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Few questions

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Hi! thanks for your amazing works guys! 


I have 2 questions that I didn't find the answer here (I don't say that the answer is not not somewhere...)

1-I've saw in the shoutbox someone saying that the map upgrade receipt is working; I've heard that was in your plan to add that option but never saw that was already implemented and I don't find anything in the pickit file that seen to do that. So what the status on that? And if that implemented how to turn it on?

2-What the difference between max explore percent and single level exploration setting? And why isn't those number a range like the idle setting (85% to 95%) to avoid detection or having to sett different profile just for that?


3-Those line work by theme self or you need to add line to make the bot stash and put quality on them first?

// [Type] == "Stone Hammer" && [Rarity] == "Normal" // Q20 + Map = Chisel
// [Type] == "Rock Breaker" && [Rarity] == "Normal" // Q20 + Map = Chisel
// [Type] == "Gavel" && [Rarity] == "Normal"  // Q20 + Map = Chisel

edit:added a question
edit2: removed a question

edit3:added a question

Edited by etienne84

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1. The map upgrade was introduced in the bot with latest release 0.61

2. The exploration thing, the upper one is for zones like dried lake and the lower one is for maps.

3. Can't help with this one, sorry.

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