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Stuck on selling item

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I don't what wrong for my settings,the bot always stuck on selling items.
I also setup the NPC settings however it still stuck on selling button

Bot version:0.61c
poe version:normal
hideout on :yes
zana in ho:no
Map eneable:NO
selected zone:it dosen't matter
smart pickit:yes

2016-06-23 20:38:33 [info] -> Selling item...
2016-06-23 20:38:33 [info] -> Selling item...
2016-06-23 20:38:33 [info] -> Selling item...
2016-06-23 20:40:03 [info] -> Selling item...
2016-06-23 20:42:51 [info] -> Selling item...

Any solution for that?plz

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My advice is to reset all your poe settings to default (especially the keys bound).

And to unzip fresh bot from 0.61c zip file, without changing any setting, beside smart pickit enabled.

Maybe this will fix the issue.

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The bot doesnt need NPC settings enabled. The bot will search for the sell button itself and many of the issues this bot has, is due to latency/Ping. If you are using a VPN , make sure that VPN ping is very minimal. because lagging can cause the bot to do alot of things it shouldnt be doing.


The bot works on an auto system where timers come into play. And if something isnt open, say for instance, the menu where the sell button is, then when the bot looks for the sell button, it cannot click on the sell button because it is not there


Another example,


- Bot clicks on NPC

- Bot waits for list to show from NPC (I dont know exactly how long it waits, maybe 2seconds)

- Bot then clicks on sell button


If you are lagging, sometimes it will take up to 5seconds for list to even show up. So the bot cannot click on sell button because instead of waiting for list to show up, it just waits 2seconds and tries to find sell button that is not showing up yet

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