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Bot isn't botting when I press Start Bot

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The program starts up fine and I can change settings and authenticate normally. But, when I press Start Bot, it doesn't do anything at all. 


Computer Specs:

I7 4790K

Radeon HD 7970

16GB 1600MHz Ram

Windows 10 pro


2016-05-24 17:39:33 [info] -> Bot started
2016-05-24 17:39:33 [info] -> config.ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.61\Configuration\default\config.ini
2016-05-24 17:39:33 [info] -> skills.ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.61\Configuration\default\skills.ini
2016-05-24 17:39:33 [info] -> system.ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.61\Configuration\default\system.ini
2016-05-24 17:39:33 [info] -> coordinates.ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.61\Configuration\default\coordinates.ini
2016-05-24 17:39:33 [info] -> pickit.ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.61\Configuration\default\pickit.ini
2016-05-24 17:39:33 [info] -> flasks.ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.61\Configuration\default\flasks.ini
2016-05-24 17:39:33 [info] -> progress.ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.61\Configuration\default\progress.ini
2016-05-24 17:39:33 [info] -> game ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Documents\My Games\Path of Exile\production_Config.ini
2016-05-24 17:39:35 [info] -> Selecting character..
2016-05-24 17:39:43 [info] -> Selecting character..
2016-05-24 17:39:48 [info] -> Exiting bot
2016-05-24 17:41:02 [info] -> Bot started
2016-05-24 17:41:02 [info] -> config.ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.61\Configuration\default\config.ini
2016-05-24 17:41:02 [info] -> skills.ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.61\Configuration\default\skills.ini
2016-05-24 17:41:02 [info] -> system.ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.61\Configuration\default\system.ini
2016-05-24 17:41:02 [info] -> coordinates.ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.61\Configuration\default\coordinates.ini
2016-05-24 17:41:02 [info] -> pickit.ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.61\Configuration\default\pickit.ini
2016-05-24 17:41:02 [info] -> flasks.ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.61\Configuration\default\flasks.ini
2016-05-24 17:41:02 [info] -> progress.ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.61\Configuration\default\progress.ini
2016-05-24 17:41:02 [info] -> game ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Documents\My Games\Path of Exile\production_Config.ini
2016-05-24 17:41:05 [info] -> Selecting character..
2016-05-24 17:41:12 [info] -> Selecting character..
2016-05-24 17:41:17 [info] -> Exiting bot
2016-05-24 17:48:35 [info] -> Bot started
2016-05-24 17:48:36 [info] -> config.ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.61\Configuration\default\config.ini
2016-05-24 17:48:36 [info] -> skills.ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.61\Configuration\default\skills.ini
2016-05-24 17:48:36 [info] -> system.ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.61\Configuration\default\system.ini
2016-05-24 17:48:36 [info] -> coordinates.ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.61\Configuration\default\coordinates.ini
2016-05-24 17:48:36 [info] -> pickit.ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.61\Configuration\default\pickit.ini
2016-05-24 17:48:36 [info] -> flasks.ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.61\Configuration\default\flasks.ini
2016-05-24 17:48:36 [info] -> progress.ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.61\Configuration\default\progress.ini
2016-05-24 17:48:36 [info] -> game ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Documents\My Games\Path of Exile\production_Config.ini
2016-05-24 17:48:38 [info] -> Selecting character..
2016-05-24 17:48:45 [info] -> Selecting character..
2016-05-24 17:48:51 [info] -> Exiting bot
2016-05-24 17:53:54 [info] -> Bot started
2016-05-24 17:53:54 [info] -> config.ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.61\Configuration\default\config.ini
2016-05-24 17:53:54 [info] -> skills.ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.61\Configuration\default\skills.ini
2016-05-24 17:53:54 [info] -> system.ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.61\Configuration\default\system.ini
2016-05-24 17:53:54 [info] -> coordinates.ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.61\Configuration\default\coordinates.ini
2016-05-24 17:53:54 [info] -> pickit.ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.61\Configuration\default\pickit.ini
2016-05-24 17:53:54 [info] -> flasks.ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.61\Configuration\default\flasks.ini
2016-05-24 17:53:54 [info] -> progress.ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.61\Configuration\default\progress.ini
2016-05-24 17:53:54 [info] -> game ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Documents\My Games\Path of Exile\production_Config.ini
2016-05-24 17:53:56 [info] -> Selecting character..
2016-05-24 17:54:03 [info] -> Selecting character..
2016-05-24 17:54:11 [info] -> Selecting character..
2016-05-24 17:54:18 [info] -> Selecting character..
2016-05-24 17:54:26 [info] -> Selecting character..
2016-05-24 17:54:33 [info] -> Selecting character..
2016-05-24 17:54:41 [info] -> Selecting character..
2016-05-24 17:54:48 [info] -> Selecting character..
2016-05-24 17:54:56 [info] -> Selecting character..
2016-05-24 17:55:03 [info] -> Selecting character..
2016-05-24 17:55:11 [info] -> Selecting character..
2016-05-24 17:55:18 [info] -> Selecting character..
2016-05-24 17:55:26 [info] -> Selecting character..
2016-05-24 17:55:33 [info] -> Selecting character..
2016-05-24 17:55:41 [info] -> Selecting character..
2016-05-24 17:55:48 [info] -> Selecting character..
2016-05-24 17:55:56 [info] -> Selecting character..
2016-05-24 17:56:03 [info] -> Selecting character..
2016-05-24 17:56:04 [info] -> Bot started
2016-05-24 17:56:04 [info] -> config.ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.61\Configuration\default\config.ini
2016-05-24 17:56:04 [info] -> skills.ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.61\Configuration\default\skills.ini
2016-05-24 17:56:04 [info] -> system.ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.61\Configuration\default\system.ini
2016-05-24 17:56:04 [info] -> coordinates.ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.61\Configuration\default\coordinates.ini
2016-05-24 17:56:04 [info] -> pickit.ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.61\Configuration\default\pickit.ini
2016-05-24 17:56:04 [info] -> flasks.ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.61\Configuration\default\flasks.ini
2016-05-24 17:56:04 [info] -> progress.ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.61\Configuration\default\progress.ini
2016-05-24 17:56:04 [info] -> game ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Documents\My Games\Path of Exile\production_Config.ini
2016-05-24 17:56:06 [info] -> Selecting character..
2016-05-24 17:56:08 [info] -> Bot started
2016-05-24 17:56:08 [info] -> config.ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.61\Configuration\default\config.ini
2016-05-24 17:56:08 [info] -> skills.ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.61\Configuration\default\skills.ini
2016-05-24 17:56:08 [info] -> system.ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.61\Configuration\default\system.ini
2016-05-24 17:56:08 [info] -> coordinates.ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.61\Configuration\default\coordinates.ini
2016-05-24 17:56:08 [info] -> pickit.ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.61\Configuration\default\pickit.ini
2016-05-24 17:56:08 [info] -> flasks.ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.61\Configuration\default\flasks.ini
2016-05-24 17:56:08 [info] -> progress.ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.61\Configuration\default\progress.ini
2016-05-24 17:56:08 [info] -> game ini file loaded from C:\Users\*******\Documents\My Games\Path of Exile\production_Config.ini
Longer section of Selecting Character was me trying to get the bot started from login and character select screen.
Edited by elgato

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I had this problem too...


What I did:

- Normally I'm running PoE as a admin so I removed it and ran it as a normal user.

- Disabled rewrite acc + pw at login.


After that it worked fine for me

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Ok, that worked out. I just ran it as normal user and it's working now. I wonder why running as admin didn't let it work.

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