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Voll bot just go into dried lake and tp's back in

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So i picked voll , it makes 1 run then goes into town drops in stash then goes outside to dried lake and after 2-3seconds it tps back in again and repeats until my tp scrolls are out and it logs out.

I need to restart the program for it to make a run again , then same again when done tp home opens new instance and tps home 1second after coming out into dried lake.


First update ! Bot does not even go to the area where Voll is



2016-06-29 12:23:47 [info] -> Moving to position(1743.456543, 5385.658691). State Priority: 3
2016-06-29 12:23:47 [info] -> Moving to position(1743.456543, 5385.658691). State Priority: 3
2016-06-29 12:23:47 [info] -> Moving to position(1740.461548, 5370.660156). State Priority: 3
2016-06-29 12:23:47 [info] -> Moving to position(1744.505005, 5353.426758). State Priority: 3
2016-06-29 12:23:47 [info] -> Moving to position(1743.784302, 5332.415039). State Priority: 3
2016-06-29 12:23:48 [info] -> Moving to position(1753.552734, 5306.679688). State Priority: 3
2016-06-29 12:23:48 [info] -> Moving to position(1719.718384, 5283.868652). State Priority: 3
2016-06-29 12:23:48 [info] -> Moving to position(1719.534668, 5257.173828). State Priority: 3
2016-06-29 12:23:48 [info] -> Moving to position(1698.212280, 5231.614746). State Priority: 3
2016-06-29 12:23:48 [info] -> Moving to position(1678.911255, 5204.966797). State Priority: 3
2016-06-29 12:23:48 [info] -> Moving to position(1631.176758, 5169.272461). State Priority: 3
2016-06-29 12:23:48 [info] -> Moving to position(1612.229858, 5140.542480). State Priority: 3
2016-06-29 12:23:48 [info] -> Moving to position(1592.323608, 5112.033691). State Priority: 3
2016-06-29 12:23:48 [info] -> Moving to position(1572.744263, 5082.245605). State Priority: 3
2016-06-29 12:23:48 [info] -> Moving to position(1555.152832, 5051.589355). State Priority: 3
2016-06-29 12:23:49 [info] -> Moving to position(1500.729614, 5017.058594). State Priority: 3
2016-06-29 12:23:49 [info] -> Moving to position(1494.743408, 4981.362305). State Priority: 3
2016-06-29 12:23:49 [info] -> Moving to position(1492.428955, 4946.359863). State Priority: 3
2016-06-29 12:23:49 [info] -> Moving to position(1460.038574, 4905.268555). State Priority: 3
2016-06-29 12:23:49 [info] -> Moving to position(1452.114014, 4864.176270). State Priority: 3
2016-06-29 12:23:49 [info] -> Moving to position(1396.458862, 4828.328125). State Priority: 3
2016-06-29 12:23:49 [info] -> Moving to position(1293.833862, 4796.455078). State Priority: 3
2016-06-29 12:23:49 [info] -> Moving to position(1220.838867, 4791.472168). State Priority: 3
2016-06-29 12:23:49 [info] -> Moving to position(1176.306152, 4782.358398). State Priority: 3
2016-06-29 12:23:50 [info] -> Switching area
2016-06-29 12:23:50 [info] -> Switching area
2016-06-29 12:23:53 [info] -> Selecting area
2016-06-29 12:23:53 [info] -> Switching area
2016-06-29 12:23:56 [info] -> Idling...
2016-06-29 12:23:56 [info] -> Area finished!!
2016-06-29 12:23:56 [info] -> Creating tp...
Edited by SSST

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