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Problem with picking gems and upgrading maps

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So, after trying to get help in the chat for a week RaZe told me to start a bug report.


Its basically the title, bot is picking up all skills gems even with the quality set to 5%+, also regarding the map upgrading issue, when the bot tries to upgrade maps he will only try to vendor 2 of the same map most of times (I have it set to only sell maps if at least 4 of the same map exist).


Any ideas why those issues are happening?


This is my pickit file: http://pastebin.com/raw/4D2uh0ae


Thanks in advance,


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Try running a default pickit and see if the gem issue continues.  You've added a lot of stuff I'm not really going to go through.  I haven't heard anyone else having this issue currently.


The map tier upgrading issue has to do with enable map tier upgrading appearing twice in config.ini.  Most people were able to remove 1 instance of it to fix the issue.

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Thanks for the help jps! Fixed the map upgrading and with the default pickit it doesn't pick normal gems, guess I gotta find out whats wrong in my pickit.


I have another question, while doing maps the bot sometimes (alot of times) gets stuck in some random spot, but since I have "Max run time: 1000" and "Max idle time: 120" in the Timeout settings why doesn't it log out at all?


It keeps happening, I went to sleep yesterday woke up now and the bot was stuck after only 6 Map Re-creations so I guess he was AFK stuck for like 6/7 hours, any idea why?


Edit: Also the bot blocks the CTRL key for some reason, I have to click it to unblock it (the key is working perfectly fine, does not get stuck manually). Maybe that's causing some of the other issues.

Edited by refl3xpt

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