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Bot stops moving

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Based on the lastrun log this looks like some sort of pathing issue, but everytime Ieave my bot for a few hours I come back to him standing in town, I don't know what is causing this but it looks like something is interrupting his cycle. Please advise


Several hours of this in lastrun log


2016-04-06 08:34:35 [info] -> Moving to position(1809.593018, 4831.485352). State Priority: 3
2016-04-06 08:34:35 [info] -> Trying to go to recorded position 83 444 !!
2016-04-06 08:34:35 [info] -> Moving to position(1809.593018, 4831.485352). State Priority: 3
2016-04-06 08:34:35 [info] -> Trying to go to recorded position 83 444 !!
2016-04-06 08:34:35 [info] -> Moving to position(1809.593018, 4831.485352). State Priority: 3
Edited by Horseplay

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This bug happens when bot has to go to dried lake transition while it's not loaded in memory.

However I though that I fixed it a long time ago, therefore I need more infos when it happens, like screenshot of character position, if it's always trying to click on same spot or not clicking at all..

Ideally I'd need a way to reproduce or to understand what triggers the bug, as most of the time bot seems to find the transition.

When bot relogs after max run timer kicks, does this bug happen again and again ?

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Alk when this happens character doesn't move. But if you try to move your character bot makes it come back where it stops it is movement. İt is clicking to same point all the time i think. Bot log out when idle too much in town and login back but doesn't change anything bug countinues.When you stop bot and start again it works but after a while same bug shows itself.2 days ago i had 10 succesfull runs and 50+ chickens and a description about account has been banned :D

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