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[Guide]How to solve: Bot picking up whites/blues and going back to hideout/town

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For those of you who are running iiq/iir builds, sometimes when bot is tring to loot and he is pressing ALT to pick up items from ground, if there is too much loot on the screen bot will get confused because he can't find the items he needs to pick up.After some time of this loop the bot will eventually pick up any items(usually whites and magics), will open a portal and go in hideout/town.

Even if you edit a loot filter to hide all white/magic items when bot is pressing ALT they will appear anyway.


Part 1 - For unexperienced users


Go to game settings>UI>untick "always show highlights" (aka turn this option off)

What it does?

Well, it will not display any item on screen, but when something drops that bot wants to pick up he will press ALT to show items on ground and with "always show highlights" turned off you will only get on display the item from lootfilter you want to see, this means only currency, rares and uniques. No more crap whites/magics to fill your screen and confuse bots, no more wasted time, no more wasted portals.


Part 2 - Only for experienced users


Edit in the lootfilter the font size of unimportant items you hide.

This way they will still show when bot is pressing alt, but they will be much smaller so you can see a lot more loot on the screen and bot can pick up the items it needs to.

I use Neversink's lootfilter and i edited it with filtration.

Neversink's lootfilter: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1246208

Filtration: https://github.com/ben-wallis/Filtration/releases


Screenshot from Filtration: http://imgur.com/eelSNdq


If you still have issues, set font size to minimum for all items, currency, everything.

Edited by maumau03
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If you have notepad++ you can just open the filterblade file and modify the font size. 

For me  show highlights was already off by default. 

Shrinking font size seemed to help but still gets the occasional garbage. 

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