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Bot not showing up after hiding it in any process.

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First of all, I've looked at the guide explaning it with paint.


I've tried it with paint, It's not there. I've tried it with winrar, I've tried it with spotify, with chrome, with internet explorer, with vpn lifeguard. I can't even find it running in the task manager. 


I have read the compendium and installed: 

Visual C++ 2010 64bit
Direct X End user Runtime

the newest .net framework

and even visual C++ 2013 64 bit, since the vm is running w7 64bit.


Is the bot only supported by 32 bit systems? What am I missing? 


I've also tried to launch the bot without hiding the process, the old unsecure way or whatever it's telling me. Still nothing.

Edited by secretAgent

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Usually occurs when you try to attach to a non 32bit program.


You can try using one of these super small programs to attach to - http://www.marcofolio.net/tools/50_under_1mb_free_useful_tools_windows.html

AtNotes, ClipX work well.  


Some ppl use Notepad ++, or WinRar 32b version.


all of the above were run as 32bit except paint, and paint did not even show up as an option in the list to choose among.

However I tried downloading one of the small programs from the webbpage you recommended, more exactly RegSeeker. Which did show up in the list but the issue remained, when attached the bot is nowhere to be found. (my guess is that it never rly attaches but crashes when trying too.)


Is the other option also disabled? To run the bot without attaching it to any process, because as I stated earlier that method does not work either. Bot goes poof.

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Are you running the host programs as admin?


What does poof mean?  If you run under normal it doesn't start up?

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Are you running the host programs as admin?


What does poof mean?  If you run under normal it doesn't start up?


Im sorry for the clouded answer. Poof means thats it goes missing. I click "Attach" to whatever program and it dissapears, nowhere to be found.

Im running everything as an administrator, I have tried to run it as a normal user aswell - no luck. 

When starting the bot there is 2 options, to either 

"Hide into a selected program" or "normal mode" - none of them works. Both options make this litle option window go away but there is nothing else, no gui.

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I ran windows update over night, removed the bot folder and extracted a new one from the .zip downloaded from here.


Something of this fixed the problem, I am now able to see the gui.


Thank you for your time and effort @jps42

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