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Pre-Purchase Questions

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I was thinking of trying exiled bot for a month and perhaps more based on how I like it and I was wondering about a few things. Firstly, I would be running exiled bot on a new account on a separate computer with a VPN, does exiled bot level and quest for you? Secondly, are there any recommended builds which work very well with this bot, good for leveling (if supported) and end game farming (dried lake probably). Also, is there a recommended best spot to have the bot farm (purpose of me botting would be to farm currency then drop trade to main). Also, which Windows versions are supported or recommended? And lastly, what are the chances of getting banned and what is the method of detection? Do they just surveil weird behaviors or is it a cheat detection and how would I go about trading from account to account without getting banned for RWT?. Thanks in advanced.

P.S, not sure if this is the correct thread but couldn't see a dedicated pre-sale area.

Edited by Stupendous

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Bot works with Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10.


With the introduction of ascendancy and trials within zone, bot does not do questing well.


Most of the heavy botters use botting rigs with vm's and vpns.  


There are a variety of builds you can use, most will say go with melee as it probably works the simplest.  I have a guide on flame totems, and use flicker strike builds as well. There is a thread with possible builds so far posted here - https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/6326-viable-bot-build-list-22/


Many people like Voll farming, but most of the heavy botters do maps, specifically in the hideout.  It reduces the chance of being banned.


With any type of automated process that violates TOS, you will always have the possibility of being banned.  Usually does occur because of behavior rather that software directly detecting bot.



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