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0.60c 10k Chickens because of wisdom scroll

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my bot ran 24 maps last night and it ran out of wisdom scrolls, after that it appears to restart and search again. 


2016-05-11 10:02:23 [info] -> Restart because run timer exceeded 1000 seconds
2016-05-11 10:02:23 [info] -> Idling...
2016-05-11 10:02:23 [info] -> Currency not found : Scroll of Wisdom !!
2016-05-11 10:02:23 [info] -> No id scroll found in stash, generating idling state..
2016-05-11 10:02:23 [info] -> Restart because run timer exceeded 1000 seconds
2016-05-11 10:02:23 [info] -> Idling...
2016-05-11 10:02:23 [info] -> Currency not found : Scroll of Wisdom !!
2016-05-11 10:02:23 [info] -> No id scroll found in stash, generating idling state..
2016-05-11 10:02:23 [info] -> Restart because run timer exceeded 1000 seconds
2016-05-11 10:02:23 [info] -> Idling...
2016-05-11 10:02:23 [info] -> Currency not found : Scroll of Wisdom !!
2016-05-11 10:02:23 [info] -> No id scroll found in stash, generating idling state..
2016-05-11 10:02:23 [info] -> Restart because run timer exceeded 1000 seconds
2016-05-11 10:02:23 [info] -> Idling...
2016-05-11 10:02:24 [info] -> Restart because run timer exceeded 1000 seconds
this is my last run log for about 9 hours all i see is currency not found restart because timer exceeded. 
this is surely gonna get me banned. please fix it before you release 0.60D

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searching once or twice i uderstand. but for 9 hours long? if it cant find it in the first couple tries it should just stop to avoid suspicion. or better yet make the bot sell a couple trans orbs if no wisdom scrolls are found. 

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At this point, bot is supposed to search for windows scroll in stash.

its a computer program... it does not understand that it is doing it to many times... i suggest you watch your bot a few mins before letting it run for long time OR make a short checklist of things you need to run properly and check it everytime

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actually with a few tweaks its quite possible to make the bot lets say check 3 times and make it stop. I appreciate you trying to help out tho. like i said previously, i think the best option would be to make the bot sell Transmutation orbs if it cannot find wisdom scrolls after a few tries. 

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if it cant find it in the first couple tries it should just stop to avoid suspicion. or better yet make the bot sell a couple trans orbs if no wisdom scrolls are found. 


its a computer program... it does not understand that it is doing it to many times...


dude, looks like you understand nothing in programming  :mrgreen:

Edited by 7heend

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i have no problem with my bot so i guess i understand it a bit better than you...


i know its possible to make it get scrolls but we all know it does not do that so wtf do u think the bot has ai and is gonna upgrade itself?

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dude, who said anything about ai ? we are reporting this in case alk wants to program it into the bot. 

no your reporting a bug/issue not requesting a feature... or your in wrong forum...


there is no bug it isnt suppose to do what you want it to. alk told you that. there are so many better things for him to work on. just get the scrolls ur self


and my comment was clearly sarcasm but if you really thought i was serious when i said "AI" then fuck there is no helping you

Edited by omega

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omg how dense are you. if the bot chickens more than 10k times, it's obviously a mistake. which means it needs fixing, the thing i said about selling transmutes was just a suggestion. the easiest fix is to program it in that if it cant find wisdom scrolls either stop after 3 tries or sell transmutes. 

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omg how dense are you. if the bot chickens more than 10k times, it's obviously a mistake. which means it needs fixing, the thing i said about selling transmutes was just a suggestion. the easiest fix is to program it in that if it cant find wisdom scrolls either stop after 3 tries or sell transmutes. 

no the bot did EXACTLY what is suppose to it made no mistake... you did by not giving it the materials it needs

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The mistake lies in the number of tries. I don't understand why you are making such a big deal out of it. if you think its okay for the bot to chicken more than 10.000 times good for you. I however do not share your opinion. the goal of the bot is to try to act as humanly as possible. chickening so much is not convincing. 

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So, this needs fixing.

We know that the bot stops when there's no space in inventory.

So my thought.

if he wants to id an item in inventory, can't find scroll in inv -> check stash, if he can't find scroll there -> stop bot

Is possible, no rocket science.

But, if u argue about some crap that does not really matter, we will never get this bug fixed, let's be simple and productive. Then alk will do the same.

Maybe it's even possible that bot will pick som scraps from stash and sell for wisdoms, but then again, don't argue, think!!

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