it on and off) i'm not trading shit and not getting help leveling or jumping way-points.

In essence i believe if this account doesnt get banned in the next 7 days using this behaviour we are 100% sure the detection is on repeated actions.

My summary of these possibles are :-

1.Percentage of map clearance always being for instance 80.

2.Chickening out on said percentage of life and or repeated login attempts over a 24hr period.

3.Never picking Rares and visiitng NPc's/USing any sort of scroll in 24hrs.

4.Running the same zone for XYZ hrs a week/day.

5.I really hope this isn't one of them but adding it anyways (percentage of life and mana when applying pots. If these are not randomized delays reaching teh said value might be a flag.

Anyways i'm assuming the pots one is irrelavant for now as using teh bot to fight for me during normal play brings that forward as a possible.

Stay tuned for results.

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When you say 5 Vm's same IP?

Cos they have an anti-multibox clause as well for some god knows reason (Even Blizzard let you multibox)

I would imagine they do as they have that policy in place it will be policed yes.

However how they could tell you weren't just a group of friends in teh same house i don't really know.

When you say Suicide botting' can you expand on that.. I take it you mean no pots used and no autologin on death you just manually check when the toons dead and ressurect manually?

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so having 1 clients running at the same machine and just alt-tabbing around to clean quests for a new char is fine?

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When you say 5 Vm's same IP?

Cos they have an anti-multibox clause as well for some god knows reason (Even Blizzard let you multibox)

I would imagine they do as they have that policy in place it will be policed yes.

However how they could tell you weren't just a group of friends in teh same house i don't really know.

When you say Suicide botting' can you expand on that.. I take it you mean no pots used and no autologin on death you just manually check when the toons dead and ressurect manually?

got Ip banned this morning. was running 5 vms on my main pc.

suicide botting is just high risk botting until you get banned (24/7 no breaks etc) on disposable accounts.

gotta change my ip and ill be back, hopefully they add in questing atleast the first act :P

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so having 1 clients running at the same machine and just alt-tabbing around to clean quests for a new char is fine?

Yes that is fine. As long as only one character is being controlled at a time.

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ive been suicide botting with 5 accs all in seperate VMs for 8 days now no bans :P

does anyone know if they flag ips?


You've been doin fine and undetected, until ggg read this post and check you're ip/connection. ;p

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I'm pretty sure running a bot 6 hours a day can keep you ban safe, it's just we're "abusing" the system botting for more hours in a week than a normal human could handle...but i guess the humanisation features will help.

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so having 1 clients running at the same machine and just alt-tabbing around to clean quests for a new char is fine?

Yes that is fine. As long as only one character is being controlled at a time.

thx. obviously i meant "2 clients" xD

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